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來自義大利小鎮 Pignataro Interamna 的一枚大型儀式硬幣;兩張白色影印紙和一個乾淨的黑色塑膠垃圾桶
A gold coin from Italy and a rubbish bin helped decide who won the tiebreaker for the final seat on the Mount Clemens Community Schools board of education after two candidates received the same number of votes in the Nov. 5 election.
兩名候選人在 11 月 5 日的選舉中獲得相同的票數,一枚來自義大利的金幣和一個垃圾桶幫助決定了誰贏得了克萊門斯山社區學校教育委員會最後一個席位的決勝局。
Macomb County Clerk/Register of Deeds Anthony Forlini flipped the coin onto the floor in a side room at the county elections department in Mount Clemens on Wednesday for candidates Rashidah Hammond and Alex Bronson, who both received 3,496 votes.
週三,馬科姆縣書記官/契約登記冊安東尼·福里尼(Anthony Forlini) 在克萊門斯山縣選舉部門的一間側屋裡,將硬幣拋到了地板上,為候選人拉什達·哈蒙德(Rashidah Hammond) 和亞歷克斯·布朗森(Alex Bronson) 投了票,兩人都獲得了3,496 票。
Hammond won the toss and chose heads, while Bronson wanted tails.
After the coin toss, two pieces of paper, one stating "elected" and the other stating "not elected," were prepared by the county's chief elections clerk, folded and dropped into the bin.
Forlini then shook the bin repeatedly "like they do on TV with the Lotto."
Hammond went first, reaching into the bin — which was temporarily labeled "Mount Clemens Community Schools Tie-Breaker" — and grabbing one of the folded pieces of paper, followed by Bronson.
"All right guys, let's see what we got," Forlini said. "Oh, guys, I see the nerves."
「好吧,夥計們,讓我們看看我們得到了什麼,」弗利尼說。 “哦,夥計們,我看到了緊張。”
Hammond and Bronson unfolded the papers, and Hammond smiled widely as she selected the "elected" paper, officially winning the school board seat.
"Better luck next time," Bronson said after he shook Forlini's hand and then shook hands with Hammond after she received a handshake and congratulations from Forlini.
The tiebreaker process, specifically the drawing of the slips of paper with "elected" and "not elected" is outlined in state law.
Hammond, 48, a former Mount Clemens city commissioner, said she would like the process to be different, especially since it's 2024, but "I am thankful for the process. Of course, it worked out in my favor."
48 歲的前克萊門斯市專員哈蒙德表示,她希望這一過程有所不同,尤其是考慮到 2024 年了,但“我很感謝這個過程。當然,結果對我有利。”
She said the main issue facing the school board is increasing the student population because that brings in additional funding.
Bronson, a former city planning commission member, can request a recount. But the 34-year-old, who said he was "a little disappointed" for his loss, said a recount is "unnecessary," adding that doing so "puts just too much burden on the county clerk's office."
前城市規劃委員會成員布朗森可以要求重新計票。但這位 34 歲的人表示,他對自己的失敗感到“有點失望”,並表示重新計票“沒有必要”,並補充說這樣做“給縣書記官辦公室帶來了太大的負擔”。
Bronson said he believes Hammond, who he has known for years, "did good work on (the) City (Commission) and I think she'll continue to do good work on the school board, too. So, I'm not upset by it at all."
布朗森說,他相信他認識多年的哈蒙德「在市(委員會)方面做得很好,我認為她也會繼續在學校董事會方面做得很好。所以,我並不沮喪完全靠它。 」
The other three winners in the school board race were incumbents Jeanine Walker and Earl Rickman, and Paul Sheppard, per the official results that were certified Tuesday by the county's Board of Canvassers. The current terms of the school board seats expire Dec. 31.
根據該縣遊說委員會週二認證的官方結果,學校董事會競選中的另外三名獲勝者是現任議員珍妮·沃克(Jeanine Walker)、厄爾·里克曼(Earl Rickman) 以及保羅·謝潑德(Paul Sheppard)。目前學校董事會席位的任期將於 12 月 31 日到期。
This isn't the first time there has been a tiebreaker for a race in Mount Clemens, specifically.
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更多資訊:根據非官方結果,民主黨人保羅·吉勒格姆 (Paul Gieleghem) 當選新克林頓鎮主管
In November 2007, Gary Blash and Jack Johns tied for a seat on the City Commission, each garnering 806 votes, in what was believed to be a first for the city, officials told the Free Press at the time.
官員當時告訴《自由報》,2007 年11 月,加里·布拉什(Gary Blash) 和傑克·約翰斯(Jack Johns) 並列獲得了市委員會的一個席位,各獲得806 票,這被認為是該市的第一次。
Blash won a coin flip and picked first and ended up pulling the slip with the word "elected" out of a box. He won and took office.
Later, Johns requested a recount. Johns ended up netting one more vote than Blash in the recount and won the race with 807 votes to Blash's 806 votes, forcing the seat to change hands.
後來,約翰斯要求重新計票。約翰斯最終在重新計票中比布拉什多獲得一票,並以 807 票對布拉什 806 票贏得競選,迫使席位易手。
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During the same 2007 election, there was a tie for a Grosse Pointe City Council seat in Wayne County, which was determined in the same fashion. The loser requested a recount, too, but withdrew after the recount revealed yet another tie — in that case with one more vote for each candidate than the election showed.
在 2007 年的同一次選舉中,韋恩縣格羅斯角市議會席位也出現了平局,也是以同樣的方式確定的。失敗者也要求重新計票,但在重新計票顯示又出現平局後退出——在這種情況下,每位候選人都比選舉顯示的多一票。
In August 2016, two votes separated the winner and second-place finisher for a partial term on the Mount Clemens City Commission. Bill Ford won the seat, with Laura Fournier coming in second. Fournier requested a recount, but Ford still ended up winning by two votes, though each candidate received one more vote than on Election Day, according to a prior Free Press article.
2016 年 8 月,兩票將克萊門斯山市委員會的部分任期的獲勝者和第二名分開。比爾福特贏得了席位,勞拉福尼爾位居第二。根據《自由報》之前的一篇文章,福尼爾要求重新計票,但福特最終仍以兩票獲勝,儘管每位候選人都比選舉日多獲得了一張選票。
According to the Macomb County Elections Department, there was a recount in the Mount Clemens mayor's race in 2013, too, though the vote separation was by more than 60 votes and the results did not change from Election Day.
據馬科姆縣選舉部門稱,2013 年克萊門斯山市長競選也進行了重新計票,儘管票數差距超過 60 票,而且結果自選舉日起沒有變化。
Forlini had to break another tie in his four years as county clerk. It was in the August primary this year for a Republican precinct delegate in Sterling Heights, with each candidate receiving 99 votes
弗利尼在擔任縣書記官的四年裡,不得不打破另一場平局。今年 8 月,斯特林高地的共和黨選區代表舉行初選,每位候選人獲得 99 票
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