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Canada, despite having one of the world's largest renewable freshwater supplies, is facing a class-action lawsuit over its failure to provide safe drinking water to First Nations communities.
This month, the country appeared in court to defend itself against the third class-action lawsuit filed over unsafe drinking water on First Nations, following two settlements totaling $8 billion. The latest lawsuit, which pertains to boil-water advisories that continued beyond June 2021 or were issued after that date, could cost the government an additional $1 billion.
本月,在兩起總金額達 80 億美元的和解之後,該國出庭為自己針對原住民不安全飲用水提起的第三起集體訴訟進行辯護。最新的訴訟涉及 2021 年 6 月之後持續存在或該日期之後發布的沸水建議,可能會導致政府額外損失 10 億美元。
This time, over 50 First Nations have joined the class-action lawsuit, seeking $1.1 billion in damages. Among those involved is the Shamattawa First Nation, which has been under a boil-water advisory for the past six years.
這次,超過 50 個原住民加入了集體訴訟,尋求 11 億美元的損失賠償。沙瑪塔瓦原住民(Shamattawa First Nation)就是其中之一,該原住民在過去六年裡一直受到沸水警告。
According to the claim filed by the community, which is located 750 kilometers northeast of Winnipeg, the treated water in the community is causing boils, rashes, and sores. Community Chief Jordna Hill stated in a press release:
該社區位於溫尼伯東北 750 公里處,根據其提出的索賠,該社區經過處理的水導致了癤子、皮疹和瘡口。社區負責人喬德娜希爾 (Jordna Hill) 在新聞稿中表示:
“Time and again the federal government has promised to do better, and yet here we are, fighting in court for a basic human right. It is appalling that Canada has decided to battle First Nations on this issue rather than come to the table as nation-to-nation partners.”
If the lawsuit is successful, it would establish safe drinking water on reserves as a right rather than a matter of political will, said lawyer Michael Rosenberg, who's representing Shamattawa and worked on the settled cases as well.
沙馬塔瓦的代表律師邁克爾·羅森伯格(Michael Rosenberg)表示,如果訴訟成功,保護區內的安全飲用水將成為一項權利,而不是政治意願問題。 。
The lawsuit, filed by the remote northern Manitoba First Nation in 2022, alleges that Canada breached its fiduciary duties. By failing to provide safe drinking water to the Shamattawa community, the government violated its duty of care and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the suit claims.
這起訴訟由偏遠的曼尼托巴省北部原住民於 2022 年提起,指控加拿大違反了信託義務。訴訟稱,政府未能向沙馬塔瓦社區提供安全飲用水,違反了其註意義務和《權利與自由憲章》。
It was certified as a class action last year by Federal Court Justice Paul Favel, who grew up in poverty on Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan and spent part of his childhood without running water. He previously served as deputy chief commissioner of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission and general counsel for the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations.
去年,聯邦法院法官保羅·法維爾(Paul Favel) 認定這是一起集體訴訟,他在薩斯喀徹溫省龐德梅克克里族(Poundmaker Cree Nation) 的貧困中長大,童年的一部分時間沒有自來水。他曾擔任薩斯喀徹溫省人權委員會副首席專員和原住民主權國家聯盟總顧問。
In related news, the federal government proposed a new bill about a year ago to set drinking water standards in First Nations. The First Nations Clean Water Act (Bill C-61), which aims to establish minimum national drinking water standards, protect freshwater sources, and provide sustainable funding for maintaining water quality, received mixed reactions.
在相關新聞中,聯邦政府大約一年前提出了一項新法案,旨在製定原住民的飲用水標準。 《原住民清潔水法案》(Bill C-61)旨在製定最低國家飲用水標準、保護淡水源並為維持水質提供可持續資金,但收到了不同的反應。
Is Safe Drinking Water a Government Obligation for First Nations?
This month, the two sides of the lawsuit argued over the fundamental issue at its core: whether Canada is legally responsible for providing safe drinking water to First Nations.
According to Rosenberg, the government's obligation arises from “Canada's long and continuing involvement, not just in funding, but really managing and exercising de facto control over water reserves.”
The government, on the other hand, argues that it has no “legal obligation or duty” to support First Nations and that any assistance it has provided, including support for the delivery of potable water, has been in the realm of “good governance” rather than legal duty.
Over the past decade, the government has spent $4.29 billion on water and wastewater projects in First Nations, which has lifted 145 long-term drinking water advisories. However, 33 still remain.
過去十年,政府在原住民的供水和廢水處理項目上投入了 42.9 億美元,取消了 145 項長期飲用水警告。然而,仍然有33個。
Back in 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to lift all long-term boil water advisories on reserves by 2021. But, of course, that's not the case yet.
早在 2015 年,總理賈斯汀·杜魯道 (Justin Trudeau) 就承諾到 2021 年取消所有關於儲備的長期煮水建議。
The government claims to have recently spent $25.6 million to improve Shamattawa's water system. However, the advisory, which affects about 160 homes and 14 community buildings, has been delayed due to factors such as climate, siltation, and methane in the groundwater.
政府聲稱最近花了 2560 萬美元來改善 Shamattawa 的供水系統。然而,由於氣候、淤積和地下水中的甲烷等因素,影響到約 160 戶家庭和 14 棟社區建築的該建議已被推遲。
Speaking out against the government's approach, New Democrat MP Niki Ashton said, “On one side of their mouths, they're saying we're committed to clean drinking water for First Nations, and, on the other, directing their lawyers to fight First Nations who are only seeking this basic right.”
新民主黨議員尼基·阿什頓(Niki Ashton) 公開反對政府的做法,她說:「他們一方面說我們致力於為原住民提供清潔飲用水,另一方面卻指示他們的律師與原住民作鬥爭。
Ashton finds it shocking that a country as wealthy as Canada, which is seen as a leader in human rights on the world stage, is telling First Nations that they don't have a right to clean water.
“We're really seeing the dark underbelly of Canada, and I would say the hypocrisy of the Liberals.”
– Ashton
Shamattawa is a community of 1,500 people that declared a state of emergency last year due to suicides, which Hill has linked to the water issues. According to him, the country's treatment of Shamattawa creates a sense of hopelessness.
沙馬塔瓦 (Shamattawa) 是一個擁有 1,500 人的社區,去年因自殺事件而宣布進入緊急狀態,希爾將自殺事件與水問題聯繫起來。據他說,該國對待 Shamattawa 的方式讓人產生一種絕望感。
Calling the government's approach “profoundly disappointing,” plaintiffs' counsel Rosenberg pointed out how, in Canada, it is illegal to subject its own employees to the conditions that
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