日曜日の午後3時頃に、2人の10代の友人がVairagad Shivara Lasur駅の池で泳いでいるときにown死しました。 Lokmat English Deskによる。

Two teenage friends drowned while swimming in a pond in Vairagad Shivara Lasur station on Sunday around 3 pm.
日曜日の午後3時頃に、2人の10代の友人がVairagad Shivara Lasur駅の池で泳いでいるときにown死しました。
The deceased have been identified as Gaurav Prakash Shejwal (16) and Rishikesh Somnath Waghchaure (15), both residents of Vairagad. Both were Class 10 students and had gone to the pond with two other friends in the afternoon. While swimming, they misjudged the depth of the water and drowned around 3 pm. Their classmates, realizing the danger, rushed back to the village and informed the locals.
故人は、Vairagadの住民であるGaurav Prakash Shejwal(16)およびRishikesh Somnath Waghchaure(15)であると特定されています。どちらもクラス10の学生であり、午後に他の2人の友人と一緒に池に行きました。泳いでいる間、彼らは水の深さを誤って判断し、午後3時ごろown死しました。彼らのクラスメートは、危険を認識し、村に急いで戻り、地元の人々に知らせました。
Villagers immediately arrived at the spot and searched for them in the water. After considerable effort, they recovered both bodies and rushed them to a private hospital in Lasur Station, where doctors declared them dead. Their funeral rites were performed in Vairagad at 7 pm.
Gaurav Shejwal is survived by his parents and a sister, while Rishikesh Waghchaure is survived by his parents and a brother. As of late Sunday night, the incident had not yet been officially recorded by the police.
Gaurav Shejwalは両親と姉妹によって生き残り、Rishikesh Waghchaureは両親と兄弟によって生き残りました。日曜日の夜遅くの時点で、事件はまだ警察によって正式に記録されていませんでした。
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