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The United States Securities and Exchange Commission is rapidly shifting its stance on cryptocurrency. After opening cases and investigations against major companies like Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN), OpenSea, Uniswap and Robinhood (NASDAQ:HOOD), among others, the SEC has now dropped these probes.
米国証券取引委員会は、暗号通貨に対する姿勢を急速に変えています。 Coinbase(NASDAQ:COIN)、Opensea、Uniswap、Robinhood(Nasdaq:Hood)などの大手企業に対するケースと調査の開始と調査の後、SECはこれらのプローブを削除しました。
President Donald Trump has further cemented the legitimacy of the industry with his announcements about a strategic Bitcoin and/or crypto reserve.
While the industry is celebrating these developments, there are plenty of unresolved questions. Does the SEC dropping its investigations into OpenSea and YugaLabs really mean that NFTs are not securities?
業界はこれらの開発を祝っていますが、未解決の質問がたくさんあります。 SECは、OpenseaおよびYugalabsに調査を削除しているのは、NFTが証券ではないことを意味しますか?
Not really, says Yuriy Brisov of Digital & Analogue Partners, adding that it’s an oversimplification of a complex legal issue. He also notes that Judge Torres, in the Ripple case, wanted to be personally involved in the case, which might complicate matters further.
Digital&Analogue PartnersのYuriy Brisov氏は、実際にはそうではありません。これは、複雑な法的問題の単純化であると付け加えています。彼はまた、トーレス裁判官は、リップルの場合、この事件に個人的に関与したいと考えていたが、それはさらに問題を複雑にするかもしれないと指摘している。
The good outcome of these investigations isn’t always a lawsuit. It could also result in an SEC report clarifying regulatory classifications — just as Ripple’s utility tokens were deemed securities in certain sales, the SEC might assert that NFTs and memecoins can also be securities under certain conditions, while DeFi platforms may be considered brokers or dealers under the Exchange Act of 1934.
Now, they just dropped charges and the crypto community is saying that NFTs cannot be securities. And the Uniswap case suggests that all DeFi platforms cannot be an exchange or broker dealer under the Exchange Act.
今、彼らは請求を取り下げたばかりで、暗号コミュニティはNFTが証券にはなれないと言っています。 UNISWAPのケースは、すべてのDefiプラットフォームがExchange Actに基づく交換またはブローカーディーラーにはなれないことを示唆しています。
I would say that it’s the wrong message that the market receives: that they can do whatever. I don’t support this approach. It’s probably a good thing to let the new, innovative companies grow. But someone must, from time to time, investigate them and ask some questions, issue reports, and make recommendations.
Under Gary Gensler, the SEC was overdoing it. For instance, with Coinbase, they were strictly following all the KYC procedures. Coinbase actually invests a lot into following all the laws. So this battle with Coinbase, for me, was meaningless from the very beginning. But with OpenSea, with Uniswap, I wouldn’t say that it was meaningless but the results of these investigations, I cannot call them satisfactory at this point.
ゲイリー・ゲンスラーの下で、SECはそれをやりすぎていました。たとえば、Coinbaseでは、すべてのKYC手順に厳密に従っていました。 Coinbaseは、実際にすべての法律に従うことに多くの投資を投資しています。ですから、私にとってコインベースとのこの戦いは、最初から意味がありませんでした。しかし、Openseaを使用すると、Uniswapでは、それが無意味だったとは言いませんが、これらの調査の結果は、この時点でそれらを満足できると呼ぶことはできません。
Given that US crypto laws influence other countries, are jurisdictions like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai likely to see similar abrupt changes?
In places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai, such drastic regulatory U-turns are less likely. These jurisdictions have taken a more measured and structured approach to crypto regulation.
For example, Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission has been methodical in its approach. When the SFC first introduced its crypto regulatory framework, it excluded riskier products like options trading. Only after the initial framework had been in place for some time did the SFC announce it would explore allowing options and leveraged trading. This phased approach ensures that riskier aspects of the ecosystem are introduced only after participants have been vetted and deemed sufficiently sophisticated.
たとえば、香港の証券先物委員会はそのアプローチにおいて系統的でした。 SFCが最初に暗号規制の枠組みを導入したとき、オプション取引などのリスクの高い製品を除外しました。最初のフレームワークがしばらくの間導入された後にのみ、SFCはオプションを許可し、取引を活用することを検討することを発表しました。この段階的なアプローチにより、生態系のリスクの高い側面が、参加者が十分に洗練されていると見なされた後にのみ導入されることが保証されます。
This steady, incremental approach contrasts sharply with the SEC’s abrupt shifts. It also highlights the importance of building a regulatory framework that evolves based on experience and judicial input, rather than the personal views of those in power. In Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai, the focus is on creating a predictable and trustworthy environment for innovation, which is something the US could learn from.
Can crypto firms sue regulators if they believe regulatory actions have harmed their business?
In the US, you can sue anyone for anything, even if you don’t have a meritorious claim.
Nothing stops you from launching a lawsuit. This is why, in my line of work, what we do is we often have indemnification clauses that if a party were to be sued as a result of the other party’s actions, regardless if that suit has merit or not, that party that is sued still incurs legal costs simply just to make this go away or defend themselves. So the answer to the question is, they can absolutely sue. Whether or not they’re going to win is obviously a whole other thing.
Has the SEC’s approach to NFTs and its decision to drop the OpenSea investigation created more legal uncertainty around crypto laws?
Now, there is a general understanding for the market that NFTs cannot be securities. I don’t think that is a very good outcome of this investigation because NFTs obviously can be securities, and they can create certain risks regarding securities. Actually, the fact that the SEC was investigating OpenSea could have created this understanding, as we have with Ripple. Before the Ripple case, we didn’t know how to approach utility tokens. Now, we know that there are two types of tokens, those that are sold on exchanges and those that are sold to institutional investors. And the same token can be either a security or not.
現在、NFTは証券にはなれないという市場には一般的な理解があります。 NFTは明らかに証券になる可能性があり、証券に関する特定のリスクを生み出すことができるため、これはこの調査の非常に良い結果ではないと思います。実際、SECがOpenseaを調査していたという事実は、Rippleと同様に、この理解を生み出すことができた可能性があります。波紋の前に、ユーティリティトークンにアプローチする方法がわかりませんでした。現在、私たちは、取引所で販売されているトークンと機関投資家に販売されているトークンには2種類のトークンがあることを知っています。そして、同じトークンはセキュリティであるかどうかにかかわらず。
We could have the same understanding regarding NFTs, that some NFTs are really collectibles and they’re not a part of securities legislation.
For instance, we did a project where we offered securities in the form of NFT in a real estate project,
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