在波特蘭經銷店外面,抗議者對埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示異議,狂熱地呼籲採取行動在寒冷的空氣中回應

Portland protesters took to the chilly streets Friday evening, echoing fervent calls for action against Elon Musk and rallying against what they perceive as his overreach into governmental affairs. The demonstrations unfolded simultaneously across Boston, Portland, Austin, Arlington, and Washington, D.C., uniting demonstrators in a tapestry of opposition stretching coast to Brian Ettling, a one-time Tesla employee, stood among the crowd, holding a placard high. While Ettling’s admiration for electric vehicles remains, his passion for democracy burns brighter. For Ettling and others, the message is clear: monumental challenges like climate change demand democracy.
波特蘭抗議者周五晚上去了寒冷的街道,與埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)採取行動的熱情呼籲,並反對他們認為他超越政府事務的事物。示威遊行同時展開了波士頓,波特蘭,奧斯汀,阿靈頓和華盛頓特區的示威活動,在一群反對派的掛毯上,將海岸延伸到布萊恩·埃特林(Brian Ettling),這是一名特斯拉(Tesla)的僱員,在人群中站在人群中,擁有一個高級標語牌。儘管埃特林(Ettling)對電動汽車的欽佩仍然存在,但他對民主的熱情卻更加明亮。對於埃特林和其他人來說,信息很明確:諸如氣候變化需求民主等巨大挑戰。
Amid chants and signs urging fellow citizens to abandon their Teslas and divest from the stock, the ripple effect of the protest hints at something larger. Senators Ron Wyden and Elizabeth Warren have already spurred an investigation into Musk’s activities. Their concerns center on his team’s attempts to meddle with federal systems, targeting thousands of government employees at crucial moments, such as tax season.
在呼喊和跡象表明敦促同胞放棄特斯拉並脫離股票的情況下,抗議的連鎖反應暗示了更大的東西。參議員羅恩·威登(Ron Wyden)和伊麗莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)已經刺激了對馬斯克活動的調查。他們的擔憂集中在他的團隊嘗試與聯邦系統進行干預的嘗試,以關鍵時刻(例如稅收季節)的成千上萬的政府僱員。
Moreover, attorneys general from 14 states have fortified their stance, launching a lawsuit to curb Musk’s allegedly unchecked power. Edward Neidermeyer, another voice in the crowd, summed up the collective sentiment: by challenging Tesla’s economic foundation, they aim to impact Musk’s authority.
此外,來自14個州的律師加強了他們的立場,發起了訴訟,以遏制馬斯克所謂的未控制權。人群中的另一種聲音愛德華·尼德埃爾(Edward Neidermeyer)總結了集體情緒:通過挑戰特斯拉的經濟基礎,他們的目標是影響馬斯克的權威。
The protest paints a vivid picture of citizens reclaiming their voice, highlighting the notion that corporate influence in government is not beyond public It’s a powerful reminder that grassroots advocacy can kindle significant discourse and perhaps, change.