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在区块链技术和人工智能 (AI) 快速发展的格局中,很少有远见者能像多米尼克·威廉姆斯 (Dominic Williams) 那样产生如此重大的影响。
Dominic Williams is the Founder and Chief Scientist of the DFINITY Foundation and the driving force behind the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). In this exclusive interview, Williams shares his journey to founding DFINITY, the transformative potential of the Internet Computer Protocol, and the unique advantages of integrating AI with blockchain technology. He delves into the concept of Decentralized AI (dAI), its applications, and its crucial role in ensuring the integrity of AI training datasets. Williams also discusses the impact of AI smart contracts on Web3 and beyond, highlighting real-world examples and future opportunities for developers and researchers.
Dominic Williams 是 DFINITY 基金会的创始人兼首席科学家,也是互联网计算机协议 (ICP) 背后的推动者。在这次独家专访中,Williams 分享了他创立 DFINITY 的历程、互联网计算机协议的变革潜力,以及人工智能与区块链技术相结合的独特优势。他深入研究了去中心化人工智能 (dAI) 的概念、其应用及其在确保人工智能训练数据集完整性方面的关键作用。 Williams 还讨论了 AI 智能合约对 Web3 及其他领域的影响,重点介绍了现实世界的示例以及开发人员和研究人员的未来机遇。
1. Could you start by sharing a bit about your journey and what led you to found the DFINITY Foundation and develop the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)?
1. 您能否首先分享一下您的经历以及是什么促使您创立 DFINITY 基金会并开发互联网计算机协议 (ICP)?
I’ve always been into computers, right from childhood. The interest peaked while pursuing my degree in Computer Science when I noticed the power of networked computers for the first time. One thing led to another and when I finally set out on my entrepreneurial journey in the mid-90s, I knew that I wanted to advance the area of distributed systems and the internet.
我从小就对计算机很感兴趣。在攻读计算机科学学位时,当我第一次注意到联网计算机的强大功能时,我的兴趣达到了顶峰。一件事接着另一件事,当我最终在 90 年代中期开始我的创业之旅时,我知道我想要推进分布式系统和互联网领域的发展。
After university, I was looking to build a “GameCoin” to support the creation of a pan-game virtual goods economy, and soon found that the technology necessary to create a GameCoin was missing, owing to the need for fast transaction times, low cost, and massive throughput. I spent most of my work thereafter repurposing classical distributed computing consensus techniques for the blockchain setting, and in 2014, published a paper describing the Pebble cryptocurrency. It was the first serious paper to propose architecture and mathematics designed to support an infinitely scalable cryptocurrency using classical distributed computing science.
大学毕业后,我一直希望建立一个“GameCoin”来支持泛游戏虚拟商品经济的创建,但很快发现由于需要快速交易时间、低成本,因此缺少创建GameCoin所需的技术,以及巨大的吞吐量。此后,我将大部分工作用于将经典的分布式计算共识技术重新用于区块链环境,并于 2014 年发表了一篇描述 Pebble 加密货币的论文。这是第一篇提出架构和数学的严肃论文,旨在使用经典分布式计算科学支持无限可扩展的加密货币。
While working on Pebble, I proposed techniques to advance proof-of-work systems, and had become very involved with the early Ethereum community. Someone from that community came up with the term “World Computer.” My interpretation of that term was very different from the Ethereum community’s. I came to believe that a blockchain could extend the public internet with advanced “stateful serverless cloud” functionality. Consequently, my interests switched, my ambition grew, and I decided to pursue the creation of a World Computer.
在研究 Pebble 时,我提出了改进工作量证明系统的技术,并积极参与了早期的以太坊社区。该社区的某人提出了“世界计算机”一词。我对该术语的解释与以太坊社区的解释非常不同。我开始相信区块链可以通过先进的“有状态无服务器云”功能来扩展公共互联网。因此,我的兴趣发生了变化,我的野心增长了,我决定追求创建一台世界计算机。
I started using the term DFINITY for my work in 2015, which is short for “decentralized infinity.” My initial purpose was to support the creation of an Ethereum 2.0 or Ethereum 3.0. Eventually, though, the huge amount of research and engineering work involved in realizing the kind of World Computer I wanted to create, meant that it became its own project.
我从 2015 年开始在我的工作中使用 DFINITY 这个术语,它是“去中心化无限”的缩写。我最初的目的是支持以太坊 2.0 或以太坊 3.0 的创建。但最终,为了实现我想要创建的那种世界计算机,需要进行大量的研究和工程工作,这意味着它成为了自己的项目。
The DFINITY Foundation was created in October 2016, and in 2018, the foundation raised investments from hedge funds and venture capital firms, including an early crypto investment from the renowned VC Andreessen Horowitz, before they began creating crypto-specific funds. There’s been no looking back since then.
DFINITY 基金会成立于 2016 年 10 月,并于 2018 年从对冲基金和风险投资公司筹集了投资,其中包括著名 VC Andreessen Horowitz 的早期加密投资,然后才开始创建加密货币专用基金。从那以后就再也没有回头过。
2. What initially sparked your interest in blockchain technology and decentralized systems?
2. 最初是什么激发了您对区块链技术和去中心化系统的兴趣?
My earliest connection to blockchain technology has to be from the late 90s when I was developing an online internet file storage system which relied on a cryptography library. This library had a link to a paper called b-money, which was an important antecedent to Bitcoin. I was intrigued by the concept, and it fostered my later strong engagement with blockchain tech. This preceded one of my earliest entrepreneurial exploits in building an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game for kids, which grew to 3 million users.
我最早接触区块链技术是在 90 年代末,当时我正在开发一个依赖于密码学库的在线互联网文件存储系统。该图书馆有一篇名为 b-money 的论文的链接,该论文是比特币的重要前身。我对这个概念很感兴趣,它促进了我后来对区块链技术的强烈参与。在此之前,我最早的创业尝试之一是为儿童开发 MMO(大型多人在线)游戏,该游戏的用户数量已增至 300 万。
The service used a game server I created myself that could scale horizontally, just by adding new nodes, and was also the first major production system to use a now-famous database called Cassandra, which scaled similarly. This was a much needed learning curve as it allowed me to explore techniques related to scaling systems.
该服务使用了我自己创建的游戏服务器,只需添加新节点即可水平扩展,并且也是第一个使用现在著名的名为 Cassandra 的数据库的主要生产系统,该数据库具有类似的扩展能力。这是一个非常需要的学习曲线,因为它使我能够探索与扩展系统相关的技术。
Over time, my natural inclination towards developing large computer systems gave me a high-level view of what kind of future platforms the world would need, and this became a driving factor in my founding DFINITY.
随着时间的推移,我对开发大型计算机系统的自然倾向让我对世界需要什么样的未来平台有了更高的认识,这成为我创立 DFINITY 的驱动因素。
3. In what ways do you believe the Internet Computer Protocol will transform current Internet paradigms?
3. 您认为互联网计算机协议将在哪些方面改变当前的互联网范式?
The Internet Computer enables a new and much broader Web 3.0 paradigm, which involves full stack decentralization, in which blockchain replaces Legacy IT and Web 2.0
互联网计算机实现了一种新的、更广泛的 Web 3.0 范式,其中涉及全堆栈去中心化,其中区块链取代了传统 IT 和 Web 2.0
The Internet Computer is created by a decentralized network protocol called Internet Computer Protocol that is by far the most sophisticated ever devised. The protocol is the product of many world-famous cryptographers, computer science researchers and engineers working at DFINITY. It is extremely complex, and relies heavily on novel distributed computing math, cryptography, and other computer science.
互联网计算机是由一种称为互联网计算机协议的分散网络协议创建的,该协议是迄今为止设计的最复杂的。该协议是 DFINITY 众多世界著名密码学家、计算机科学研究人员和工程师的成果。它极其复杂,并且很大程度上依赖于新颖的分布式计算数学、密码学和其他计算机科学。
We are the only blockchain network in the world that is capable of hosting social networks and enterprise systems. This ultimately means that ICP provides an alternative to the Legacy IT stack, which incorporates Web 2.0 infrastructures such as centralized cloud services run by Big Tech, which operate databases and web servers.
我们是世界上唯一能够托管社交网络和企业系统的区块链网络。这最终意味着 ICP 提供了传统 IT 堆栈的替代方案,其中包含 Web 2.0 基础设施,例如由大型科技公司运行的集中式云服务,这些服务运行数据库和 Web 服务器。
By allowing humanity’s systems and services to run entirely on a blockchain, we can
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