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ケニア中央銀行 (CBK) は、新たに誕生し繁栄する国家への希望を告げる 2010 年憲法に準拠して、新世代通貨を発行しました。
The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) introduced new generation currency in line with the 2010 constitution, which brought hope for a prosperous nation. Instead of individual portraits, the coins and notes now feature themes that symbolise the drivers of a better Kenya. But despite being in use for several years, not everyone understands the themes and symbols on the Kenyan currency.
ケニア中央銀行 (CBK) は、2010 年憲法に沿って新世代通貨を導入し、豊かな国に希望をもたらしました。コインや紙幣には、個人の肖像画の代わりに、より良いケニアの原動力を象徴するテーマが描かれています。しかし、数年前から使用されているにもかかわらず、誰もがケニアの通貨のテーマとシンボルを理解しているわけではありません。
Here's a breakdown of the themes and symbols on the Kenyan currency:
The 2010 constitution prohibits the use of a person’s portrait on currency. Previously, Kenyan currency notes and coins featured images of former presidents Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi, and Mwai Kibaki.
2010 年憲法は、通貨に人物の肖像を使用することを禁止しています。これまでケニアの紙幣や硬貨には、ジョモ・ケニヤッタ元大統領、ダニエル・アラップ・モイ元大統領、ムワイ・キバキ元大統領の肖像が描かれていた。
Themes and features of Kenya's new currency
After considering public feedback, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) included symbols that reflect the foundations of a prosperous Kenya in its new generation bank notes.
The front of each note has an image of the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC), a historically iconic and recognizable landmark in the country. Additionally, a dove is featured to symbolize peace in Kenya. The back sides of the notes have various images, each illustrating different themes. Here are more details:
各紙幣の表面には、この国の歴史的に象徴的で認識可能なランドマークであるケニヤッタ国際会議センター (KICC) の画像が描かれています。さらに、ケニアでは平和の象徴として鳩が描かれています。ノートの裏面にはさまざまなテーマを描いたさまざまな画像が描かれています。詳細は次のとおりです。
Fifty shillings note
This banknote's theme is green energy, which includes wind, geothermal, and solar power. Kenya is dedicated to fostering a cleaner environment and has significant resources for generating clean energy.
この紙幣のテーマは、風力、地熱、太陽光などのグリーンエネルギーです。ケニアはよりクリーンな環境の育成に注力しており、クリーン エネルギーを生成するための豊富な資源を持っています。
Located in Loyangalani, Kenya is home to one of Africa's largest wind farms. Additionally, the geothermal power plant at Olkaria has established Kenya as a global leader in green energy production. The banknote also has an image of a buffalo, one of the big five animals.
ケニアのロヤンガラニに位置するアフリカ最大の風力発電所の 1 つです。さらに、オルカリアの地熱発電所により、ケニアはグリーンエネルギー生産の世界的リーダーとしての地位を確立しました。紙幣には五大動物の一つである水牛の絵も描かれています。
One hundred shillings note
What are the features of the 100 shilling note in Kenya? This banknote's theme is agriculture, highlighting maize, tea, and livestock.
Kenya remains a strong player in the agricultural sector, a key economic driver and a vital source of livelihood for many people. The country is well-known for its tea, coffee, horticulture, and other crops. Additionally, the banknote features an image of a leopard, one of the big five animals.
Two hundred shillings note
This banknote's theme is social services, including healthcare, education, and athletics. Since gaining independence, Kenyan athletes have brought international recognition to the country.
The government has made considerable progress in enhancing the health of its citizens, especially children. Furthermore, Kenya's education system has produced some of the world's leading scholars. The banknote also has a rhino, one of the big five animals.
Five hundred shillings note
The theme of this banknote is tourism, which includes Kenya's attractions, such as beaches and national parks. Tourism places Kenya in a great global position, attracting millions of visitors who experience its sand, sun, and game reserves.
The Maasai Mara is internationally famous for its wildebeest migration, considered one of the world's wonders. Additionally, Kenya is known for its lions, commonly called Simba, depicted on this note.
One thousand shillings note
This banknote's theme centres on governance, specifically focusing on parliament. In Kenyan society, governance principles are deeply embedded, with parliament standing at the pinnacle, embodying the people's will and exercising their sovereignty.
The legislative power of the Republic of Kenya stems from its citizens and is entrusted to parliament, which is essential for the effective governance of the nation. The banknote also has an elephant, one of the big five animals.
Main security features of the currency notes
When you hold any currency note up to the light from both sides, you should see a perfect lion's head watermark, along with the text "CBK" and the banknote denomination.
The notes also have a security thread that appears as a continuous line. When tilted, the security thread changes colour from red to green on all notes. The 200, 500, and 1000 shilling banknotes feature additional rainbow colours on the thread. Lastly, a golden band on the back of the note shows its value.
メモには、連続線として表示されるセキュリティ スレッドもあります。傾けると、すべての紙幣のセキュリティ スレッドの色が赤から緑に変わります。 200、500、1000 シリング紙幣には、糸に虹色が追加されています。最後に、紙幣の裏側にある金色の帯がその価値を示しています。
Features to help the visually impaired know the notes
When you run your fingers over the notes, you should be able to feel the word "Kenya" and the denominations (50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000). There are also raised edges, which vary: 50 shillings note has 1 bar, 100 shillings note has 2 bars, 200 shillings note has 3 bars, 500 shillings note has 4 bars, and 1000 shillings note has 5 bars.
紙幣の上で指をなぞると、「ケニア」という単語と金額(50、100、200、500、1000)を感じることができるはずです。盛り上がったエッジもあり、その内容は異なります。50 シリング紙幣には 1 本のバーがあり、100 シリング紙幣には 2 本のバーがあり、200 シリング紙幣には 3 本のバーがあり、500 シリング紙幣には 4 本のバーがあり、1000 シリング紙幣には 5 本のバーがあります。
Symbols on Kenyan coins
The CBK also introduced new generation coins featuring wildlife as their theme. These images honour Kenya's environment, heritage, and commitment to preserving it for future generations. These coins are now circulated
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