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唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在他的第一個白宮任職期間將比特幣視為騙局時,現在已經徹底改變了策略。
Part of Donald Trump’s enduring appeal lies in his ability to surprise. While he dismissed Bitcoin as a scam during his first White House stint, Trump has now definitively changed tack. He warmed to cryptocurrencies during his re-election campaign, and to complete his conversion, on 6 March he signed an executive order to set up a “Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and a US Digital Asset Stockpile”.
唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)持久的上訴的一部分在於他的驚喜能力。當他在他的第一個白宮任職期間將比特幣視為騙局時,特朗普現在已經完全改變了策略。在連任期間,他為加密貨幣熱身,為了完成他的conversion依,他於3月6日簽署了一項行政命令,以建立“戰略性比特幣儲備和美國數字資產庫存”。
The United States government sensibly stockpiles a number of materials in case of an emergency, including oil, military gear, medical supplies and gold. But what is the point of hoarding cryptocurrencies which lack any intrinsic utility? Especially if you have constrained yourself, as Trump has done, never to sell the crypto you stashed away? The logic of strong-arming the Federal Reserve into creating a crypto stash is one part self-serving bluster, one part trolling, but also one part strategy.
The self-serving bluster part was made painfully obvious as Donald and Melania Trump pocketed tens of millions of dollars from the otherwise pointless meme coins they issued three days before his inauguration. The trolling part was also on display as he signed the executive order. While ceremoniously putting his exuberant signature on the order’s dotted line, he beamed with the grin of a cheeky peasant who, having just broken into the baron’s pristine drawing room, spoils the splendour of its Persian rugs with his muddied boots. That’s how Democrats and mainstream Republicans felt as they watched Trump elevate the cryptocurrencies favoured by libertarians, cranks and criminals to the lofty status previously reserved for solid gold and US Treasury bills.
當唐納德(Donald)和梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)從他們在就職典禮前三天發出的原本毫無意義的模因硬幣中賺了數千萬美元時,自我服務的泡沫部分變得非常痛苦。當他簽署行政命令時,拖釣的部分也在展出。雖然有話要地將他的旺盛簽名放在訂單上的虛線上,但他笑著笑著,一個厚臉皮的農民笑著,剛剛闖入男爵的原始客廳,用泥濘的靴子破壞了波斯地毯的輝煌。這就是民主黨和主流共和黨人看著特朗普提升自由主義者,曲柄和罪犯所青睞的加密貨幣時的感覺,以升至先前保留用於固體黃金和美國國債法案的崇高地位。
However, amid this cacophony of creepy profiteering, triumph and despair, it is easy to lose sight of the interesting role that Trump’s strategic crypto reserve plays in his broader economic masterplan. And that would be our mistake.
To recast the global economic order in America’s long-term interest, Trump has a two-pronged, seemingly contradictory, strategy: to devalue the dollar while maintaining its global dominance. By boosting US exports (as the dollar becomes cheaper) while pushing down the US government’s borrowing costs (as foreign wealth piles into US long-term debt), the President seeks to increase US hegemony while also bringing back manufacturing to America. Tariffs, in this context, are the country’s chief weapon, pressurising friends and foes to unload their dollar holdings and buy more long-dated bonds (exceeding 10 years).
But what does crypto have to do with any of this? To get a whiff of the answer, take the case of Japanese banks which hold more than $1 trillion, the result of decades of exports to the United States. Trump wants to bully Tokyo into either investing in the US or dumping most of their dollars into the money markets (thus driving the dollar down) while also not converting them into euros or renminbi (which would risk strengthening the reserve status of rival currencies). What could do the trick? How about convincing, or strong-arming, the Japanese to swap their dollars for crypto? That would work, especially if the Federal Reserve dominated the crypto scene. What else could Trump have meant when asserting in his executive order that the US “has not maximised its strategic position as a unique store of value in the global financial system”?
More intriguingly, four days after the executive order, Trump endorsed stablecoins. In so doing, he added a fascinating new dimension to the idea of forcing non-American institutional investors into moves that serve his economic masterplan.
What are these stablecoins and why are they particularly promising tools for Trump’s twin strategy? Marketed as crypto versions of the dollar, stablecoins such as Tether, USD Coin and Binance are, by design, a contradiction in terms. The whole point of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was to stick it to the man — to central bankers and their fiat currencies, the dollar chiefly. But stablecoins, which are mainly used for cross-border payments, are dollar-denominated cryptocurrencies that offer you the anonymity, versatility and universality of Bitcoin — while also claiming to guarantee full convertibility to the dollar on a one-for-one exchange rate. Indeed, some of the world’s largest banks and financial institutions are keen to issue stablecoins which are popular in emerging markets. Last month, the CEO of Bank of America suggested it might launch its own, following the examples of PayPal, Revolut, Stripe and many others.
這些穩定的是什麼?為什麼它們是特朗普雙胞胎策略的特別有希望的工具?按設計,諸如Tether,USD硬幣和Binance之類的穩定股作為加密版本的銷售是一種矛盾。比特幣的全部目的是第一個加密貨幣,是將其堅持到該人 - 中央銀行家及其法定貨幣,主要是美元。但是,主要用於跨境支付的Stablecoins是美元計價的加密貨幣,可為您提供比特幣的匿名性,多功能性和普遍性,同時還聲稱以一對一的匯率保證了對美元的完全可轉換性。的確,世界上一些最大的銀行和金融機構渴望發行在新興市場中流行的Stablecoins。上個月,美國銀行首席執行官建議,按照貝寶(Paypal),革命,條紋和其他許多人的示例,它可能會發起自己的創建。
But how can stablecoins promise to keep their value tethered to the dollar, and is this promise credible? In theory, this promise can be met if the stablecoin issuer holds, in some vault, one dollar for every token issued. But, of course, holding zero-interest-bearing dollars in a vault would be anathema to any self-respecting financier. So, even if the stablecoin issuer truly owns an equal amount of dollars to the tokens it has issued, it will immediately trade these dollars for some safe, interest-bearing, dollar-denominated asset
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- 埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk
- 2025-03-22 16:05:12
- 這種令人驚訝的行動提出了有關馬斯克對加密貨幣市場的控制,對狗狗的可能後果以及數字世界中金融自治的一般討論的各種問題。