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It's getting harder these days to choose a cheap third-party controller, because it feels like there are far more options than ever before. In an attempt to stand out more, some peripheral makers have been adding gimmicks to their controllers in the hope that it'll be enough to sway consumers trying to choose between umpteen options.
Whether it's little figures built into the controller shell, a clear shell with LED lights or PowerA's seemingly endless line of controllers with licensed game designs on them, everyone's got their own niche they're hoping to fill.
無論是控制器外殼中內建的小人物、帶有 LED 燈的透明外殼,還是 PowerA 看似無窮無盡的帶有授權遊戲設計的控制器系列,每個人都有自己希望填補的空白。
The niche being targeted by the CRKD Atom is a fairly obvious one: at just 6.8cm / 2.7in wide, the Atom is designed for players who like bringing a controller with them on the move, but don't necessarily want it to take up a lot of space.
CRKD Atom 所針對的利基市場是相當明顯的:Atom 的寬度僅為 6.8 厘米/2.7 英寸,專為喜歡在移動中攜帶控制器但又不一定希望它佔用空間的玩家而設計。 。
Also obvious is the type of player who would struggle with the Atom. Given that the thing is far less than half the size of a standard Xbox controller, if you have big meaty hands and sausage fingers you can pretty much count yourself out of the running with this one unless you're a masochist who loves getting cramp.
同樣明顯的是那些會與 Atom 作鬥爭的玩家類型。考慮到這個東西的大小遠小於標準 Xbox 控制器的一半,如果你有大肉手和香腸手指,你幾乎可以排除自己在使用這個控制器的機會,除非你是一個喜歡抽筋的受虐狂。
The Atom connects via Bluetooth and has three different modes for connecting to various devices. There's a Switch mode which apes the Pro Controller, an Xinput mode for connecting to PC or iOS and an Android mode (for Android devices, obviously).
Atom 透過藍牙連接,具有三種不同的模式來連接各種裝置。有一個模仿 Pro Controller 的 Switch 模式,一個用於連接 PC 或 iOS 的 Xinput 模式和一個 Android 模式(顯然適用於 Android 裝置)。
Choosing between them is a case of holding down the Home button and a specific direction on the D-Pad for a few seconds. It can be a little fiddly but we're able to connect to our Switch, our iPhone, our LG Smart TV and our PC (via wired connection) without too much aggro.
在它們之間進行選擇的方法是按住主頁按鈕和方向鍵上的特定方向幾秒鐘。它可能有點繁瑣,但我們可以連接到 Switch、iPhone、LG 智慧電視和 PC(透過有線連接),而不會造成太多麻煩。
A glance at the Atom should make it clear that it works better with some games than others. The fact it only has a D-Pad and no analogue sticks means it's difficult – though not impossible – to play games that focus mainly on stick controls.
看一眼 Atom 就可以清楚地看出,它在某些遊戲上的表現比其他遊戲更好。事實上,它只有一個方向鍵,沒有模擬搖桿,這意味著玩主要專注於搖桿控制的遊戲很困難(儘管並非不可能)。
“Given that the thing is far less than half the size of a standard Xbox controller, if you have big meaty hands and sausage fingers you can pretty much count yourself out of the running”
“考慮到這個東西的尺寸遠小於標準 Xbox 控制器的一半,如果你有一雙大肉手和香腸手指,你幾乎可以排除自己的競爭”
If you have a game that outright insists on playing with a stick, you can hold the Minus button and Left or Right on the D-Pad for 5 seconds, to make it act like a left or right stick respectively. Naturally, there's no analogue control here so it essentially acts like an eight-way joystick, and the fact you can only have one stick at a time means you can rule out first-person shooters, adventure games with a lot of camera adjustments and the like.
如果您有一款完全堅持使用搖桿玩的遊戲,您可以按住方向鍵上的減號按鈕和向左或向右按鈕 5 秒鐘,使其分別充當左搖桿或右搖桿。當然,這裡沒有模擬控制,所以它本質上就像一個八向操縱桿,事實上你一次只能使用一根操縱桿,這意味著你可以排除第一人稱射擊遊戲、需要大量相機調整的冒險遊戲和喜歡。
It should also go without saying that a controller this size is lacking in a lot of the other fancy gizmos you may find in larger alternatives, so there's no rumble, no gyro motion controls and the like.
That said, what's there feels perfectly fine: the D-Pad is comfortable enough (and is actually roughly the same size as the D-Pad on an Xbox controller) and the face buttons, while small, are spread out enough to ensure they don't feel all cramped together.
也就是說,那裡的感覺非常好:方向鍵足夠舒適(實際上與 Xbox 控制器上的方向鍵大小大致相同),並且正面按鈕雖然很小,但足夠分散以確保它們不會移動。所有的東西都擠在一起。
The Atom isn't the only tiny controller on the market. Acclaimed retro-themed controller maker 8BitDo has the Zero 2, which is only 5mm wider and has similar connectivity to the Atom.
Atom 並不是市場上唯一的微型控制器。廣受好評的復古主題控制器製造商 8BitDo 推出了 Zero 2,它僅寬 5 毫米,並且具有與 Atom 類似的連接性。
The main difference is that the Zero 2 only has two shoulder buttons while the Atom has squeezed four in there, plus a Home button. It's a tight fit, but three extra buttons are three extra buttons.
主要差異在於 Zero 2 只有兩個肩部按鈕,而 Atom 則擠了四個肩部按鈕,外加一個 Home 按鈕。雖然很緊,但三個額外的按鈕就是三個額外的按鈕。
Ultimately, at a price of just $19.99 / £19.99 the Atom is a cheap and practical controller to take on the move, as long as it fits the needs of the types of games you play.
最終,Atom 的價格僅為 19.99 美元/19.99 英鎊,是一款便宜且實用的控制器,只要它適合您所玩遊戲類型的需求,就可以隨身攜帶。
Anyone expecting it to become their Fortnite controller of choice, for example, will find its lack of sticks far too impractical for that particular game, but if you're bringing a Switch on a family holiday and want an easy way for another kid to join in on co-op Super Mario Bros Wonder gameplay, it's an ideal solution.
例如,任何希望它成為他們選擇的《要塞英雄》控制器的人都會發現,它缺少搖桿對於該特定遊戲來說太不切實際了,但如果你帶著Switch 去家庭度假,並希望有一個簡單的方式讓另一個孩子加入在合作《超級瑪利歐兄弟奇蹟》遊戲中,這是一個理想的解決方案。
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