从某物中赚钱的能力并不能定义其价值。伯尼·麦道夫 (Bernie Madoff) 的 650 亿美元(510 亿英镑)计划对他来说价值数十年
The value of something isn’t determined by its ability to generate income. Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion (£51 billion) scheme was worth a lot to him for decades, and anyone who got out before it blew up could make a good profit—whether or not they believed it was a fraud.
某物的价值并不取决于其创收能力。几十年来,伯尼·麦道夫 (Bernie Madoff) 的 650 亿美元(510 亿英镑)计划对他来说价值不菲,任何在该计划爆发之前逃脱的人都可以赚取丰厚的利润,无论他们是否相信这是一个骗局。
Just because you’ll likely make a quick 10-20 percent return on Bitcoin over the next couple of months doesn’t mean it has any value.
仅仅因为您可能会在接下来的几个月内获得比特币 10-20% 的快速回报,并不意味着它有任何价值。
Both the Financial Conduct Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission use the term “cryptoassets” generously, more out of a lack of a better word than a strong belief in its definition.
An asset is typically defined as “something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts.”
Bitcoin is at best a temporary measure, and I imagine you’d rather have trouble paying off any but the most illicit debts with it.