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2022 年 FIFA 世界盃期間球迷代幣激增:市場繁榮,波動加劇

2024/04/03 14:06

在卡達 FIFA 世界盃的熱潮中,加密貨幣和體育相結合的球迷代幣人氣飆升。在賽事的吸引力推動下,11 月的日均交易量激增了十倍,達到 3 億美元。這些代幣賦予持有者獨家福利,例如贈品和投票權,同時也提供了新穎的投資機會。然而,他們的價格波動仍然令人擔憂,梅西的阿根廷隊儘管隨後取得了勝利,但近期的股價暴跌就證明了這一點。

2022 年 FIFA 世界盃期間球迷代幣激增:市場繁榮,波動加劇

Amid the fervor of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the market for fan tokens, a symbiotic union of cryptocurrency and sports, has ignited in the desert of Qatar. Fueled by the allure of engaging with beloved teams and the prospect of unique rewards, the appetite for these niche digital assets has skyrocketed.

在 2022 年 FIFA 世界盃的熱潮中,加密貨幣與體育的共生聯盟——球迷代幣市場在卡達沙漠中點燃。在與心愛的團隊合作的吸引力和獨特獎勵的前景的推動下,對這些利基數位資產的興趣激增。

Data from Kaiko, a reputable crypto data provider, reveals a surge in average daily trading volumes for fan tokens, soaring from $32 million in October to approximately $300 million in November. This exponential growth, a staggering tenfold increase, attests to the heightened interest in this burgeoning asset class.

知名加密貨幣數據提供商 Kaiko 的數據顯示,粉絲代幣的日均交易量激增,從 10 月的 3,200 萬美元飆升至 11 月的約 3 億美元。這種指數級增長,驚人的十倍增長,證明了人們對這個新興資產類別的興趣日益濃厚。

For some, fan tokens offer a pathway to forge a deeper connection with their cherished sports teams. They present opportunities to partake in exclusive perks, such as the chance to win prizes, cast votes on in-match music selections, or even influence club decisions. Conversely, others perceive fan tokens as lucrative investment opportunities, anticipating the potential for substantial financial returns.


However, the uncharted waters of fan tokens necessitate caution and a tempered approach. The values of these digital assets exhibit a pronounced volatility, with no discernible correlation to the real-world performance of teams.


The rollercoaster ride endured by the fan token of Argentina, the squad led by the legendary Lionel Messi, serves as a vivid illustration of this unpredictable market. Following Argentina's shock defeat against Saudi Arabia, the token's value plummeted by 25%, only to experience a further 22% drop despite the team's subsequent triumph over Mexico.

阿根廷傳奇球星梅西率領的球隊所經歷的過山車之旅,生動地說明了這個不可預測的市場。在阿根廷隊慘敗於沙烏地阿拉伯隊之後,該代幣的價值暴跌了 25%,儘管該隊隨後戰勝了墨西哥隊,但其價格仍進一步下跌了 22%。

Similarly, the fan token of Portugal, spearheaded by the iconic Cristiano Ronaldo, experienced a 119% surge in the lead-up to the tournament, but subsequently lost nearly half its value, despite Portugal's undefeated record and group-topping performance.

同樣,以克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多為首的葡萄牙球迷代幣在世界盃前夕飆升了 119%,但隨後貶值了近一半,儘管葡萄牙隊保持著不敗戰績和小組第一的表現。

The malaise that has plagued the broader cryptocurrency market has also cast a shadow over the prices of fan tokens. Researchers attribute the decline in fan token prices to investors' risk-averse behavior, which has led to a general sell-off of volatile assets.


The total market capitalization of fan coins witnessed a surge to $401 million during the opening weekend of the World Cup, up from $256 million approximately ten days prior, according to data from CoinGecko. However, the market cap has since retreated below $300 million.

根據 CoinGecko 的數據,在世界盃開幕週末期間,球迷幣的總市值從大約 10 天前的 2.56 億美元飆升至 4.01 億美元。然而,此後市值已回落至 3 億美元以下。

Siddharth Jaiswal, the founder and CEO of Sportzchain, a company focused on issuing fan tokens in the Asian market, emphasizes the importance of approaching fan token purchases with a primary focus on the non-financial benefits.

Sportzchain 是一家專注於在亞洲市場發行粉絲代幣的公司,其創始人兼首席執行官 Siddharth Jaiswal 強調了以非財務利益為主要關注點來進行粉絲代幣購買的重要性。

"The cherry on the cake is that it's a tool, available on the blockchain that can be easily traded in the future, so there is a financial connotation attached to it," Jaiswal elucidates. "But the first perception should never be that you're buying the fan token from a profit-generating standpoint."

「錦上添花的是,它是一種可以在區塊鏈上使用的工具,可以在未來輕鬆進行交易,因此它具有金融內涵,」Jaiswal 解釋道。 “但第一個感覺永遠不應該是你是從盈利的角度購買粉絲代幣。”

Socios, a leading player in the fan token industry, has inked partnerships with some of the world's most renowned football clubs, including Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City, Inter Milan, and Atletico Madrid, as well as the Portuguese and Argentinian national teams. The market caps of these partnered tokens range from approximately $7 million to $21 million.

Socios 是粉絲代幣行業的領先企業,已與一些世界最著名的足球俱樂部建立了合作夥伴關係,包括巴黎聖日耳曼、曼城、國際米蘭和馬德里競技,以及葡萄牙和阿根廷國家隊。這些合作代幣的市值約為 700 萬美元至 2,100 萬美元。

Trading volumes for the Socios-linked token Chilliz, which users purchase to facilitate transactions involving team tokens, reached a seven-month high in early November, fueled by anticipation of the World Cup. However, trading volumes have since declined by 40% from that peak.

在世界盃預期的推動下,用戶購買與 Socios 相關的代幣 Chilliz 是為了促進涉及球隊代幣的交易,該代幣的交易量在 11 月初達到了七個月以來的最高點。然而,此後交易量較高峰下降了 40%。

An analysis of fiat currency usage in Chilliz token trading reveals a predominance of the Korean won, with its total fiat volume exceeding 87% in early November, followed by the Turkish lira, according to data from Kaiko.

根據 Kaiko 的數據,對 Chilliz 代幣交易中法定貨幣使用情況的分析顯示,韓元占主導地位,11 月初其法定貨幣總量超過 87%,其次是土耳其里拉。

The growth spurt in fan tokens coincides with significant turbulence within the cryptocurrency market, following the recent collapse of the major exchange FTX. Bitcoin, the industry bellwether, has been languishing near its two-year low of approximately $16,245.

粉絲代幣的激增恰逢主要交易所 FTX 最近崩盤後加密貨幣市場的嚴重動盪。比特幣作為行業領頭羊,一直在接近兩年低點約 16,245 美元附近徘徊。

While the FTX fiasco has raised grave concerns regarding the lack of regulation in the digital asset space, fan coins, which some issuers classify as utility tokens, remain in a gray area.

儘管 FTX 的慘敗引發了人們對數位資產領域缺乏監管的嚴重擔憂,但一些發行人將其歸類為實用代幣的粉絲幣仍處於灰色地帶。

Marcus Sotiriou, an analyst at digital asset broker GlobalBlock, cautions that tokens lacking sufficient utility may face regulatory scrutiny, potentially being deemed as investment vehicles into the associated clubs. However, Sotiriou believes that fan tokens offering exclusive benefits and focusing on their utility to fans should not encounter regulatory hurdles.

數位資產經紀商 GlobalBlock 分析師 Marcus Sotiriou 警告稱,缺乏足夠效用的代幣可能會面臨監管審查,可能被視為相關俱樂部的投資工具。然而,Sotiriou 認為,提供獨家福利並專注於其對粉絲的實用性的粉絲代幣不應遇到監管障礙。

Socios has expressed its support for regulation, recognizing its potential to enhance trust and transparency for fans. In August, Britain's advertising watchdog upheld a ruling against Arsenal over two misleading and irresponsible advertisements for fan tokens on the club's website and Facebook, although the club contested this assessment.

Socios 表示支持監管,並意識到監管有增強粉絲信任和透明度的潛力。 8 月,英國廣告監管機構維持了對阿森納的裁決,因為阿森納在俱樂部網站和 Facebook 上發布了兩則誤導性且不負責任的球迷代幣廣告,但俱樂部對這一評估提出了異議。

Markus Thielen, head of research at digital assets platform Matrixport, cautions that the interest in fan tokens among football enthusiasts may prove transient.

數位資產平台 Matrixport 研究主管 Markus Thielen 警告說,足球愛好者對球迷代幣的興趣可能是短暫的。

"Companies and teams that are selling those tokens must now offer more value at regular intervals, otherwise users will lose interest after the World Cup quite quickly," Thielen asserts.


As the World Cup fever grips the globe, the market for fan tokens has ignited, offering both opportunities and challenges in the intersection of sports and finance. While these tokens hold the potential to deepen fan engagement and present investment prospects, their unpredictable nature and regulatory uncertainties necessitate a measured and informed approach.



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