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Setting Realistic Fundraising Goals for Nonprofits: 14 Essential Factors
为非营利组织设定切合实际的筹款目标:14 个基本因素
Establishing realistic fundraising goals is crucial for the sustainability and impact of any nonprofit organization. Striking a balance between ambition and achievable targets, while ensuring adequate support, is vital to fulfilling an organization's mission. To guide nonprofits in setting attainable fundraising goals, the esteemed members of the Forbes Nonprofit Council share their profound insights.
1. Board Involvement
1. 董事会参与
Involve the board of directors as they play a pivotal role beyond their financial contributions. Their networks and connections can open doors to new prospects, bolstering fundraising efforts. Without their active participation, fundraising goals may appear elusive and unattainable. - Victoria Burkhart, The More Than Giving Company
让董事会参与进来,因为他们在财务贡献之外还发挥着关键作用。他们的网络和联系可以为新的前景打开大门,从而加强筹款工作。如果没有他们的积极参与,筹款目标可能显得难以捉摸且无法实现。 - 维多利亚·伯克哈特 (Victoria Burkhart),The More Than Giving 公司
2. Past Funding Analysis
2. 过去的资金分析
Scrutinize past funding sources and motivations to inform future objectives. Examine donor retention, grant cycles, and annual giving trends. Beware of potential distortions in annual growth figures due to anniversaries or capital campaigns. Grounded evaluations of past performance provide a solid foundation for setting realistic goals. - Liz Salguero, Circle of Care
审查过去的资金来源和动机,为未来的目标提供信息。检查捐赠者保留率、资助周期和年度捐赠趋势。谨防由于周年纪念日或资本活动而导致的年度增长数据的潜在扭曲。对过去绩效的有根据的评估为设定现实的目标提供了坚实的基础。 - Liz Salguero,护理圈
3. Core Donor Capacity
3. 核心捐助能力
Apprehend the capacity and willingness of core donors to support your mission. This understanding may result in modest growth objectives in certain years, while in others, growth may surpass industry averages. Tailor goals based on a comprehensive assessment of donor capabilities. - Albert L. Reyes, Buckner International
了解核心捐助者支持您的使命的能力和意愿。这种理解可能会导致在某些年份实现适度的增长目标,而在其他年份,增长可能会超过行业平均水平。根据对捐助者能力的全面评估制定目标。 - Albert L. Reyes,巴克纳国际
4. Strategic Priorities
4. 战略重点
Prioritize key objectives aligned with the organization's strategic plan. Determine the essential "must-haves" and distinguish them from the desirable "nice-to-haves." This prioritization streamlines efforts and focuses resources on areas that drive impact. - Jamee Rodgers, Urban Neighborhood Initiative
优先考虑与组织战略计划一致的关键目标。确定必要的“必备品”,并将它们与理想的“锦上添花”区分开来。这种优先顺序简化了工作,并将资源集中在能够产生影响的领域。 - Jamee Rodgers,城市邻里倡议
5. Donor Retention
5. 捐赠者保留
Recognize that donor retention rates are typically below 50%. If an organization raised $100,000 last year, it is prudent to anticipate a potential decline in revenue in subsequent years without additional investment in fundraising. Factors such as donor capacity and external influences may dictate realistic expectations for maintaining or preventing revenue loss. - Cherian Koshy, Kindsight
认识到捐赠者保留率通常低于 50%。如果一个组织去年筹集了 100,000 美元,那么在不额外投资筹款的情况下,谨慎地预计随后几年的收入可能会下降。捐助者能力和外部影响等因素可能决定维持或防止收入损失的现实期望。 - Cherian Koshy,Kindsight
6. Fundraising Expenses
Consider the expenses associated with fundraising when setting annual targets. Adequate investment in staff, resources, and tools is essential to achieve goals. Assess whether the organization possesses the necessary capacity to yield the desired fundraising outcomes. - Sherry Quam Taylor, QuamTaylor
在设定年度目标时考虑与筹款相关的费用。对员工、资源和工具的充分投资对于实现目标至关重要。评估该组织是否具备产生预期筹款成果所需的能力。 - 雪莉·夸姆·泰勒,夸姆·泰勒
7. Clear Communication
7. 清晰的沟通
Transparent and credible communication with supporters is vital. Research and understand your audience's motivations and financial capabilities. Tailor fundraising goals to resonate with their values, fostering trust and engagement. - Randy Wong, Hawaii Youth Symphony
与支持者的透明和可信的沟通至关重要。研究并了解受众的动机和财务能力。定制筹款目标以与他们的价值观产生共鸣,促进信任和参与。 - Randy Wong,夏威夷青年交响乐团
8. Community Input
8. 社区意见
Engage with communities to gather their perspectives. Avoid making assumptions or relying solely on internal deliberations. Seek input from community members and incorporate their insights into goal-setting. This participatory approach enhances relevance and increases the likelihood of success. - Jonathan Prosser, Compassion UK
与社区互动以收集他们的观点。避免做出假设或仅依赖内部审议。寻求社区成员的意见并将他们的见解纳入目标设定中。这种参与式方法增强了相关性并增加了成功的可能性。 - 乔纳森·普罗瑟,英国同情组织
9. Strategy and Execution
9. 战略与执行
Consider the following factors: Historical performance, donor pipeline, and the availability of a robust strategy and team to execute the fundraising plan. Validate goals by assessing donor cultivation and the strength of the existing infrastructure. - Nicole Suydam, Goodwill of Orange County
考虑以下因素:历史表现、捐助渠道以及执行筹款计划的强大战略和团队的可用性。通过评估捐助者种植和现有基础设施的强度来验证目标。 - Nicole Suydam,奥兰治县亲善机构
10. Internal and External Trends
10. 内部和外部趋势
Monitor internal and external trends to inform goal-setting. Stay abreast of sector-wide shifts and broader economic conditions that may impact fundraising. Internally, analyze donor retention rates to gauge program health and identify growth opportunities. - Matthew Gayer, Spur Local
监控内部和外部趋势,为目标设定提供信息。及时了解可能影响筹款的行业变化和更广泛的经济状况。在内部,分析捐助者保留率,以衡量项目的健康状况并确定增长机会。 - 马修·盖尔 (Matthew Gayer),Spur Local
11. Human Resources
11. 人力资源
Understand the potential contributions of board members, supporters, and individuals passionate about the mission. Determine realistic fundraising targets based on the resources and capabilities of these individuals. - Kimberly Lewis, Goodwill Industries of East Texas, Inc.
了解董事会成员、支持者和对使命充满热情的个人的潜在贡献。根据这些人的资源和能力确定现实的筹款目标。 - Kimberly Lewis,东德克萨斯州 Goodwill Industries 公司
12. Donor Experience
12. 捐赠者经验
Create exceptional donor experiences by ensuring a clear understanding of fundraising needs among fundraising staff. Set goals for annual fundraising increases, fostering innovation and strategic execution. Implement donor recognition programs to sustain individual support over time. - Erin Davison, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana
确保筹款工作人员清楚了解筹款需求,创造卓越的捐助者体验。设定年度筹款增加目标,促进创新和战略执行。实施捐助者认可计划,以长期维持个人支持。 - Erin Davison,路易斯安那州西南部的大兄弟大姐妹
13. Social and Financial Factors
13. 社会和财务因素
Stay informed about external factors that can impact fundraising, such as legislative changes, public sentiment, and competition. Develop strategies for adaptability and establish a system for regular monitoring of the fundraising landscape. - Christina Allrich, Beta Gamma Sigma
随时了解可能影响筹款的外部因素,例如立法变化、公众情绪和竞争。制定适应性策略并建立定期监测筹款情况的系统。 - 克里斯蒂娜·奥尔里奇,贝塔伽玛西格玛
14. Purpose Alignment
14. 目标一致
The ultimate purpose of a nonprofit organization should guide fundraising efforts. Set budgets that align with the mission and ensure that fundraising efforts contribute directly to achieving the desired impact. - Amina Wattoo Kasuri, The Lighthouse
非营利组织的最终目的应该指导筹款工作。制定与使命相一致的预算,并确保筹款工作直接有助于实现预期的影响。 ——阿米娜·瓦图·卡苏里,《灯塔》
Setting realistic fundraising goals is essential for nonprofit organizations to achieve their missions effectively. By considering these 14 key factors, nonprofits can establish targets that are both ambitious and attainable. The guidance provided by the Forbes Nonprofit Council members serves as an invaluable resource for organizations seeking to maximize their fundraising impact and make a lasting difference in their communities.
设定切合实际的筹款目标对于非营利组织有效实现其使命至关重要。通过考虑这 14 个关键因素,非营利组织可以制定雄心勃勃且可实现的目标。福布斯非营利委员会成员提供的指导对于寻求最大限度地发挥筹款影响并为其社区带来持久影响的组织来说是宝贵的资源。
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