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Elizabeth Sample and Brenda Powers of Sotheby’s International Realty in NYC told me in an interview that “in 2022, the global real estate market was valued at around $379.7 trillion. This makes it one of the largest markets in the world.” And they continued:
“We are all connected to the residential or commercial real estate world by owning or renting, etc. By using blockchain technology to create digital tokens for property rights, the buying, selling, and transferring of real estate can be automated. This approach allows investors to invest in real estate more efficiently and increases liquidity in this huge asset class.”
Already, there is a rapidly growing market for tokenized real-world assets representing one of the largest market opportunities in the blockchain industry, with a potential market size—according to a joint study by 21.co, BCG, and ADDX—projected to reach between $10 trillion and $16 trillion by 2030. According to Statista, by 2030, real estate is predicted to account for around one-third of the tokenized asset market, making it the most prevalent category.
すでに、ブロックチェーン業界で最大の市場機会の 1 つであるトークン化された現実世界の資産の市場が急速に成長しており、21.co、BCG、ADDX の共同調査によれば、潜在的な市場規模は 2018 年に達すると予測されています。 Statista によると、2030 年までに不動産がトークン化された資産市場の約 3 分の 1 を占め、最も多くの市場になると予測されています。よくあるカテゴリー。
Adding fuel to this growth is the US Federal Reserve’s continued efforts to restrain inflation through higher interest rates, which many experts believe will stay for a while. This has investors increasing their allocations in collateral-based cash flows backed by real estate assets that offer a compelling risk-adjusted yield that serves as a stabilizing income source in an investor’s diversified portfolio.
Historically, real estate has been a reliable hedge against inflation, allowing investors to invest in traditional real estate investment trusts, or REITs, and maybe even real estate tokens. Recent reports state that pro-digital asset President-elect real estate tycoon Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., are developing a new real estate token project tentatively called “World Liberty” to integrate real estate investments with decentralized finance using blockchain technology.
How can blockchain be used in real estate transactions?
Blockchain technology could serve as a transparent, reliable record-keeping system for real estate ownership and transfers at the city registry level. Smart contracts, programs that run on the blockchain, could be integrated with existing legal processes which govern property ownership, which could automate and record these transfers and ownership changes while the underlying legal processes for property ownership remain in place.
This could lower transaction costs by removing dependency on intermediaries and automating many steps.
For example, the Office of the City Register uses a software system called ACRIS to record and maintain New York City real property and certain personal property transfer records, such as mortgage documents for property in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. However, ACRIS is not a blockchain system; it is a software platform primarily used for managing and automating regulatory compliance processes that are not designed to operate on a decentralized blockchain network.
たとえば、市登記局は、ACRIS と呼ばれるソフトウェア システムを使用して、ニューヨーク市の不動産と、ブロンクス、ブルックリン、マンハッタン、クイーンズの不動産の抵当書類などの特定の個人財産譲渡記録を記録および維持しています。ただし、ACRIS はブロックチェーン システムではありません。これは主に、分散型ブロックチェーン ネットワーク上で動作するように設計されていない法規制遵守プロセスの管理と自動化に使用されるソフトウェア プラットフォームです。
Blockchain technology can also be used in the tokenization of real estate assets to digitally represent a form of proof of fractional ownership of these assets, which also manages transferability and provides a medium of exchange. The Digital Asset Tokenization System designed by the UDPN team “simplifies the investment process by creating virtual tokens representing rights to assets and providing comprehensive lifecycle services from ideation to trading to asset servicing,” explained Tim Bailey, the vice president of global business and operations for Red Date Technology.
ブロックチェーン技術は、不動産資産のトークン化に使用して、これらの資産の分割所有権の証明の形式をデジタル的に表現することもできます。これにより、譲渡可能性が管理され、交換媒体も提供されます。 UDPN チームが設計したデジタル資産トークン化システムは、「資産に対する権利を表す仮想トークンを作成し、アイデア創出から取引、資産サービスまでの包括的なライフサイクル サービスを提供することで、投資プロセスを簡素化します」と、UDPN チームのグローバル ビジネスおよびオペレーション担当副社長のティム ベイリー氏は説明しました。レッドデイトテクノロジー。
The primary services offered by an asset tokenization platform include the creation and management of digital tokens that represent ownership of physical assets. Other services include token creation tools, a storage wallet, and an exchange and payment gateway.
資産トークン化プラットフォームによって提供される主なサービスには、物理的資産の所有権を表すデジタル トークンの作成と管理が含まれます。その他のサービスには、トークン作成ツール、ストレージ ウォレット、交換および支払いゲートウェイなどがあります。
With tokenization, one real estate asset/investment may be represented by 1,000 or more tokens minted on a blockchain platform, each representing a fraction of the overall real estate asset/investment.
トークン化では、1 つの不動産資産/投資がブロックチェーン プラットフォーム上で鋳造された 1,000 個以上のトークンで表される場合があり、それぞれのトークンは不動産資産/投資全体の一部を表します。
A real estate token can represent a variety of different fractional real estate interests—from a portion of a real estate deed, which could be in the form of a coop or a condo, or a standalone home or an office building built on land subject to a long term lease etc.; to an equity interest in a legal entity (such as an LLC or Trust as in the case of REITs); or ownership of collateralized debt that could be located in different geographic locations or subject to a variety of different laws and taxes.
不動産トークンは、不動産証書の一部(生協やコンドミニアム、あるいは独立した住宅やオフィスビルなど)の対象となる土地に建てられたものなど、さまざまな分割不動産権益を表すことができます。長期リースなど。法人(REIT の場合の LLC または信託など)の持分へ。または、地理的に異なる場所に存在したり、さまざまな法律や税金の対象となる可能性のある担保付き債務の所有権。
A token for real estate could be the equivalent of a nonfungible token (a specific unique identifier). Still, it could also be considered a fungible token or a security token as well.
不動産のトークンは、代替不可能なトークン (特定の一意の識別子) と同等である可能性があります。それでも、代替可能なトークンまたはセキュリティ トークンとみなすこともできます。
Through smart contracts (computer code that automatically implements and enforces agreements on a blockchain), these tokens can be programmed to make rent distributions to token holders. They can also be programmed to enforce legal compliance requirements, such as one-year lock-up periods in lease provisions, etc.
スマート コントラクト (ブロックチェーン上で契約を自動的に実装および強制するコンピューター コード) を通じて、これらのトークンをプログラムして、トークン所有者に賃貸料を分配することができます。また、リース条項における 1 年間のロックアップ期間など、法的コンプライアンス要件を強制するようにプログラムすることもできます。
Other advantages of tokenizing real estate property on a blockchain ledger could include faster processing times for token buy-sell transactions that could be validated and recorded almost instantly without the need for lengthy manual back office processes.
While tokenization of real estate would not directly modify the legal concept of property ownership
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