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一名 71 岁的印度艺术家被自称 NFT 艺术品经销商的人诈骗。受害者 Shivaprasad R 在向承诺购买其艺术品的诈骗者支付费用后损失了 15.8 万印度卢比(约合 1,895 美元)。诈骗者创建了一个网站 nfttradeplace.com,并声称想要以 42 ETH 的价格购买 Shivaprasad 的画作。谈判实际上是通过电子邮件和 Facebook 进行的。该艺术家支付了 0.115 ETH 的汽油费,并要求提取 6 ETH,但被要求支付额外费用。当平台不断要求进一步付款以提取资金时,Shivaprasad 意识到了骗局。
Beware the Deceptive Allure of NFT Scams: Indian Digital Artist Falls Prey to Masterful Con
谨防 NFT 骗局的欺骗性诱惑:印度数字艺术家沦为高手骗局的牺牲品
In a sobering tale of deceit, a septuagenarian digital artist in India has become the unfortunate victim of a cunning NFT scam, losing a substantial sum of INR 1.58 lakhs (approximately $1895) to perpetrators masquerading as legitimate NFT art dealers. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat posed by online fraudsters who prey on unsuspecting individuals in the burgeoning realm of digital art.
在一个发人深省的欺骗故事中,印度一位七十多岁的数字艺术家成为狡猾的 NFT 骗局的不幸受害者,冒充合法 NFT 艺术品经销商的犯罪者损失了 15.8 万印度卢比(约合 1895 美元)。这一事件清楚地提醒人们,在线欺诈者所构成的威胁始终存在,这些欺诈者在新兴的数字艺术领域中对毫无戒心的个人进行掠夺。
Shivaprasad R (name changed), a highly accomplished chartered accountant and practicing artist, has had his work showcased in numerous local exhibitions and widely shared on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. It was in October 2023 that the deceptive saga unfolded, with the scammers, posing as an "NFT art dealer," reaching out to Shivaprasad through a dubious platform called nfttradeplace.com.
Shivaprasad R(化名)是一位卓有成就的特许会计师和执业艺术家,他的作品在众多当地展览中展出,并在 Instagram 和 Facebook 等社交媒体平台上广泛分享。 2023 年 10 月,这一欺骗性的传奇故事展开,诈骗者冒充“NFT 艺术品经销商”,通过一个名为 nfttradeplace.com 的可疑平台联系 Shivaprasad。
With alluring promises of purchasing Shivaprasad's paintings for a substantial sum of 42 ETH (approximately INR 1.09 crore), the scammers initiated negotiations that were conducted entirely through virtual channels, primarily via email and Facebook. Enticed by the prospect of such a lucrative deal, Shivaprasad agreed to the offer and proceeded to list three of his artworks for 10 ETH each and another for 12 ETH.
骗子承诺以 42 以太币(约合 10.9 亿印度卢比)购买 Shivaprasad 的画作,并发起了完全通过虚拟渠道(主要通过电子邮件和 Facebook)进行的谈判。受到如此有利可图的交易前景的吸引,Shivaprasad 同意了这一提议,并开始以每件 10 ETH 的价格列出他的三件艺术品,另一件以 12 ETH 的价格列出。
On February 1, 2024, the scammers requested a seemingly innocuous payment of 0.115 ETH to their platform, claiming it was a "gas fee." Unwary of the impending deception, Shivaprasad made the payment from his crypto wallet, which he had set up at the scammers' behest.
2024 年 2 月 1 日,诈骗者要求向他们的平台支付看似无害的 0.115 ETH,声称这是“汽油费”。 Shivaprasad 没有意识到即将发生的欺骗,他从他的加密钱包中进行了付款,该钱包是他根据诈骗者的要求设置的。
Following the completion of his first sale, Shivaprasad requested a withdrawal of 6 ETH from his earnings. However, despite waiting patiently for days, no transaction materialized. Upon inquiring further, he was met with a demand for a "delay fee" for allegedly holding up the withdrawal of his cryptocurrency.
在完成第一笔销售后,Shivaprasad 要求从他的收入中提取 6 ETH。然而,尽管耐心等待多日,仍没有成交。经过进一步询问,他被要求支付“延迟费”,因为据称他拖延了他的加密货币的提取。
"This delay fee was never discussed nor was it exhibited on the website," Shivaprasad stated in a disheartened tone.
Determined to resolve the issue, Shivaprasad, lacking sufficient ETH, requested the scammers to accept the delay fees in fiat currency. To his surprise, the scammers agreed to this request, and Shivaprasad subsequently made four payments to the accounts of Mohammed Ekramul Haque and Mohammad Farooq. The involvement of these individuals as the masterminds behind the scam remains unverified.
Shivaprasad 决心解决这个问题,但由于缺乏足够的 ETH,他要求诈骗者接受法定货币的延迟费用。令他惊讶的是,骗子同意了这一请求,Shivaprasad 随后向 Mohammed Ekramul Haque 和 Mohammad Farooq 的账户支付了四笔款项。这些人作为骗局背后的策划者的参与尚未得到证实。
The final payment to the scammers was sent by Shivaprasad on March 15. However, much to his dismay, the platform continued to demand further payments, hindering his ability to withdraw his 6 ETH. It was at this point that the realization dawned upon Shivaprasad that he had fallen victim to a meticulously crafted NFT scam.
Shivaprasad 于 3 月 15 日向诈骗者发送了最后一笔付款。然而,令他沮丧的是,该平台继续要求进一步付款,阻碍了他提取 6 ETH 的能力。正是在这一点上,Shivaprasad 意识到他已经成为精心设计的 NFT 骗局的受害者。
On April 17, Shivaprasad sought recourse by contacting the cyber police and filing charges under Sections 66C (punishment for identity theft) and 66D (punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resources) of the Information Technology (IT) Act and Section 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
4 月 17 日,Shivaprasad 联系网络警察寻求追索,并根据《信息技术 (IT) 法》第 66C 条(身份盗窃的处罚)和 66D(利用计算机资源冒充作弊的处罚)和第 420 条(作弊)提出指控。以及不诚实地诱导交付财产)的印度刑法典(IPC)。
"Tracing cryptocurrency trails is an extremely challenging task. As of now, we have requested bank details and domain details of the email address used by the scammers," remarked an officer privy to the investigation.
The rise of cryptocurrency scams has become a prevalent concern in India, despite concerted efforts by local authorities to combat such fraudulent activities. Just last week, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) initiated an investigation into a massive $800 million Ponzi scheme involving a high-profile Bollywood celebrity.
尽管地方当局齐心协力打击此类欺诈活动,但加密货币诈骗的兴起已成为印度普遍关注的问题。就在上周,执法局 (ED) 启动了对涉及宝莱坞知名名人的 8 亿美元巨额庞氏骗局的调查。
Another recent incident highlighted a job recruitment scam, where fraudsters drained victims' crypto wallets by employing spyware disguised as applications purportedly essential for the onboarding process.
Shivaprasad's experience serves as a cautionary tale for all digital artists and art enthusiasts engaging in the NFT ecosystem. The anonymity and decentralized nature of cryptocurrency transactions can provide a fertile ground for scammers to operate with impunity.
Shivaprasad 的经历对于所有参与 NFT 生态系统的数字艺术家和艺术爱好者来说都是一个警示。加密货币交易的匿名性和去中心化性质可以为诈骗者逍遥法外的运作提供肥沃的土壤。
It is imperative for individuals to exercise utmost vigilance when dealing with unsolicited offers and platforms promising astronomical returns. Thorough research and verification of the authenticity of potential buyers are crucial to safeguard one's digital assets from falling prey to deceptive schemes.
As technology continues to advance and reshape various industries, it is more important than ever to remain informed and alert to the ever-evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals. By staying vigilant and exercising caution, individuals can mitigate the risks associated with online scams and protect their hard-earned assets from falling into the hands of malicious actors.
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