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本周,Coingeek Weekly Livestream欢迎一位特别的嘉宾Mike Hearn谈论比特币,付款和互联网的未来。
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Blocksize, Chaincode, CoinGeek, Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency, Hal Finney, Kurt Wuckert Jr, Large Language Models, Mike Hearn, Payments, Satoshi Nakamoto
比特币,比特币现金,比特币SV,块状,连锁店,coingeek,加密货币,数字货币,Hal Finney,Kurt Wuckert Jr,大语言模型,Mike Hearn,Payments,Satoshi Nakamoto
This week, the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream welcomed a special guest, Mike Hearn, to talk about Bitcoin, payments, and the future of the internet. Hearn was an early Bitcoin developer who personally interacted with Satoshi Nakamoto. Enjoy the insightful conversation between Hearn and Kurt Wuckert Jr. via the link below.
本周,Coingeek Weekly Livestream欢迎一位特别的嘉宾Mike Hearn谈论比特币,付款和互联网的未来。赫恩(Hearn)是一个早期的比特币开发人员,他与萨托岛(Satoshi Nakamoto)进行了个人互动。通过下面的链接享受Hearn和Kurt Wuckert Jr.之间的有见地的对话。
Introducing Mike Hearn
介绍Mike Hearn
For Bitcoin OG’s, Mike Hearn needs no introduction. However, for those who may not be familiar with him, Wuckert asks him to introduce himself. Hearn explains he got involved with Bitcoin in 2009 due to a longstanding interest in internet money. After starting a Yahoo group about the subject, he discovered Ripple, which led him to Bitcoin.
对于比特币OG,Mike Hearn不需要介绍。但是,对于那些可能不熟悉他的人,Wuckert要求他自我介绍。赫恩(Hearn)解释说,由于对互联网货币的长期兴趣,他于2009年参与了比特币。在开始了一个关于这个主题的雅虎小组之后,他发现了Ripple,这使他成为了比特币。
Around this time, Hearn worked for Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL), debugging and fixing things when they broke. He says he eventually got tired of that and got involved with Gmail in bot detection and security. This is when he started working on Bitcoin on the side. While he eventually left the project and went to work for Corda on R3, he took some of what he had learned in Bitcoin and applied it in novel ways. These days, he runs his own software company and works part-time as a researcher.
Hal Finney, Gavin Andresen, and the early days of Bitcoin
哈尔·芬尼(Hal Finney),加文·安德森(Gavin Andresen)以及比特币的早期
Wuckert asks Hearn about Hal Finney and his interactions with him. Hearn says the legendary cypherpunk had created his own internet money, which differed from Bitcoin. He had emailed Finney before Bitcoin existed and talked to him a few times on forums and over the internet in the early days. However, he never met him in person.
Wuckert向Hearn询问Hal Finney及其与他的互动。赫恩说,传奇的Cypherpunk创造了自己的互联网钱,这与比特币不同。在比特币存在之前,他已经通过电子邮件向Finney发了电子邮件,并在早期在论坛和互联网上与他交谈了几次。但是,他从未亲自见过他。
Wuckert mentions how some of Hearn’s questions to Satoshi Nakamoto were hugely insightful. He asks him if, looking back now, his view on the tech has changed. Hearn says the tech is still interesting, but he now has a greater appreciation for the social side of things. Solving the computer science problems is not enough. If he could go back, he would push back harder against some of the ideas he disagreed with. He also would not go with the term ‘Bitcoin Core.’ He also believes something like the Bitcoin Foundation could have worked out if handled differently.
Wuckert believes Gavin Andresen was the wrong personality type to be given the position he was. While he’s a friendly and likeable guy, he was too easy to bully and push around. He wonders if things could have turned out differently if another person had been in charge. “It’s difficult to say,” Hearn responds, saying he understands why Andresen added multiple people to the repository without much structure, but it’s not how he would have handled it.
Wuckert认为加文·安德森(Gavin Andresen)是错误的人格类型。虽然他是一个友好而讨人喜欢的人,但他太容易欺负了,四处推动。他想知道,如果另一个人负责,情况是否会有所不同。赫恩回答说:“这很难说。
Satoshi Nakamoto and Hearn’s interactions with him
Satoshi Nakamoto和Hearn与他的互动
Wuckert points out that while many people view Nakamoto as a gold bug or Hayek fan, he sees him as interested in payments and novel uses for the technology. He even insinuated a bigger thing to come, and he wonders if Hearn might have any idea what it was. He replies that he never mentioned anything explicitly but was always happy to explain how Bitcoin could be used for other people’s ideas.
While he is no longer involved in Bitcoin and largely disconnected when he decided he was done, Hearn is aware of the broad outlines of what’s going on. For example, he knows what BCH and BSV are. However, he no longer follows Bitcoin closely.
The new horizon and what the next decade looks like
Now that they’ve covered the past, Wuckert wants to know what the future might look like from Hearn’s point of view. Where is this all going? What does the next decade look like?
Hearn answers without hesitation: LLMs and artificial intelligence (AI) are the big trends, and while they’re capable of great things, they will change how the internet works. Currently, content creators and search engines are incentivized by the potential to earn money from ads. However, if LLMs and AI agents search for people, those ads will no longer be served, so the incentive to create the content will not be there. As a result, AI apps, which depend on said content, will cease to be useful.
One potential solution is for AI agents to cut content creators in on the action when they use their content for an answer. Micropayments at scale would be required for this to work, and the web could revert to what it once was: basic text and images. Agents would gather this information, serve it up, and pay a tiny payment to the webmaster. In a sense, the internet would come full circle and return to its roots.
Hearn says he would be interested in integrating micropayments into HTTP. He mentions HTTP 402 and how it enables payments to access resources but how
赫恩说,他将有兴趣将微付款集成到HTTP中。他提到HTTP 402及其如何使付款能够访问资源,但如何
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