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這是塔基爾(Tarkir)的第三天:《龍史托劇季》(Dragonstorm Stormer Season),五個新指揮官中的第二天正式透露。
It’s day three of Tarkir: Dragonstorm spoiler season and the second of five new Commander precons has officially been revealed. Mardu Surge is here, and it looks incredibly impressive.
這是塔基爾(Tarkir)的第三天:《龍史托劇季》(Dragonstorm Stormer Season),五個新指揮官中的第二天正式透露。馬爾杜(Mardu)湧現在這裡,看起來令人印象深刻。
A ton of new cards in this deck look like they can see play across a variety of different archetypes. Not only that, but the payoffs that are a bit more specific are incredibly explosive. Creature token lovers are in for a real treat.
Zurgo Stormrender
If you ask us, Zurgo Stormrender is the most powerful Commander of all the five precon decks. Zurgo can easily helm a terrifying token-based deck, and can easily upgrade other existing precons like the Hail Caesar MTG Fallout deck.
如果您問我們,Zurgo Stormrender是所有五個Propon甲板中最強大的指揮官。 Zurgo可以輕鬆掌舵一個可怕的代幣甲板,並且可以輕鬆升級其他現有的前面,例如Hail Caesar MTG輻射甲板。
At worst, Zurgo Stormrender is an aristocrat effect that threatens to win the game, which is an incredibly high floor. At best, Zurgo is a win condition that, with some careful deckbuilding, can turn into a card advantage engine. This Commander literally does everything a deck could ever want as long as you meet his conditions.
最糟糕的是,祖戈·斯托倫德(Zurgo Stormrender)是一種貴族效應,威脅要贏得比賽,這是一個令人難以置信的高地板。充其量是,Zurgo是一種勝利條件,通過一些仔細的甲板構建,可以變成卡片優勢引擎。只要您滿足他的狀況,這位指揮官從字面上竭盡所能。
Expect Zurgo to show up in a lot of existing 99s of token synergy decks.
預計Zurgo將出現在許多現有99 s的代幣協同甲板上。
Neriv, Crackling Vanguard
Neriv,Crackling Vanguard
Neriv, Crackling Vanguard is far less adaptable than Zurgo, but it’s not a bad card in token strategies that support it. Neriv will excel in creating a lot of Impulse draw-based card advantage. The cards don’t necessarily go away, but having your Commander removed repetitively will make it difficult to access your loot. The build conditions of this Commander are also a lot more strict than Zurgo. Zurgo doesn’t really care what tokens you use, but Neriv specifically needs tokens of different names to scale his payoff.
Neriv,Crackling Vanguard的適應性遠不及Zurgo,但它在代幣策略中並不是一張支持它的卡片。 Neriv將在創造許多基於脈衝的卡片優勢方面表現出色。這些卡並不一定會消失,但是重複刪除指揮官將使您難以訪問您的戰利品。該指揮官的建造條件也比Zurgo更加嚴格。 Zurgo並不真正在乎您使用什麼代幣,但是Neriv特別需要不同名稱的令牌來擴大他的回報。
In our opinion, Zurgo, Stormrender is the superior Commander by a landslide. If anything, Neriv is a cool support option in creature tokens decks, but that’s likely where the card ends.
Ainok Strike Leader
Ainok Strike Leader is a fantastic one-man army in Commander. Having the option to attack with your Commander to trigger this creature means that it can somewhat shrug off summoning sickness. Even though the attack trigger resembles Myriad somewhat, your Goblin tokens are permanent, which allows Ainok Strike Leader to continually build a bigger board.
Ainok Strike領導人是一支司令官的出色單人軍隊。可以選擇與指揮官攻擊以觸發此生物,這意味著它可以聳聳肩召喚疾病。即使攻擊觸發觸發了無數,但您的妖精代幣是永久的,這使Ainok Strike負責人能夠不斷建立更大的董事會。
Eventually, your opponents will need to deal with your board state, but Ainok Strike Leader can fight against that by sacrificing itself. This is an incredibly valuable card for two mana. Any Commander deck that wants to go wide should consider running this card.
最終,您的對手將需要處理您的董事會國家,但是Ainok Strike領導人可以通過犧牲自己來與之抗爭。這是兩種法力值得令人難以置信的有價值的卡片。任何想要寬的指揮官甲板都應考慮運行此卡。
Notably, Ainok Strike Leader has some terrifying synergy with Tymna, the Weaver. This could even make this creature cEDH playable.
值得注意的是,Ainok Strike領導人與織布工Tymna有一些可怕的協同作用。這甚至可以使這個生物Cedh可以玩。
Ironwill Forger
Ironwill Forger is another powerful card for decks that want to turn sideways. Granting any nonlegendary creature Myriad has a scary amount of potential. Worst case scenario, you can always give the Forger itself Myriad.
Ironwill Forger是另一張強大的卡片,適用於想要側向轉動的甲板。授予任何非終身生物的無數潛力。最壞的情況,您總是可以給偽造者本身無數。
Not every Commander deck is going to want this, but using Ironwill Forger will hardly be difficult. Any deck that wants to create copies of creatures with ETB effects will be interested in granting their creatures Myriad. In other cases, where your creatures scale with the size of your board, Ironwill Forger threatens a ton of damage. Construct tokens from Urza, Chief Artificer are an example of this. All in all, Ironwill Forger is a solid card that will likely find a home under a sizeable amount of Commanders.
並非每個指揮官甲板都會想要這個,但是使用Ironwill Forger幾乎不會很難。任何想要創建具有ETB效果的生物副本的甲板都會有興趣賦予其生物無數。在其他情況下,在您的生物隨板規模擴展的情況下,Ironwill Forger威脅著大量的破壞。烏爾扎(Urza)的構造令牌,主要工匠就是一個例子。總而言之,Ironwill Forger是一張堅實的卡片,很可能會在大量指揮官下找到房屋。
Bone Devourer
Bone Devourer is probably less exciting than it appears. There are a lot of creatures that offer a scaling reward equal to how many creatures died upon entry. Devourer is capable of drawing a lot of cards, but it needs to die for that to happen. Considering how popular Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are in Commander, this might be a surprisingly difficult task to accomplish.
骨頭吞噬者可能不如說的令人興奮。有很多生物提供的縮放獎勵等於有多少生物進入時死亡。 Devourer能夠吸引大量卡片,但要使這種情況發生。考慮到高出流放和劍劍的流行道路是指揮官,這可能是一項令人驚訝的艱鉅任務。
Goldlust Triad
Goldlust Triad is a rather straightforward Dragon that should find itself in both Treasure and Dragon decks. Five mana is rarely the top end that Dragon Typal decks want to get to, and Goldlust Triad can help bridge the gap. Any cards that trigger upon a Dragon entering also have strong synergy with this card. It’s not a flashy creature, but there are certainly decks that will want this.
Goldlust Triad是一條相當簡單的龍,應該在寶藏和龍甲板上發現自己。五個法力值很少是Dragon Typal甲板想要達到的最高端,而Goldlust Triad可以幫助彌合差距。觸發進入龍的任何卡片也與此卡具有強大的協同作用。這不是一個浮華的生物,但肯定有甲板想要這個。
That said, Goldlust Triad will be at its best when its Myriad and combat damage triggers can be copied. This can lead to a ton of damage, a massive amount of Treasures, and a huge tempo swing. I would expect this to show up in Isshin, Two Heavens as One decks.
也就是說,當可以復制其無數和戰鬥傷害觸發器時,Goldlust Triad將處於最佳狀態。這可能會導致大量的傷害,大量的寶藏和巨大的節奏揮桿。我希望這將出現在Isshin中,兩個天堂是一個甲板。
Redoubled Stormsinger
Redoubled Stormsinger is an interesting effect in any deck that’s creating lots of creature tokens, especially if you have tools to utilise them before they die. Whether you’re somehow skipping your end step, or sacrificing your extra tokens, Redoubled Stormsinger has the capability of creating a ton of value for just three mana
在任何創建許多生物令牌的甲板上,Redubleed Stormsinger都是一個有趣的效果,尤其是如果您有工具在死亡之前使用它們。無論您是以某種方式跳過最終步驟,還是犧牲額外的代幣,Repluped Stormsinger都可以為僅三個法力創造大量價值
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