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在美國總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)簽署了一項行政命令,稱他將“將比特幣成為戰略儲備資產”,討論政府的虛擬資產儲備已經開始在韓國。
Following U.S. President Donald Trump's signing of an executive order stating that he would "make Bitcoin a strategic reserve asset," discussions about the government's virtual asset reserves have begun in South Korea.
在美國總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)簽署了一項行政命令,稱他將“將比特幣成為戰略儲備資產”,討論政府的虛擬資產儲備在韓國開始。
As the government has decided to gradually allow corporate accounts for virtual assets, the Democratic Party also held a seminar on the topic of "including Bitcoin in the foreign exchange reserves or investing in it through the national pension."
However, is it necessary for South Korea to hold virtual assets as part of foreign exchange reserves or national pension assets? A survey by ChosunBiz of 10 domestic financial and currency experts found that all respondents answered, "It's too early."
但是,韓國是否有必要將虛擬資產作為外匯儲量或國家養老金資產的一部分? Chosunbiz對10位國內金融和貨幣專家的一項調查發現,所有受訪者都回答:“還為時過早。”
◇ All experts say, 'Holding virtual assets in foreign exchange reserves is difficult to implement.'
According to the political circles on the 14th, the ruling Democratic Party's policy planning department discussed options for "integrating Bitcoin into the foreign exchange reserves" and "considering the activation of stablecoins" at a seminar held on the 6th.
At this meeting, Kim Byung-wook, chief deputy director, highlighted the significant impact of President Trump's strategic reserve assets for virtual assets on our country.
在這次會議上,首席副主任金·拜沃克(Kim Byung-Wook)強調了特朗普總統的戰略儲備資產對虛擬資產對我國的重大影響。
In addition, Kim Jong-sung, CEO of Excriptone, an enterprise blockchain company, claimed that the Bank of Korea and the Ministry of Economy and Finance should also consider including Bitcoin in the foreign exchange reserves, like the United States.
此外,企業區塊鏈公司Excriptone的首席執行官Kim Jong-Sung聲稱,韓國銀行和經濟和金融部也應考慮在像美國這樣的外匯儲備中包括比特幣。
Foreign exchange reserves are external payment reserve assets that central banks or governments hold to use at any time to correct balance of payments imbalances or to stabilize foreign exchange markets. They refer to gold and foreign exchange reserves. The reserves are primarily invested in safe assets such as government bonds issued in advanced country currencies, agency bonds, and corporate bonds, as well as stock funds and cash assets.
外匯儲備是中央銀行或政府隨時使用的外部支付儲備資產,以糾正付款平衡不平衡或穩定外匯市場。 They refer to gold and foreign exchange reserves.這些儲量主要投資於安全資產,例如以高級國家貨幣,代理商債券和公司債券以及股票資金和現金資產發行的政府債券。
However, a significant number of domestic experts hold the view that investing in Bitcoin does not align with the primary purpose of foreign exchange reserves.
"It's an absurd suggestion to buy Bitcoin with foreign exchange reserves used for macroeconomic stability and balance of payments adjustment," said Shin Sedon, a professor of economics at Sookmyung Women’s University.
Sookmyung婦女大學經濟學教授Shin Sedon說:“用用於宏觀經濟穩定的外匯儲量和支付平衡調整是一個荒謬的建議。”
Pointing out that assets invested in foreign exchange reserves must be stable, Shin Kwan-ho, a professor of economics at Korea University, stated, "Bitcoin, which has no intrinsic value and is subject to price fluctuations due to speculation, is unsuitable for inclusion in foreign exchange reserves."
韓國大學經濟學教授Shin Kwan-Ho指出,投資於外匯儲量的資產必須是穩定的,他說:“比特幣沒有內在價值,並且由於推測而導致價格波動,這不適合將外匯儲備包含在外匯儲備中。”
Many experts, like Lee Kyung-jae, a professor at Sejong University, and Kim Guang-tae, a professor at Hallym University, also expressed skepticism, deeming it too early to consider such an idea.
許多專家,例如Sejong University的教授Lee Kyung-jae和Hallym University的教授Kim Guang-Tae也表示懷疑,認為這是為了提早考慮這樣的想法。
Among the three functions of money—medium of exchange, measure of value, and store of value—Bitcoin only performs the value storage function to a limited extent, and it is not clear whether it can be used as a unit of account in the final analysis.
在貨幣的三個函數中,即交換中間人,價值的度量和價值存儲 - Bitcoin僅在有限的範圍內執行價值存儲函數,並且尚不清楚它是否可以用作最終分析中的帳戶單位。
"For Bitcoin to be included in foreign exchange reserves, it would need to be used in the global international payment system or have an overwhelming share of the cryptocurrency market, like a world reserve currency," explained Lee Boo-hyung, a director at the Hyundai Economic Research Institute.
現代經濟研究所的董事Lee Boo-Hyung解釋說:“要將比特幣包括在外匯儲備中,它需要用於全球國際支付系統中,或者像世界儲備貨幣一樣在加密貨幣市場中擁有壓倒性的份額。”
Kim Jeong-sik, an emeritus professor at Yonsei University, added, "It is inappropriate to mention the possibility of Korea, a small open economy with a rapidly aging population, investing in or holding Bitcoin, which has high price volatility and is linked to illegal elements, through foreign exchange reserves, sovereign wealth funds, or the Korea Investment Corporation."
Yonsei University的名譽教授Kim Jeong-Sik補充說:“不合適地提及韓國的可能性,韓國的可能性是一種較小的開放經濟,人口迅速,投資或持有的比特幣具有很高的價格波動,並且與非義務元素有關,通過外國交易所,外國交易所Reserves,Sovereignegneign Reseves,Sovereigneignegnemign Reserves,Sovereignegneign fevalles Funde Funds,或韓國投資公司。”
However, there were also opinions that while the U.S. government does not necessarily advocate for holding Bitcoin through investment, South Korea needs to discuss this matter. Trump stated on the 7th (local time) that strategic reserves of Bitcoin mean holding it without selling the Bitcoin seized by the federal government through crime or confiscation.
In other words, it is not about the government investing in Bitcoin but rather about the government continuing to hold the Bitcoin that has already been paid in taxes or seized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) in cases of crime.
According to the U.S. government, about 10,000 to 15,000 bitcoins are seized annually. If the IRS or DOJ were to sell this bitcoin, the revenue would be paid into the Treasury account and used for government spending. However, if they were to keep the bitcoin and use it as an asset, it would be managed by the Treasury.
Hah Jun-kyung, a professor of accounting at Hanyang University, remarked, "President Trump is not suggesting that the U.S. government should purchase bitcoin with its assets or invest in it. He is suggesting that the government should retain the bitcoin that is already in the government's possession."
漢陽大學會計學教授哈·朱恩(Hah Jun-Kyung)表示:“特朗普總統並不建議美國政府應該以其資產購買比特幣或投資。他建議政府應保留已經擁有政府擁有的比特幣。”
"Our country also needs to discuss how to handle the seized virtual assets like the U.S. government does," said Hah, adding that the discussion on the government investing in
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