
President-elect Donald J. Trump and his family on Friday began selling a cryptocurrency token that features an image of Mr. Trump drawn from the July assassination attempt, in a venture that ethics experts assailed as a blatant effort to cash in on the office he is about to occupy again.
The venture, disclosed just days before his second inauguration, is the latest in a series of moves by Mr. Trump that blur the line between his government role and the continued effort by his family to profit from his power and global fame. It is yet another sign that the Trump family will be much less hesitant in this second term to bend or breach traditional ethical boundaries.
Mr. Trump himself announced the launch of his new business on Friday night on his social media platform, in between announcements about filling key federal government posts. He is calling the token $Trump, selling it with the slogan, “Join the Trump Community. This is History in the Making!”
トランプ氏自身は金曜日の夜、連邦政府の主要ポストの補充に関する発表の合間に、自身のソーシャルメディアプラットフォームで新事業の立ち上げを発表した。彼はこのトークンを $Trump と呼び、「トランプ コミュニティに参加しよう」というスローガンを付けて販売しています。これは歴史が作られつつあるのだ!」
The venture was organized by CIC Digital LLC, an affiliate of the Trump Organization, which already sells an array of other kinds of merchandise like Trump-branded sneakers, fragrances and even digital trading cards.
この事業は、トランプ・オーガニゼーションの関連会社であるCIC Digital LLCによって企画されており、同社はすでにトランプ・ブランドのスニーカー、フレグランス、さらにはデジタル・トレーディング・カードなど、さまざまな種類の商品を販売している。
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