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本週加密貨幣:PengU 上漲 13%,Pudgy Penguins 的 NFT 銷量下滑 52%

2025/01/20 18:35

本週最引人注目的故事之一涉及 Pudgy Penguins,這是一個流行的 NFT 系列,具有諷刺意味的是,其代幣價格上漲,而 NFT 銷量卻大幅下降。

本週加密貨幣:PengU 上漲 13%,Pudgy Penguins 的 NFT 銷量下滑 52%

A standout story of the week involves Pudgy Penguins, a popular NFT collection that saw its token soar even as its NFT sales sharply declined. PENGU, the native meme token tied to Pudgy Penguins, rallied 13%, trading around $0.040. Launched less than a month ago, the token had already climbed 250% from its initial levels, briefly pushing its market cap above $2.8 billion before settling around $2.5 billion.

本週最引人注目的故事涉及 Pudgy Penguins,這是一個流行的 NFT 系列,儘管其 NFT 銷量急劇下降,但其代幣卻飆升。與 Pudgy Penguins 相關的原生 meme 代幣 PENGU 上漲 13%,交易價格約為 0.040 美元。該代幣推出不到一個月,已較初始水準上漲了 250%,市值一度突破 28 億美元,隨後穩定在 25 億美元左右。

However, despite the token's gains, data showed Pudgy Penguins' overall NFT sales volume dropped by 52% in the last seven days to about $5.5 million. Wallet activity also revealed some early investors cashing out significant PENGU holdings, such as one account withdrawing $3.13 million worth of tokens from Binance. Nonetheless, community leaders maintain that engagement remains healthy, pointing to viral GIF stickers and Telegram groups that garnered billions of views and tens of thousands of new participants.

然而,儘管該代幣有所上漲,但數據顯示,Pudgy Penguins 的 NFT 總銷量在過去 7 天內下降了 52%,至約 550 萬美元。錢包活動還顯示,一些早期投資者將大量持有的 PENGU 兌現,例如一個帳戶從幣安提取了價值 313 萬美元的代幣。儘管如此,社區領導人堅稱參與度仍然良好,並指出病毒式 GIF 貼紙和 Telegram 群組獲得了數十億瀏覽量和數萬名新參與者。

Looking ahead, PENGU is expected to broaden its footprint, with developers hinting at expansions to Ethereum and Abstract, an Ethereum layer-2 solution. While official utility remains unclear, Bybit analysts say PENGU could incorporate governance or staking perks in the near future. Influential crypto traders teased rumors of future airdrops for holders, enticing those who regularly check the Pudgy Penguins' Discord for new “enjoyer” roles.

展望未來,PENGU 預計將擴大其足跡,開發人員暗示將擴展到以太坊和 Abstract(以太坊第 2 層解決方案)。儘管官方用途尚不清楚,但 Bybit 分析師表示,PENGU 可能在不久的將來納入治理或質押福利。有影響力的加密貨幣交易者嘲笑了未來對持有者進行空投的謠言,吸引那些定期查看矮胖企鵝的 Discord 的人尋找新的「享受者」角色。

Investors should note that meme tokens like PENGU are subject to extreme volatility. Even as they deliver eye-popping rallies, their fundamental value often depends on the evolving sentiments of a devoted fan base. Pudgy Penguins may have brand power, but the NFT slump underscores the fickle nature of hype. Whether PENGU can sustain momentum—or break away entirely from the NFT metrics—remains a question for the weeks ahead.

投資者應注意,像 PENGU 這樣的 meme 代幣會遭受極大的波動。儘管他們舉行了令人瞠目結舌的集會,但他們的基本價值往往取決於忠實粉絲群不斷變化的情緒。 Pudgy Penguins 或許擁有品牌影響力,但 NFT 的暴跌凸顯了炒作的變幻無常。 PENGU 能否保持勢頭——或完全脫離 NFT 指標——仍然是未來幾週的問題。

A swirling rumor that Yuga Labs might be selling the intellectual property rights to CryptoPunks drove the NFT collection's floor price up by 13% within just a few hours.

有關 Yuga Labs 可能將智慧財產權出售給 CryptoPunks 的謠言使得 NFT 系列的底價在短短幾個小時內上漲了 13%。

The speculation started when an NFT researcher known as “Wale.moca” tweeted about the possible sale on Jan. 14, citing unnamed sources. While Yuga Labs has neither confirmed nor denied the story, that didn't stop the market from reacting swiftly, as data from NFT Price Floor showed the CryptoPunks' minimum price jumping from 36.6 ETH to 41 ETH (nearly $130,000) in a short window.

這一猜測始於 1 月 14 日一位名為“Wale.moca”的 NFT 研究人員援引未透露姓名的消息來源在推特上發布有關可能出售的推文。雖然Yuga Labs 既沒有證實也沒有否認這個故事,但這並沒有阻止市場迅速做出反應,因為NFT 價格下限的數據顯示CryptoPunks 的最低價格在短時間內從36.6 ETH 躍升至41 ETH(近13 萬美元)。

CryptoPunks are widely recognized as one of the first and most valuable NFT collections in the marketplace. Yuga Labs acquired the Punks' IP from Larva Labs in March 2022, adding it to a roster that also includes Bored Ape Yacht Club. If Yuga were now selling or licensing CryptoPunks' IP to another entity, it would mark a major shift in the NFT landscape.

CryptoPunks 被廣泛認為是市場上最早也是最有價值的 NFT 系列之一。 Yuga Labs 於 2022 年 3 月從 Larva Labs 收購了 Punks 的 IP,將其添加到了 Bored Ape Yacht Club 的名單中。如果 Yuga 現在將 CryptoPunks 的 IP 出售或授權給另一個實體,這將標誌著 NFT 格局的重大轉變。

Punks hold a top-tier position by market cap—reportedly around $1.3 billion—nearly double that of the second-place Pudgy Penguins, making any IP transition a significant event for collectors and the broader NFT space.

以市值計算,Punks 佔據頂級地位(據報導約為13 億美元),幾乎是第二名Pudgy Penguins 的兩倍,這使得任何IP 轉型對於收藏家和更廣泛的NFT 領域來說都是一個重大事件。

Despite the excitement, industry observers caution that rumors of an IP sale can be just that—rumors. The NFT sector has seen dramatic price moves on far less substantial gossip before, underscoring how sensitive top collections are to both genuine developments and speculation.

儘管令人興奮,但行業觀察家警告稱,有關知識產權出售的謠言可能只是謠言。 NFT 產業之前曾因一些不那麼重要的八卦而出現過劇烈的價格波動,這凸顯了頂級藏品對真實發展和投機的敏感程度。

Some collectors view the possibility of a new owner as a way to revitalize or expand CryptoPunks' brand. Others fear that a shift away from Yuga Labs might dilute the collection's historic identity or hamper synergy with Yuga's other high-profile projects.

一些收藏家將新主人的可能性視為振興或擴大 CryptoPunks 品牌的一種方式。其他人則擔心,離開 Yuga Labs 可能會削弱該系列的歷史特徵,或妨礙與 Yuga 其他備受矚目的項目的協同作用。

In any case, this spike in CryptoPunks' floor price underlines the sustained power of marquee NFT sets and the NFT market's tendency to react immediately to rumors. Should Yuga release a definitive statement soon—whether confirming or dismissing the speculation—one can expect either renewed clarity or another wave of price volatility.

無論如何,CryptoPunks 底價的飆升突顯了大型 NFT 組合的持續力量以及 NFT 市場對謠言立即做出反應的傾向。如果 Yuga 很快發布明確聲明——無論是確認還是駁回猜測——人們可以預期要么重新明確,要么出現另一波價格波動。

Outside the NFT realm, macroeconomic and regulatory signals held investors' attention. Several Federal Reserve officials indicated a cautious but neutral outlook on monetary policy as they await clarity from Donald Trump's incoming administration.

在 NFT 領域之外,宏觀經濟和監管訊號引起了投資者的關注。幾位聯準會官員在等待唐納德·川普(Donald Trump)即將上任的政府澄清之際,對貨幣政策持謹慎但中性的看法。

Fed Governor Michelle W. Bowman spoke of staying patient while reviewing “the economy's trajectory” before enacting more interest rate cuts. Meanwhile, Kansas City Fed President Jeff Schmid echoed a similar sentiment, suggesting the economy “needs neither restriction nor support” for the moment. These remarks contrasted with the rising calls for further easing within the crypto community, especially after December's 0.25% rate cut.

聯準會理事米歇爾·鮑曼表示,在實施更多降息之前,要保持耐心,同時審視「經濟軌跡」。同時,堪薩斯城聯邦儲備銀行主席傑夫施密德也表達了類似的觀點,表示經濟目前「既不需要限制也不需要支持」。這些言論與加密貨幣社群內進一步寬鬆的呼聲形成鮮明對比,尤其是在 12 月降息 0.25% 之後。

Market watchers interpret this neutral stance as a pause that might either reassure institutional crypto investors or limit any short-term stimulatory effects on speculative assets like Bitcoin.


On top of that, a recent survey by Bitwise found that 56% of U.S. financial advisers are more inclined to invest in cryptocurrencies since Trump's electoral win. This revelation hints at a potential wave of new institutional capital entering the crypto space if the administration lays

除此之外,Bitwise 最近的一項調查發現,自川普當選以來,56% 的美國財務顧問更傾向於投資加密貨幣。這項消息暗示,如果政府允許,新的機構資本可能會進入加密貨幣領域。


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