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受歡迎的加密貨幣錢包服務 MyEtherWallet.com (MEW) 的創始人之一 Taylor Manohan 宣布成立一家名為 MyCrypto.com 的新公司和錢包服務。 MyCrypto.com 最初是 MEW 的分叉版本,但該公司表示將很快推出該網站的增強版本,桌面和行動應用程式預計將在未來幾個月內推出。
Controversy Erupts in Crypto Community as MyEtherWallet Co-Founder Launches Rival Venture
MyEtherWallet 聯合創辦人發起競爭對手創投,加密貨幣社群爆發爭議
A significant rift has emerged within the cryptocurrency community after Taylor Monahan, one of the co-founders of the popular MyEtherWallet.com (MEW) wallet service, abruptly announced a competing enterprise.
受歡迎的 MyEtherWallet.com (MEW) 錢包服務聯合創始人之一泰勒·莫納漢 (Taylor Monahan) 突然宣布成立一家競爭企業後,加密貨幣社區內部出現了重大裂痕。
On Thursday, Monahan unveiled MyCrypto.com, a new company and wallet service. Initially, MyCrypto.com is a forked version of MEW, but the company stated that an enhanced version of the website will be launched soon. Desktop and mobile applications are anticipated to be released "in the coming months."
週四,莫納漢推出了 MyCrypto.com,這是一家新公司和錢包服務。最初,MyCrypto.com 是 MEW 的分叉版本,但該公司表示該網站的增強版本將很快推出。桌面和行動應用程式預計將在「未來幾個月」發布。
Kosala "Kvhnuke" Hemachandra, the other co-founder of MEW, has not joined MyCrypto.com and remains committed to MEW, which operates as a community-driven service. He maintains control over the GitHub repository, domain, and AWS instances of MEW.
MEW 的另一位聯合創始人 Kosala“Kvhnuke”Hemachandra 尚未加入 MyCrypto.com,但仍致力於 MEW,該服務作為社區驅動的服務運營。他保持對 MEW 的 GitHub 儲存庫、網域和 AWS 執行個體的控制。
In a post, Monahan expressed:
"MyEtherWallet will continue to be online until it, for whatever reason, is not online. As we do for a number of products in this space, if we at any point determine the domain to be compromised, serving malicious code, or otherwise detrimental to the community, we will do what we can to warn the community and prevent use of that codebase and website. However, we wish the best for MyEtherWallet and hope it continues to be a viable product in this space."
「MyEtherWallet 將繼續在線,直到它無論出於何種原因不在線上。就像我們對這個領域的許多產品所做的那樣,如果我們在任何時候確定網域受到損害、提供惡意程式碼或以其他方式損害「我們將盡我們所能警告社區並阻止使用該程式碼庫和網站。但是,我們祝福MyEtherWallet 一切順利,並希望它繼續成為該領域的可行產品。”
MEW's Significance in the Crypto Realm
MEW 在加密領域的意義
MEW has become an indispensable resource for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Token holders are frequently advised against storing their assets on exchanges due to their susceptibility to security breaches, such as the infamous $500 million theft from Coincheck in January. MEW has emerged as a preferred alternative, gaining widespread popularity among serious crypto enthusiasts due to its compatibility with secure hardware from Trezor and Ledger.
MEW已成為加密貨幣愛好者不可或缺的資源。代幣持有者經常被建議不要將其資產存放在交易所,因為它們容易受到安全漏洞的影響,例如 1 月份 Coincheck 被盜的臭名昭著的 5 億美元事件。 MEW 已成為首選替代方案,由於其與 Trezor 和 Ledger 的安全硬體的兼容性,在嚴肅的加密貨幣愛好者中廣泛流行。
With ICOs reportedly raising over $4 billion in 2017, MEW is estimated to have facilitated a substantial portion of these transactions, although the company does not disclose specific figures.
據報道,2017 年 ICO 籌集了超過 40 億美元,預計 MEW 促成了其中很大一部分交易,儘管該公司沒有透露具體數字。
Concerns and Questions
MEW's popularity has made it a frequent target for scammers, with one imitation even appearing on Apple's App Store. Consequently, there was significant concern when the @myetherwallet Twitter account was abruptly changed to @mycrypto and a new website was announced. Monahan, along with MyCrypto.com co-founder Jordan Spence and their team, who had migrated from MEW, later published Medium posts authenticated by Monahan's Keybase account and uploaded proof photographs on Twitter to confirm the new venture.
MEW 的受歡迎程度使其成為詐騙者的常見目標,蘋果的 App Store 中甚至出現了一款仿製品。因此,當 @myetherwallet Twitter 帳戶突然更改為 @mycrypto 並宣布推出新網站時,引起了極大的關注。 Monahan 與MyCrypto.com 聯合創始人Jordan Spence 及其團隊(從MEW 遷移而來)後來在Medium 上發布了經過Monahan 的Keybase 帳戶驗證的帖子,並在Twitter 上上傳了證明照片,以確認新合資企業的成立。
MEW has since established a new Twitter account under its previous handle, but Hemachandra has raised concerns that the social media takeover may constitute "unlawful" behavior.
MEW 此後以其先前的帳號建立了一個新的 Twitter 帳戶,但 Hemachandra 擔心社交媒體接管可能構成「非法」行為。
Reasons for the Split
The underlying reasons for the split are not entirely clear, but Monahan's statements suggest that the two MEW founders had divergent visions for the service's future, which initially began as a side project for both of them.
分裂的根本原因尚不完全清楚,但莫納漢的聲明表明,MEW 的兩位創始人對該服務的未來有著不同的願景,該服務最初是作為他們倆的一個副項目開始的。
Monahan indicated in her Medium post that the rapid growth of cryptocurrency, particularly in 2017, had taken a toll on her due to the critical role played by MEW. She stated that her sleep, routine, mental health, and other aspects of her life were negatively affected as the surging prices of Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies led to an exponential increase in transactions processed through MEW. Simultaneously, user feedback escalated from 20 requests on high-volume days to thousands.
Monahan 在她的 Medium 貼文中表示,由於 MEW 發揮的關鍵作用,加密貨幣的快速增長,特別是在 2017 年,對她造成了損失。她表示,由於以太坊和其他加密貨幣的價格飆升導致透過 MEW 處理的交易呈指數級增長,她的睡眠、日常生活、心理健康和生活的其他方面都受到了負面影響。同時,用戶回饋從高峰日的 20 個請求增加到數千個。
"The value of Ethereum increased exponentially and so did the stakes. Every potential bug or help query became 'the most urgent thing ever.' Every monumental task finished meant another monumental task started," Monahan reflected.
"2017 saw the end of the side project. 2018 will ensure we have a solid foundation for the product, the company, and the team. It is this solid foundation that ensures our long-term stability and success, in 2018 and beyond," she added.
「2017 年是副項目的結束。2018 年將確保我們為產品、公司和團隊奠定堅實的基礎。正是這個堅實的基礎確保了我們在 2018 年及以後的長期穩定和成功,」她補充道。
Diverging Paths: MEW and MyCrypto.com
分道揚鑣:MEW 和 MyCrypto.com
Hemachandra has stated that MEW will continue operating as before, with an emphasis on providing a community service. Conversely, Monahan appears to be focused on developing a business enterprise centered around the MyCrypto.com service.
Hemachandra 表示,MEW 將繼續像以前一樣運營,重點是提供社區服務。相反,莫納漢似乎專注於開發以 MyCrypto.com 服務為中心的商業企業。
Despite public support from BoostVC, MyCrypto.com has confirmed via Twitter DM to TechCrunch that it has "yet" to secure venture capital funding. However, given the substantial adoption that MEW has achieved, it is reasonable to expect that this situation will not persist for an extended period.
儘管得到了 BoostVC 的公開支持,MyCrypto.com 已透過 Twitter DM 向 TechCrunch 確認,它「尚未」獲得創投資金。然而,鑑於 MEW 已獲得大量採用,有理由預計這種情況不會長期持續。
Telegram.com, another essential service in the cryptocurrency domain, is currently conducting a $1.2 billion ICO. While MyCrypto.com is unlikely to seek such a substantial funding target, its team has recognized the potential for building a business around the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry.
Telegram.com 是加密貨幣領域的另一項重要服務,目前正在進行 12 億美元的 ICO。雖然 MyCrypto.com 不太可能尋求如此大的融資目標,但其團隊已經認識到圍繞蓬勃發展的加密貨幣行業建立業務的潛力。
Disclosure: The author possesses modest holdings of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
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