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Fireworks can be a stressful time for dogs, and signs of stress can include shaking, pacing, panting, cowering and barking more than usual. The stress can trigger a flight response and data from the Kennel Club in 2022 showed a 30% increase in dogs running away during fireworks season.
Vet Dr Guy Sandelowsky says it’s best to plan ahead to prepare your dog for fireworks shows. Here are eight tips for pet guardians.
獣医のガイ・サンデロウスキー博士は、犬を花火大会に向けて準備するためには、事前に計画を立てるのが最善だと述べています。ペットの保護者向けの 8 つのヒントをご紹介します。
1. Talk to your neighbours and local events organisers about silent fireworks
1. 近所の人や地元のイベント主催者に、静かな花火について話し合う
One of the most proactive steps you can take is to encourage your neighbours to use silent fireworks or quieter alternatives. Silent fireworks offer the same visual spectacle but significantly reduce the noise, making them much less stressful for dogs and other pets - and, let’s face it, people go to fireworks for the display, not for the noise.
最も積極的な対策の 1 つは、近所の人たちに、静かな花火や、より静かな花火の使用を奨励することです。サイレント花火は視覚的には同じですが、騒音が大幅に軽減されるため、犬や他のペットのストレスが大幅に軽減されます。そして、正直なところ、人々は騒音のためではなく、花火を鑑賞するために花火を観に行きます。
2. Create a safe space for your dog
2. 犬にとって安全な場所を作る
Dogs often feel most secure in a familiar and quiet environment. Ahead of firework season, create a safe space in your home where your dog can retreat when they feel anxious. This could be a quiet room with their bed, toys, and perhaps a covered crate to give them a sense of protection. Ensure the area is cosy and full of reassuring, familiar scents and textures.
3. Try a stress & anxiety supplement in the run up to November 5
3. 11 月 5 日までにストレスと不安のサプリメントを試してみましょう
For an extra layer of support, consider using Omni’s Stress and Anxiety Supplement. This supplement is designed specifically to help dogs cope with stressful situations, including fireworks. With ingredients like L-Theanine and Valerian root, it can help reduce anxiety levels and promote a sense of calm.
さらにサポートを強化するには、Omni のストレスと不安に関するサプリメントの使用を検討してください。このサプリメントは、犬が花火などのストレスの多い状況に対処できるように特別に設計されています。 L-テアニンやバレリアンルートなどの成分が不安レベルを軽減し、落ち着きを促進します。
For best effects, start the Stress & Anxiety soft chews as long as possible before the fireworks begin and continue daily for three to four months to ensure maximum effect. Studies have shown that supplementation with natural compounds like L-Tryptophan, Passionflower and Valerian Root is an effective way to reduce cortisol levels in your dog during firework season.
最大限の効果を得るには、花火が始まる前にできるだけ長くストレスと不安のソフトチューを開始し、最大の効果を確実にするために 3 ~ 4 か月間毎日続けてください。研究によると、L-トリプトファン、パッションフラワー、バレリアンルートなどの天然化合物を補給することが、花火の季節に犬のコルチゾールレベルを下げる効果的な方法であることが示されています。
4. Start desensitisation training
4. 減感作トレーニングを開始する
If your dog experiences intense fear during fireworks, desensitisation training can be incredibly effective, especially if you start it well before firework season. Desensitization involves gradually introducing your dog to the sound of fireworks at a low volume, helping them build tolerance over time.
5. Divert your dog with toys and chews
5. おもちゃや噛み物で犬の気を紛らわせる
During fireworks, one of the best ways to manage anxiety is by distracting your dog with activities they enjoy. Try interactive toys, such as food puzzles or chew toys, which can keep their focus away from the noise. Playing a game of fetch indoors or offering a long-lasting treat like a stuffed Kong can also be effective ways to keep their attention occupied.
花火の開催中、不安に対処する最良の方法の 1 つは、犬が楽しめるアクティビティで犬の気を紛らわせることです。食べ物のパズルや噛むおもちゃなど、騒音から注意をそらすことができるインタラクティブなおもちゃを試してみてください。室内で取ってこいゲームをしたり、コングのぬいぐるみなどの長時間持続するおやつを与えることも、子どもの注意を集中させる効果的な方法です。
6. Plan walks wisely
6. 賢く散歩を計画する
To avoid your dog being outside during the loudest part of the night, plan your walks and bathroom breaks well in advance of any firework activity. Try to give your dog their evening walk before dusk or the time you expect fireworks to begin.
This minimizes the risk of them being startled by sudden loud noises, which could lead to bolting or excessive fear. If fireworks start unexpectedly while you’re outside, it’s crucial to keep your dog on a leash to prevent them from running off.
7. Act natural!
7. 自然に行動しましょう!
It comes as no surprise that most dogs are incredibly sensitive to their owners' emotions; if you’re visibly anxious, they are more likely to feel stressed too. One of the simplest though most effective strategies during firework season is to remain calm and act as normally as possible. Avoid over-reassuring your dog, as this can sometimes reinforce their fearful behaviour. Carrying on as normal can help them to follow your lead.
ほとんどの犬が飼い主の感情に非常に敏感であることは驚くべきことではありません。あなたが明らかに不安を感じていると、相手もストレスを感じる可能性が高くなります。花火シーズン中の最もシンプルで効果的な戦略の 1 つは、落ち着いてできるだけ通常通りに行動することです。犬を過度に安心させすぎると、犬の恐怖行動がさらに強化される可能性があるため、注意してください。いつも通りに過ごすことで、彼らもあなたのリードに従うことができます。
Instead, provide comfort by sitting close by, but focus on maintaining a relaxed demeanour and keeping the routine as normal as possible. This can help signal to your dog that there is no real threat and that, if you feel safe, then they can too.
8. Consult your vet if you dogs has severe anxety
8. 犬が重度の不安症を患っている場合は、獣医師に相談してください。
If your dog experiences severe anxiety during fireworks and none of the methods above seem to help, it might be time to consult with a veterinarian. In some cases, prescription anti-anxiety medication can provide relief during particularly stressful events. Your vet can assess whether this is a suitable option and help develop a more targeted plan for managing your dog’s fireworks-related anxiety.
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