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South Africa's Energy Crisis and the Double Whammy of Mining and the Green Revolution
Amidst the ongoing energy crisis in South Africa, the country's electricity minister, Sputla Kgosientso, recently announced a significant improvement in the Energy Availability Factor (EAF), reaching 70.8% since 2021. However, this sudden boost has encountered skepticism from analysts and critics, who question whether it is merely an electioneering tactic by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).
The skepticism stems from South Africa's commitment to the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement, which advocates for a low-carbon world and the elimination of fossil fuels like coal. However, the push for a 'green revolution' often overlooks the double burden faced by countries like South Africa.
While being pressured to abandon coal in favor of renewable energy, these countries also bear the responsibility of supplying critical minerals, known as energy transition minerals and metals (ETMs), which are essential for achieving a just energy transition. This double whammy is exemplified by the 2012 Marikana miners' killings and the rampant power outages in South Africa.
これらの国々は、再生可能エネルギーを優先して石炭を放棄するよう圧力をかけられている一方で、公正なエネルギー移行を達成するために不可欠な、エネルギー移行鉱物および金属(ETM)として知られる重要な鉱物を供給する責任も負っています。この二重の苦しみは、2012 年のマリカナ鉱山労働者の殺害と南アフリカでの蔓延する停電によって例示されています。
This article aims to shed light on the challenges faced by communities in South Africa's platinum belt and Kalahari region, which are heavily impacted by mineral extraction. It critiques the international principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' for failing to protect mineral-rich countries like South Africa in the global pursuit of green energy.
The mining of critical minerals is a crucial component of a just energy transition. Forecasts indicate that ETMs are in high demand across various energy transition sectors, including transmission, distribution, electric vehicles, renewables, and energy storage. However, estimates of the volume of mineral resources required for global energy infrastructure changes vary widely.
重要な鉱物の採掘は、公正なエネルギー移行の重要な要素です。予測によると、ETM は、送電、配電、電気自動車、再生可能エネルギー、エネルギー貯蔵など、さまざまなエネルギー移行セクターにわたって高い需要があります。ただし、世界のエネルギーインフラの変化に必要な鉱物資源の量の推定値は大きく異なります。
Factors such as technological advancements, policy decisions, and the stringency of future climate policies all contribute to the uncertainty surrounding ETM demand. The International Energy Agency (IEA) emphasizes that the most significant factor influencing demand variability is the uncertainty surrounding climate policies.
技術の進歩、政策決定、将来の気候政策の厳格さなどの要因はすべて、ETM 需要を取り巻く不確実性の一因となっています。国際エネルギー機関(IEA)は、需要の変動に影響を与える最も重要な要因は気候政策を取り巻く不確実性であると強調しています。
The energy transition is expected to significantly increase demand for at least thirty ETMs, with lithium, graphite, cobalt, and nickel experiencing the fastest growth. Essential metals like copper and iron will also see a surge in demand due to their extensive use in power generation and transportation. Electric vehicles and hydrogen technology further drive the demand for various ETMs, including platinum-group metals.
エネルギー転換により、少なくとも 30 種類の ETM の需要が大幅に増加すると予想されており、特にリチウム、グラファイト、コバルト、ニッケルが最も急速に成長しています。銅や鉄などの必須金属も、発電や輸送に広く使用されるため、需要が急増すると予想されます。電気自動車と水素技術により、白金族金属を含むさまざまな ETM の需要がさらに高まります。
While the Just Energy Transition (JET) is often hailed as a solution to the climate crisis, evidence points to a darker side within the green industry's supply chain. The Amsterdam-based Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) links the growing European demand for manganese in energy transition and steel production to human rights abuses by manganese mining companies in South Africa.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) refers to ETMs as "green conflict minerals," arguing that they can fuel conflicts in the transition to a low-carbon economy, particularly in countries with weak governance and political instability, where mineral extraction can lead to violence, conflict, and human rights violations.
Amidst the global transition towards sustainable energy sources, significant pressure is exerted on resource-rich countries in the Global South, including South Africa. This focus on sustainability in the Global North intensifies the demand for steel, a resource-intensive material crucial for infrastructure development in the transition to a greener economy.
Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power heavily rely on steel for their construction. Manganese, often mined under conditions detrimental to human rights and the environment, is distributed globally, primarily for steel production. One-third of European manganese imports originate directly from South Africa, with a larger share entering the EU after refinement in China and Norway.
風力、太陽光、水力発電などの再生可能エネルギー源は、その建設に鉄鋼に大きく依存しています。マンガンは人権や環境に有害な条件で採掘されることが多く、主に鉄鋼生産のために世界中に流通しています。ヨーロッパのマンガン輸入量の 3 分の 1 は南アフリカから直接輸入されており、その大部分は中国とノルウェーで精製されて EU に入っています。
The Netherlands, the world's fourth-largest importer of ferromanganese, is a major consumer of manganese, which accounts for ninety percent of global manganese demand. The increased demand for manganese in Europe, driven by the energy transition and steel production, is directly linked to adverse human rights impacts.
オランダはフェロマンガンの世界第 4 位の輸入国であり、マンガンの主要消費国であり、世界のマンガン需要の 90% を占めています。エネルギー転換と鉄鋼生産によって引き起こされるヨーロッパでのマンガン需要の増加は、人権への悪影響と直接結びついています。
Renewable energy sources like wind turbines, batteries for electric vehicles, and energy storage are driving up the demand for crucial minerals in low- and middle-income countries such as Zambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Africa. However, SOMO research reveals that mining in these areas poses serious threats to the environment and human rights, with women and girls disproportionately affected.
Manganese and platinum, among the top thirty key minerals essential for the energy transition, are mainly mined in South Africa, highlighting the potential for negative social and environmental impacts. This is particularly evident in the supply chains of these minerals from South Africa and their utilization in renewable energy technologies.
マンガンとプラチナは、エネルギー転換に不可欠な主要鉱物トップ 30 のうち、主に南アフリカで採掘されており、社会的および環境的悪影響の可能性を浮き彫りにしています。これは、南アフリカ産のこれらの鉱物のサプライチェーンと再生可能エネルギー技術での利用において特に顕著です。
Empirical evidence suggests that local communities, especially women in the Kalahari region (home to the world's largest manganese resources), are often excluded from decision-making processes regarding mining activities that directly affect them. Despite court rulings recognizing their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), this right is often disregarded.
Furthermore, communities near mines face health risks like asbestosis and respiratory diseases and suffer from water scarcity and pollution, violating their right to a healthy environment and contravening existing international business and human rights instruments.
While diligence laws in Europe, such as the Modern Slavery Act (UK) and the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), purport to address these issues, they lack universal support due to criticisms of their 'neo-colonial' nature. Additionally, the absence of a binding treaty to hold companies accountable for human rights abuses creates a legal gap in the international system.
現代奴隷法(英国)や EU の企業持続可能性デューデリジェンス指令(CS3D)などのヨーロッパの勤勉法は、これらの問題に対処することを目的としていますが、「新植民地的」性質に対する批判のため、普遍的な支持を欠いています。さらに、企業に人権侵害の責任を負わせる拘束力のある条約が存在しないため、国際システムに法的なギャップが生じています。
As a result, a governance mechanism mirroring the Kimberley Process (KP) for critical minerals accreditation has been proposed. However, in a world already laden with international norms and fierce capitalism, the realization of such a mechanism remains uncertain.
その結果、重要鉱物認定のためのキンバリープロセス (KP) を反映したガバナンスメカニズムが提案されました。しかし、すでに国際規範と熾烈な資本主義が蔓延している世界では、そのようなメカニズムの実現は依然として不確実です。
The killing of miners in Marikana in 2012 and the widespread load-shedding in South Africa are interconnected consequences of this paradox. The pressure to provide resources for the global green transition strains South Africa's energy grid and leads to labor unrest and instability. The Marikana killings served as a warning to oppressed black workers not to assert their labor rights, casting a shadow over the 'green revolution.'
2012 年のマリカナでの鉱山労働者の殺害と南アフリカでの広範囲にわたる荷下ろしは、この矛盾が相互に関連した結果です。世界的なグリーン移行に向けて資源を提供するという圧力が南アフリカのエネルギー網に負担をかけ、労働不安や不安定につながっている。マリカナ殺害事件は、抑圧されている黒人労働者に労働の権利を主張しないよう警告する役割を果たし、「緑の革命」に影を落とした。
Climate negotiations must consider the double burden faced by mineral-rich countries, who suffer both from the negative impacts of transitioning away from traditional energy sources and the pressure to meet increasing global demand for minerals. The principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' acknowledges that all countries share responsibility for addressing global environmental issues, but their obligations differ based on historical contributions and current capacities.
気候変動交渉では、伝統的なエネルギー源からの移行による悪影響と世界的な鉱物需要の増加に対応するプレッシャーの両方に苦しむ鉱物資源国が直面する二重の負担を考慮する必要がある。 「共通だが差異のある責任」の原則は、すべての国が地球環境問題に取り組む責任を共有しているが、その義務は歴史的な貢献と現在の能力に基づいて異なることを認めています。
Future climate negotiations should explore ways to compensate countries like South Africa for the sacrifices they make in the global pursuit of decarbonization. This agenda must target governments of ETM-rich countries, governments in countries experiencing increased demand for manganese due to the transition to low-carbon technologies, mining companies, manufacturers of low-carbon technologies containing ETMs, end users of these technologies, and financial institutions with ties to ETM mining or usage.
今後の気候変動交渉では、世界的な脱炭素化の追求において南アフリカのような国々が払った犠牲を補償する方法を模索する必要がある。この議題は、ETMが豊富な国の政府、低炭素技術への移行によりマンガンの需要が増加している国の政府、鉱山会社、ETMを含む低炭素技術のメーカー、これらの技術のエンドユーザー、および金融機関を対象とする必要があります。 ETM マイニングまたは使用との関係。
South Africa's green transition is not merely an energy or technological challenge but also a social, economic, and environmental one. Global players cannot continue to ignore the double burden faced by mineral-rich countries in the name of a green revolution. A truly just transition must prioritize the rights and well-being of those most impacted, ensuring that the quest for a sustainable future does not perpetuate injustice.
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