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Meme Coins(一種の暗号通貨)は、簡単に購入でき、簡単に購入できます。ペイズのほんの一部とユニットあたり15ポンドの間で費用がかかります。
They’re a bit like the novelty T-shirts one buys on impulse; the kind that say “Here for #RishGotHerMan” or “Family Trip Survivor”.
彼らは、衝動に基づいて購入する斬新なTシャツに少し似ています。 「#RishGothermanのためのここ」または「家族旅行のサバイバー」と言う種類。
Meme coins — a type of cryptocurrency — are easy to make, easy to buy. They cost between a fraction of a paise and ₹15 per unit. They are churned out, sometimes as an in-joke and sometimes by celebrities, to build on a sense of fandom or community.
Meme Coins(一種の暗号通貨)は、簡単に購入でき、簡単に購入できます。ペイズのほんの一部とユニットあたり15ポンドの間で費用がかかります。彼らは、時には冗談として、そして時には有名人によって、ファンダムやコミュニティの感覚の上に築かれることがあります。
And yet… Presidents are now launching them; billions are being made.
In January, US President Donald Trump launched $Trump, so fans could show their support, “celebrate our win and have fun”. People have collectively paid more than $350 million for these tokens, since mid-January.
1月、米国のドナルドトランプ大統領は$トランプを立ち上げたので、ファンは「私たちの勝利を祝い、楽しんでください」という支持を示すことができました。 1月中旬から、これらのトークンに3億5,000万ドル以上を集合的に支払っています。
US First Lady Melania Trump launched a meme coin, Melania, as a “digital collectible intended to function as an expression of support”. Influencer and one-time Olympic gold-winning decathlete Caitlyn Jenner has one, named JENNER. So do singer Jason Derulo ($JASON), rapper Cardi B (WAP) and Australian rapper Iggy Azalea (MOTHER).
米国のファーストレディメラニアトランプは、「サポートの表現として機能することを目的としたデジタル収集可能なもの」として、Meme CoinのMelaniaを立ち上げました。インフルエンサーであり、1回限りのオリンピックのゴールドを獲得したデカスリートケイトリンジェンナーには、ジェンナーという名前の1つがあります。歌手ジェイソン・デルーロ($ジェイソン)、ラッパーカーディB(WAP)、オーストラリアのラッパーイギーアザレア(母)も同様です。
The tokens, as Trump’s website states, are not “the subject of, an investment opportunity, investment contract, or security of any type”.
And yet, the industry has ballooned to a market capitalisation (the total value of all the meme coins in circulation) of nearly $49 billion, according to cryptocurrency tracker CoinMarketCap.
それでも、Cryptocurrency Tracker CoinmarketCapによると、業界は490億ドル近くの時価総額(流通中のすべてのミームコインの合計価値)に膨らんでいます。
And, in February, Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of Central African Republic launched $CAR, in an “experiment” to draw investors and boost its economy. (The coin has had a rocky start, but still currently represents $15.56 million.)
そして、2月、中央アフリカ共和国の大統領であるファウストン・アーチャンゲ・トゥアデラは、投資家を引き付け、その経済を後押しするための「実験」で$ CARを立ち上げました。 (コインは岩だらけのスタートを切っていますが、現在は現在1556万ドルを表しています。)
How did we get here?
It all began, of course, with Doge, which was launched as a joke.
In 2013, software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created the world’s first such token, named for the meme about the confused-looking Shiba Inu dog.
If Bitcoin (launched in 2009) could be considered real money, they demanded, why not this crypto coin based on a meme?
It too had to be developed using coding and blockchain.
If enough people bought in, could it be considered legitimate currency as well?
The joke backfired almost immediately. Doge became trendy, as “a community-driven digital currency, particularly for tipping and charitable donations,” says David S Krause, a blockchain researcher and emeritus associate professor of finance at Marquette University in Milwaukee.
By the end of that year, Doge was worth nearly $8 million. Then Elon Musk invested in it, and began to accept it as payment for Tesla accessories. More recently, the US government helpfully named the cost-cutting squad Musk heads the Department of Government Efficiency. All this has helped raise Doge valuations to about $25.5 billion.
Meanwhile, millions of other meme coins now sit around, uselessly, across the ethosphere.
There’s one named for Pepe the Frog of the Boy’s Club comics (Pepe). Another named after a favourite condiment (GRLC). Even nicher ones play on interests in scatological humour, pornography, and sheer silliness (PINEOWL, for a wished-for hybrid of a pineapple and an owl).
There has been a boom since January 2024, when the cryptocurrency launchpad Pump.Fun made it possible to create a meme coin with a few clicks (in exchange for a 1% fee on each trade, and further charges as a coin gets more popular).
Mint condition
Meme coins currently account for about 1.79% of the total cryptocurrency market (which is worth an estimated $2.74 trillion, according to CoinMarketCap).
Meme Coinsは現在、Coinmarketcapによると、暗号通貨市場全体の約1.79%を占めています(これは推定2.74兆ドルの価値があります)。
They exist in a dense regulatory grey area.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in February stated that, in its view, they are collectibles rather than securities, and as such cannot really be monitored or governed.
They “typically are purchased for entertainment, social interaction, and cultural purposes… have limited or no use or functionality… do not generate a yield or convey rights to future income, profits, or assets of a business. In other words, a meme coin is not itself a security,” the SEC website states.
It’s like Monopoly money, if Monopoly money were to suddenly become tradeable.
Rates are determined, incidentally, by trading volumes on crypto exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase and Kraken.
These trading volumes are driven purely on speculation, hype cycles and the actions of whatever community “buys in on the joke”, says Kashyap Kompella, who researches and consults on artificial intelligence, blockchain, automation and emerging technologies.
これらの取引量は、人工知能、ブロックチェーン、自動化、新興技術を研究および相談するKashyap Kompella氏は、純粋に憶測、誇大広告サイクル、およびどのようなコミュニティの行動が「冗談を言う」という行動に基づいて推進されています。
This makes them uniquely risk-laden.
The $Trump coin, for instance, has seen valuations rise from less than $10 to $70 and
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