這次拋售似乎也對擁有近 45 萬比特幣的商業軟體公司 MicroStrategy 的股價造成壓力。

The selloff in U.S. stocks also appeared to weigh on shares in MicroStrategy ( MSTR ), the business software company that owns nearly 450,000 Bitcoins. The stock slid 0.2% ahead of the opening bell.
美國股市的拋售似乎也對擁有近 45 萬比特幣的商業軟體公司 MicroStrategy (MSTR) 的股價造成壓力。該股開盤前下跌 0.2%。
The end-of-week drop could be a sign that a recent bout of stock market weakness is weighing on digital-asset prices.
The benchmark S&P 500 U.S. index is on its longest losing streak since April as investors fret about elevated interest rates and persistent inflation, while Chinese stocks are also tumbling amid signs that the Asian country’s economy is faltering. Stocks and cryptocurrencies tend to be correlated because when equity prices fall, investors have less money to plow into Bitcoin and other tokens.
由於投資人擔心利率上升和持續通膨,基準標準普爾 500 美國指數正經歷 4 月以來最長的連續下跌,而中國股市也因亞洲國家經濟步履蹣跚的跡象而暴跌。股票和加密貨幣往往是相關的,因為當股價下跌時,投資者投入比特幣和其他代幣的資金就會減少。
“Like in late December, the market is stalling…This time, the positive mood of cryptocurrency enthusiasts was undermined by a sharp downward reversal in the U.S. and Chinese stock markets,” FxPro analyst Alex Kuptsikevich said Friday.
FxPro 分析師 Alex Kuptsikevich 週五表示:“就像 12 月底一樣,市場陷入停滯……這一次,加密貨幣愛好者的積極情緒因美國和中國股市的急劇下跌逆轉而受到削弱。”
“We should be prepared for a strengthening of selling, as we are currently seeing in equities,” he added.
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