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The rapid development of blockchain technology has led to a significant increase in on-chain transaction volume over the past year, with a gradual shift from traditional centralized trading platforms to decentralized ecosystems. However, the pain points in user experience have yet to be effectively addressed. The complexity of multi-chain operations, the cumbersome processes of cross-chain bridging and decentralized trading venues, and the chaos of wallet management have all become significant barriers for new users entering the blockchain world.
The key to the next wave of large-scale user adoption lies not in further breakthroughs in underlying technology, but in a complete overhaul of front-end experience. This is where innovators like Parallel TCG are making a difference. Their product, Wayfinder, is attempting to redefine the crypto front-end through AI Agents, bringing unprecedented simplicity and efficiency to the blockchain ecosystem.
The core innovation of Wayfinder lies in its AI agent system, with these intelligent agents referred to as "shells" in the product. These shells are capable of abstracting complex blockchain operations into simple natural language commands. Whether it’s token swapping, cross-chain bridging, NFT minting, or more complex DeFi strategies and smart contract creation, users can complete tasks simply by using intuitive language prompts, without needing to deeply understand gas fees, inter-chain compatibility, or the underlying logic of smart contracts.
This design not only lowers the technical barrier but also makes the blockchain operation experience more aligned with the interaction methods familiar to ordinary internet users. Currently, the beta version of Wayfinder's agents supports multiple mainstream blockchains including Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, BASE, Arbitrum, and BNB Chain, with plans to continuously expand support as the ecosystem develops.
Moreover, these agents are not static tools; they learn and optimize continuously, gradually enhancing the efficiency and intelligence of task execution. This capability stems from another major innovation of Wayfinder—"Wayfinding Paths." These are predefined workflows designed for AI agents by Wayfinder, covering various tasks in a multi-chain environment.
さらに、これらのエージェントは静的ツールではありません。彼らは継続的に学習し、最適化し、徐々にタスク実行の効率と知性を高めます。この機能は、WayFinderの別の主要な革新である「Wayfinding Paths」に由来しています。これらは、Multi-Chain環境のさまざまなタスクをカバーするWayFinderによってAIエージェント向けに設計された事前定義されたワークフローです。
These paths are not simple scripts; they form a dynamically expanding knowledge graph. Each time a user or developer creates a path for a new task, this graph grows, making the entire system smarter and more efficient when handling similar tasks. It can be imagined as the "brain" of on-chain actions, which, with increased usage and enriched paths, allows Wayfinder not only to complete existing tasks but also to adapt to new scenarios through self-learning.
More importantly, Wayfinder gives the community the power to create paths. Users can design new paths for tasks that the system has not yet covered and share the income generated from the use of these paths. This incentive mechanism not only drives rapid expansion of the ecosystem but also allows for exponential growth in Wayfinder's knowledge accumulation.
Compared to traditional development models, this protocolized collaborative framework that stimulates the emergence of collective intelligence makes Wayfinder a two-way conductor of market demand and solutions. In Wayfinder's economic model, the $Prompt token plays a crucial role. As the core token of the ecosystem, $Prompt is not only a means of payment for using AI agent services but also unlocks more advanced agent functionalities, such as more complex task handling capabilities or more efficient execution paths.
従来の開発モデルと比較して、このプロトコル化された共同体の枠組みは、集合的な知性の出現を刺激します。 Wayfinderの経済モデルでは、$プロンプトトークンが重要な役割を果たします。エコシステムのコアトークンとして、$プロンプトは、AIエージェントサービスを使用するための支払い手段であるだけでなく、より複雑なタスク処理機能やより効率的な実行パスなど、より高度なエージェント機能のロックを解除します。
Additionally, stakers of $Prompt will receive rewards through a fee-sharing mechanism, with the reward amount directly linked to the usage of the paths. This design creates a powerful flywheel effect: more paths are created -> system functionality enhances and attracts more users -> usage fees increase -> demand for $Prompt tokens rises -> further incentivizing the development of new paths -> Wayfinder becomes smarter and more attractive.
さらに、$プロンプトのステーカーは、報酬額がパスの使用に直接リンクされており、料金共有メカニズムを通じて報酬を受け取ります。この設計により、強力なフライホイール効果が生成されます。より多くのパスが作成されます - >システム機能はより多くのユーザーを引き付け、より多くのユーザーを引き付けます - >使用料の増加 - > $プロンプトトークンの需要が上昇します - >新しいパスの開発をさらに奨励します - >ウェイファインダーはよりスマートで魅力的になります。
As the ecosystem expands, the value of $Prompt will be closely tied to Wayfinder's actual usage rate and depth of knowledge accumulation, forming an organic growth positive feedback loop. The competition for blockchain front ends is essentially a "winner-takes-all" market. Leaders can not only solidify their positions through network effects but also establish insurmountable moats based on data and user behavior accumulation.
Wayfinder's AI agents and Wayfinding Paths design are aimed at seizing this opportunity. Unlike general AI agent projects (such as Manus AI or OpenAI's Operator), Wayfinder focuses on the unique data structures and user pain points of blockchain, providing highly customized solutions. This focus gives it a significant differentiation advantage in the crypto space.
WayfinderのAIエージェントとWayfinding Paths Designは、この機会をつかむことを目的としています。一般的なAIエージェントプロジェクト(Manus AIやOpenaiのオペレーターなど)とは異なり、Wayfinderは、ブロックチェーンのユニークなデータ構造とユーザーの問題点に焦点を当て、高度にカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供します。この焦点は、暗号空間で大きな差別化の利点をもたらします。
OpenAI has revealed that its specialized agents for enterprises may cost as much as $20,000 per month, while Wayfinder aims to bring similar high-end AI capabilities to the blockchain front end, targeting to provide low-cost, high-efficiency services for ordinary users and developers. This positioning not only meets the improvement needs of existing crypto users but also provides an intuitive entry point for the general public who have yet to enter the on-chain ecosystem.
The development team of Wayfinder comes from Parallel TCG, a successful blockchain card game, and they deeply understand how to attract players through intuitive design and strong user experience. This background injects unique genes into Wayfinder: they not only understand
WayFinderの開発チームは、ブロックチェーンカードゲームを成功させるParallal TCGから来ており、直感的なデザインと強力なユーザーエクスペリエンスを通じてプレイヤーを引き付ける方法を深く理解しています。この背景はユニークな遺伝子をウェイファインダーに注入します:彼らは理解するだけではありません
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