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In my previous article, I covered the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for transferring ownership of art and other assets. To quickly review the basics, a blockchain is essentially a set of multiple digital transaction ledgers that are situated in different locations and have their servers operated by various owners, with synchronization occurring as quickly as technologically possible. Blockchains can track transactions, changes in ownership or balance and other similar activities. Crypto tokens (cryptos) allow the different server owner operators to get compensated for their time, energy and money by having a token that is traded on a public exchange.
An NFT is a way to track ownership transfers of either physical or digital assets. Physical assets can include anything from cars, houses, trucks, airplanes and buildings to watches. Digital assets can include digital art, music, films and more.
NFT 是一種追蹤實體或數位資產所有權轉讓的方法。實體資產可以包括從汽車、房屋、卡車、飛機、建築物到手錶的任何東西。數位資產可以包括數位藝術、音樂、電影等。
Now, allow me to make a value judgment on the kinds of art being peddled on the blockchain on sites like Opensea. In a nutshell, the ease of creating digital art, whether using primitive tools like MS Paint or even artificial intelligence (AI) prompts, has cluttered the NFT art field with a lot of junk. I guess you can say the same with traditional art, since everyone has at some point made a drawing or painting.
現在,請允許我對 Opensea 等網站上區塊鏈上兜售的藝術品類型做出價值判斷。簡而言之,創作數位藝術的便利性,無論是使用 MS Paint 這樣的原始工具,還是人工智慧 (AI) 提示,都讓 NFT 藝術領域充斥著大量垃圾。我想你也可以對傳統藝術說同樣的話,因為每個人都曾在某個時刻創作過圖畫或繪畫。
However, the ease of selling digital art has really cluttered the marketplace with a lot of junk. In many open sites, there is really no vetting that goes on, unlike in the traditional art world where a gallery owner or museum director selects what art they will display or purchase.
Take note that I am talking about native digital art in jpeg or png file format that is directly uploaded and sold on a blockchain. I am not talking about tokenized physical art, meaning real physical paintings whose certificates of ownership are traded on a blockchain.
請注意,我所說的是 jpeg 或 png 檔案格式的原生數位藝術,直接在區塊鏈上上傳和銷售。我不是說代幣化的實體藝術,也就是其所有權證書在區塊鏈上交易的真實實體繪畫。
I guess it can also happen in the digital world. However, one reason that does not really happen is that the ethos of blockchains is the “power to the people” vibe. Remember that Bitcoin, the world’s most well-known blockchain, came out in 2008. That’s when the subprime mortgage crisis and the massive bank bailouts happened. It also caused a lot of bankruptcies and layoffs that affected the common workers. This was the ethos that Bitcoin and crypto came from, that of empowering individuals and not third parties like banks, big government or, in this case, curators and directors. Editor’s picks Every Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term The 250 Greatest Guitarists of All Time The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time 25 Most Influential Creators of 2024
我想這也可能發生在數位世界。然而,沒有真正發生的一個原因是區塊鏈的精神是「權力為人民」的氛圍。請記住,世界上最著名的區塊鏈比特幣於 2008 年問世。它也造成大量破產和裁員,影響到普通工人。這就是比特幣和加密貨幣所源自的精神,即賦予個人權力,而不是像銀行、大政府或本例中的策展人和董事這樣的第三方。編輯精選 川普承諾在第二個任期內要做的每一件可怕的事情 有史以來最偉大的 250 位吉他手 有史以來最偉大的 500 張專輯 2024 年 25 位最有影響力的創作者
Editor’s picks
Every Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term
The 250 Greatest Guitarists of All Time
有史以來最偉大的 250 位吉他手
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time
史上最偉大的 500 張專輯
25 Most Influential Creators of 2024
2024 年 25 位最具影響力的創作者
Now take note that art is somewhat subjective. One person’s trash art is another’s treasure. Yes, I get it. Beauty is sometimes in the eyes of the beholder. But taken to an extreme, you have people obviously trying to just make a buck and passing off a digital artwork that looks like it belongs in a kindergarten’s first attempt at art.
The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for Influencers, Innovators and Creatives. Do I qualify?
I believe in the power to the people ethos of blockchain. However, I am also torn because I see the value of curating art, and selling those in prestigious places like Sotheby’s or Christie’s, which is about as traditional and high-brow as you can get.
There are already sites that curate their NFT digital art and sell it to the public like Superrare. However, the vast majority of NFT marketplaces do not curate what they sell.
已經有一些網站可以策劃他們的 NFT 數位藝術並將其出售給公眾,例如 Superrare。然而,絕大多數 NFT 市場並未策劃他們銷售的產品。
The situation is somewhat akin to an author getting published by a traditional publisher versus simply self-publishing a book on the Amazon Kindle store.
這種情況有點類似作者透過傳統出版商出版書籍,而不是在亞馬遜 Kindle 商店上自行出版書籍。
Do I have the answer? Do we separate the wheat from the chaff and only allow NFT marketplaces with human curators for digital art? Or do we maintain the messy, no-holds-barred marketplaces where anyone can sell anything even if I personally do not like it? Trending
我有答案嗎?我們是否應該將麥子與穀殼分開,只允許由人類策展人參與數位藝術的 NFT 市場?或者我們維持混亂、無限制的市場,任何人都可以出售任何東西,即使我個人不喜歡它?流行趨勢
所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 kDJ.com對任何基於本文提供的資訊進行的投資不承擔任何責任。加密貨幣波動性較大,建議您充分研究後謹慎投資!
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