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12 月 11 日,Solana 宣布啟動首屆 Solana AI 黑客馬拉松,旨在在 Solana 上建立 AI 代理和工具。
On December 11, Solana announced the launch of the first Solana AI Hackathon, which aims to build AI agents and tools on Solana. The prizes range from $5,000 to $30,000, and are intended to encourage serious Crypto x AI projects that can attract venture capital or launch their own tokens.
12 月 11 日,Solana 宣布啟動首屆 Solana AI 黑客馬拉松,旨在在 Solana 上建立 AI 代理和工具。獎金範圍從 5,000 美元到 30,000 美元不等,旨在鼓勵能夠吸引風險投資或推出自己的代幣的嚴肅的 Crypto x AI 項目。
This article is about twelve entrepreneurial directions for AI proposed by SEND AI, an AI project in the Solana ecosystem.
本文介紹的是 Solana 生態中的人工智慧計畫 SEND AI 提出的 12 個人工智慧創業方向。
1/ Agent’s Shopify platform
1/ 代理Shopify平台
Problem: Agents are like applications. Just like the early days of applications, Agents are currently fragmented and face discoverability issues.
Solution: Create an app store for AI Agents:
解決方案:為 AI Agent 建立應用程式商店:
–– Agent is a mini application.
–– Agent 是一個迷你應用程式。
–– Users can explore, install, and use these mini apps just like they do with Shopify.
–– 使用者可以像使用 Shopify 一樣探索、安裝和使用這些迷你應用程式。
2/ AI Agent’s Twitch platform
2/ AI Agent 的 Twitch 平台
Problem: The rise of influencers requires a dedicated platform.
Solution: Create a dedicated streaming platform for AI activities:
解決方案:為 AI 活動創建專用的串流平台:
–– Integrated AI Moderator
–– 整合人工智慧主持人
–– Agents can directly launch or promote tokens
–– 代理商可以直接推出或推廣代幣
–– Viewers can directly buy and sell tokens based on their interactions
–– 觀眾可以根據他們的互動直接買賣代幣
Idea: Twitch for AI Agent: A streaming platform built specifically for AI activities and interactions, with an integrated AI module (an emergency protocol for immediate response to censorship), where agents can directly launch and promote tokens, and viewers can buy and sell based on the interaction.
想法:Twitch for AI Agent:專門為AI 活動和互動而構建的串流媒體平台,具有整合的AI 模組(立即響應審查的緊急協議),代理可以直接啟動和推廣代幣,觀眾可以根據需要買賣代幣。
3/ Enhanced Agent Filter
3/ 增強型代理過濾器
Issue: Classic filters support only read-only functionality.
Solution: Imagine a MEME coin screener (similar to @birdeye_so) where you can filter tokens and enter metrics - then an AI Agent autonomously executes trades based on the selected strategy.
解決方案:想像一個 MEME 硬幣篩選器(類似於 @birdeye_so),您可以在其中篩選代幣並輸入指標 - 然後 AI 代理根據所選策略自動執行交易。
Idea: A filter designed for on-chain trading robots that allows quantitative traders to develop and optimize strategies using tailored on-chain indicators, specifically for the decentralized ecosystem. Unlike traditional technical indicators such as moving averages, P/E ratios, or market capitalization, the platform utilizes blockchain-specific data points such as FDV, Raydium pool creation, token liquidity, trading volume, and staking rewards. Users can quickly screen and filter tokens based on these on-chain indicators to identify high-potential assets. Ultimately, the platform simplifies the process of applying these conditions to on-chain trading robots, which can autonomously execute trades based on the selected strategy.
想法:專為鏈上交易機器人設計的過濾器,允許量化交易者使用定制的鏈上指標來開發和優化策略,特別是針對去中心化生態系統。與移動平均線、本益比或市值等傳統技術指標不同,該平台利用 FDV、Raydium 池創建、代幣流動性、交易量和質押獎勵等區塊鏈特定數據點。用戶可以根據這些鏈上指標快速篩選篩選代幣,並識別高潛力資產。最終,該平台簡化了將這些條件應用於鏈上交易機器人的過程,該機器人可以根據所選策略自主執行交易。
4/ Autonomous Trading Agent
4/ 自主交易代理
Question: @aixbt_agent's research is very solid, but it does not perform autonomous trading.
Solution: Imagine Aixbt, with the ability to execute autonomous trades based on real-time research/prices, using one funding account (with AUM that users can invest and withdraw).
解決方案:想像一下 Aixbt,能夠使用一個資金帳戶(用戶可以投資和提取的 AUM)根據即時研究/價格執行自主交易。
Case: BabyDegen is an autonomous AI trading robot that uses advanced models and real-time data to make smart trading decisions. It collects market insights from sources like Coingecko to ensure the timeliness of information. By accessing a growing library of trading strategies from ecosystem developers, BabyDegen is able to select the most effective strategy based on market changes. It executes trades based on analysis and experience—buying, selling, or holding assets—to optimize trading results.
案例:BabyDegen是一款自主人工智慧交易機器人,利用先進模型和即時數據做出智慧交易決策。它從 Coingecko 等來源收集市場洞察,以確保資訊的及時性。透過存取生態系統開發人員不斷增長的交易策略庫,BabyDegen 能夠根據市場變化選擇最有效的策略。它根據分析和經驗(購買、出售或持有資產)執行交易,以優化交易結果。
5/ Telegram prediction market driven by AI Agent
5/ AI Agent驅動的Telegram預測市場
Problem: Placing bets with friends is fun, but setting up bets, collecting payments, and following up can be tedious.
Solution: AI Agent turns small talk in Telegram groups into friendly bets, verifies the results (via Perplexity), and pays out USDC.
解決方案:AI Agent 將 Telegram 群組中的閒聊變成友善的投注,驗證結果(透過 Perplexity),並支付 USDC。
6/ Perplexity for Solana Operations
6/ Solana 操作的困惑
Imagine a chat agent with a wallet embedded in it:
– Read: Acts as a proxy for Solana block explorers or terminals, such as Birdeye/Dexscreener.
– 讀取:充當 Solana 區塊瀏覽器或終端的代理,例如 Birdeye/Dexscreener。
– Write: Execute Solana transactions (e.g. buy MEME coins) using natural language.
– 寫入:使用自然語言執行 Solana 交易(例如購買 MEME 幣)。
Future development: on-chain shopping assistant.
7/ Trading Agent Trust Market
7/ 交易代理信託市場
Problem: The rise of trading agents needs to prove their credibility.
Solution: Establish a trust score or framework for trading agents (similar to Moody's ratings) to assess trust based on token recommendations and historical trading activities.
8/ DeFi Agent
8/ DeFi 代理
–– Personalized Agent: Execute DeFi transactions for you based on your wallet history or tweets.
–– 個人化代理:根據您的錢包歷史記錄或推文為您執行 DeFi 交易。
–– Market Maker Agent: Dynamically sets buy/sell prices based on Large Language Model (LLM) predictions.
–– 做市商代理:根據大型語言模型 (LLM) 預測動態設定買進/賣出價格。
–– Yield or liquidity provider (LP) optimization agent.
–– 收益或流動性提供者 (LP) 優化代理。
–– Launching @sanctumso’s LSTs (Liquidity Proof Tokens).
–– 推出@sanctumso 的 LST(流動性證明代幣)。
9/ Agent Token Tools
9/ 代理令牌工具
–– Deploy tokens based on prompts (could be a social protocol like Warpcast/Clanker or a ChatGPT style interface).
–– 根據提示部署令牌(可以是 Warpcast/Clanker 等社交協議或 ChatGPT 風格的介面)。
–– On-chain registry of Agent tokens (similar to @JupiterExchange’s list of authentication tokens).
–– 代理令牌的鏈上註冊(類似於@JupiterExchange 的身份驗證令牌清單)。
–– Functions such as autonomous lock-up and pledge.
10/ AI Agent and consumer encryption
10/ AI代理和消費者加密
–– Health and fitness Agent, with @moonwalkfitness type accountability tracking capabilities.
–– 健康和健身代理,具有@moonwalkfitness 類型的問責追蹤功能。
–– Agents on social finance platforms, such as @tribedotrun.
–– 社交金融平台上的代理商,例如@tribedotrun。
–– Real World Commerce: Automatically research
–– 現實世界商業:自動研究
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