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The Royal Mint has revealed nine of the rarest £2 coins in circulation across the UK today.
Do you have a rare £2 coin in your spare change?
The UK £2 coin “has become a hidden treasure within our everyday change,” according to the Mint. It has been circulating for 25 years and is often minted in limited quantities, adding to the intrigue and allure around it.
The coin’s history goes back to 1986 when the first commemorative UK £2 coin was struck for the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh. This was the first time a sporting event had been commemorated on British coinage.
A coin is usually classed as rare if a limited amount of the piece was put into circulation, meaning there are less available for people to get hold of. The coin may have an unusual marking, and other times it can feature a familiar character or cartoon on it, which drives up demand from collectors.
So, if you’ve been rummaging around in your purse in the hope of coming across an interesting piece, you may be interested to know that the Royal Mint has revealed nine of the rarest £2 coins in circulation across the UK today.
9. Olympic Games Handover 2008coins, 918,000 of which were produced, features the passing of the Olympic flag from hand to hand, ‘Beijing 2008’ on the left and ‘London 2012’ on the right. Boldly bearing the inscription ‘I CALL UPON THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD’ along its edge, the coin celebrates the young people of the world and the games bringing people together.
The coin was designed by Thomas T. Docherty, a product designer at The Royal Mint.
硬幣是由Royal Mint的產品設計師Thomas T. Docherty設計的。
8. Olympic Games 2008Ahead of the London 2012 Olympic Games, a coin was created to mark the centenary of the 1908 London Olympic Games. Designed by Docherty again, the reverse of the coin features a dynamic illustration of a running track with the years 1908 and 2008 displayed within the outlines.
8. 2008年奧運會2012年倫敦奧運會,創建了一枚硬幣,以紀念1908年倫敦奧運會的百年紀念。再次由Docherty設計,硬幣的反面具有跑道的動態插圖,其中1908年和2008年在輪廓內顯示。
The edge inscription reads ‘THE 4TH OLYMPIAD LONDON’ and 910,00 of this coin were made.
7. Olympic Games Handover 2012Commemorating the transition of the Olympic Games from London to Rio de Janeiro, the 2012 Olympic Games Handover £2 coin symbolises the passing of the Olympic flame from one host city to another.
The reverse design, created by Jonathan Olliffe, depicts a baton being passed between two hands, with the flags of the UK and Brazil joined in motion. The coin carries the edge inscription ‘I CALL UPON THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD’.
由喬納森·奧利夫(Jonathan Olliffe)創建的反向設計描繪了一輛在兩隻手之間通過的接力棒,英國和巴西的旗幟也加入了運動。硬幣帶有邊緣銘文“我呼喚世界的青年”。
The mintage was 845,000 on this one, as the rarity on the coins becomes more prominent as we make our way through the list.
6. Commonwealth Games, Scotland 2002The 2002 Commonwealth Games held in Manchester marked a significant milestone in British sporting history as the largest multi-sport event ever hosted in the UK. The £2 commemorative coin series for the 2002 Commonwealth Games includes designs representing the four countries of the UK.
6。2002年蘇格蘭英聯邦運動會,2002年在曼徹斯特舉行的2002英聯邦運動會是英國體育史上的重要里程碑,是英國有史以來最大的多運動賽事。 2002年英聯邦運動會的2英鎊紀念硬幣系列包括代表英國四個國家的設計。
The Scotland edition has an edge inscription reading ‘SPIRIT OF FRIENDSHIP, MANCHESTER 2002’, whilst the reverse, created by artist and sculptor Matthew Bonaccorsi, shows a dynamic figure holding a banner aloft, symbolising celebration, victory and sportsmanship. It also includes a St Andrew's Saltire flag encircled beside the athlete, and 771,750 of these coins were made.
蘇格蘭版的銘文閱讀“友誼精神,曼徹斯特2002”,而由藝術家和雕塑家Matthew Bonaccorsi創建的反面則顯示了一個充滿活力的人物,上面有一個橫幅高高在上,象徵著慶祝,勝利和體育精神。它還包括圍繞運動員旁邊的聖安德魯鹽旗,製作了771,750個硬幣。
5. Commonwealth Games, England 2002The third rarest coin in the 2002 Commonwealth Games collection of designs goes to the 2002 Commonwealth Games England edition. Bonaccorsi stepped in to make this coin again, which has a figure in motion holding a banner.
5。英國,2002年英聯邦運動會,2002年英聯邦運動會系列中的第三次最稀有的硬幣歸2002年英國英聯邦遊戲。 Bonaccorsi介入再次製作這款硬幣,該硬幣具有橫幅的運動數字。
The reverse of the coin features the Saint George’s Cross, encircled to the left. The £2 was manufactured in the amount of 650,000.
硬幣的背面特色是聖喬治十字架,圍繞著左側。 2英鎊的製造量為650,000。
4. Britannia Fifth Portrait 2015Britannia, an iconic symbol of the nation, made a return to British circulation in 2015 after being a common feature of British coinage for more than 300 years.
4。BritanniaFifth Porthait 2015 Britannia是該國的標誌性象徵,在成為英國造幣的共同特徵已有300多年之後,於2015年重返英國流通。
Despite the new design replacing Bruce Rushin’s Technology design, which had featured on the coin since 1997, the initial 2015 release is reportedly scarce and a favourite with historical collectors. The coin's mintage stands at 650,000.
儘管新的設計取代了布魯斯·拉什(Bruce Rushin)的技術設計,該設計自1997年以來一直在硬幣上展出,但據報導,2015年最初的發行卻是稀缺的,並且是歷史收藏家的最愛。硬幣的鑄造量為65萬。
3. WW1 Royal Navy Fifth Portrait 2015Heading into the top three, 650,000 of these coins were manufactured a decade ago. To celebrate the 100th anniversary
3. WW1皇家海軍第五次肖像2015年,進入前三名,其中650,000個硬幣是十年前製造的。慶祝成立100週年
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