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2024/05/15 07:06
37歳のオレクサンドル・ウシクは、土曜日に待望の誰もが認める世界選手権試合でタイソン・フューリーと対戦する準備をしている。体格や体重を相手に譲ったにもかかわらず、ウシクは対決に備えて型破りなトレーニング方法を採用した。これらには、Ready to Fight アプリを使用して 40 人の異なる対戦相手と 15 ラウンドのスパーリングを行うこと、屋外で 10 キロ泳ぐこと、水中で息を止めること、砂の上を走ること、極端な腹筋運動を行うこと、手と目の協調性と反射神経を高めるための認知テストとジャグリングに取り組むことなどが含まれます。 。ウシクは、1999 年以来、誰もが認めるヘビー級チャンピオンになることを目指しており、その技術への献身的な努力が激しいトレーニングに拍車をかけています。
Oleksandr Usyk's Unorthodox Training Methods for the Heavyweight Unification Showdown
On the eve of his highly anticipated heavyweight unification showdown with Tyson Fury, Oleksandr Usyk, the reigning WBA, IBF, and WBO champion, has shed light on the unconventional training regimen that has propelled him to the pinnacle of boxing.
Sparring: The Core of Usyk's Training
スパーリング: ウシクのトレーニングの核心
Usyk's unwavering determination to bring the belts back to Ukraine fuels his demanding training schedule. His rigorous sparring regimen consists of 15 three-and-a-half-minute rounds with only 20 seconds of rest between rounds, accumulating over 250 rounds during camp. To maximize the intensity and variety of his sparring, Usyk sources opponents from all corners of the globe through his innovative Ready to Fight app.
ウクライナにベルトを持ち帰るというウシクの揺るぎない決意が、厳しいトレーニングスケジュールに拍車をかけている。彼の厳格なスパーリングは 3 分半のラウンドを 15 回行い、ラウンド間の休憩はわずか 20 秒で構成され、キャンプ中に 250 ラウンド以上を蓄積しました。スパーリングの激しさと多様性を最大限に高めるために、ウシクは革新的な Ready to Fight アプリを通じて世界中から対戦相手を調達します。
Swimming: Building Stamina and Endurance
水泳: スタミナと持久力を高める
Swimming has been an integral part of Usyk's training regimen for years. Under the guidance of his trainer, Anatoly Lomachenko, the Ukrainian boxer has embraced open-air swims spanning 10 kilometers to build his stamina. His former opponent, Dereck Chisora, recounted an encounter where Usyk had just completed a grueling five-hour swimming session, highlighting the boxer's extraordinary dedication.
Breath Holding: Strengthening the Mind and Body
Beyond swimming, Usyk engages in breath-holding exercises to improve his lung capacity and psychological resilience. This practice enhances his ability to perform under extreme physical stress and prepares him for the exhausting nature of a boxing match. Vasyl Lomachenko, Usyk's coach's son, is a renowned breath-holding expert, capable of holding his breath for over four minutes.
Beach Sprints: Enhancing Power and Agility
ビーチスプリント: パワーと敏捷性の強化
For Usyk, a trip to the beach involves more than just relaxation. He incorporates sand training into his workout routine to challenge his body in a unique way. This form of training forces him to generate greater power and energy to accelerate on the soft sand, while reducing the risk of impact-related injuries.
Ab Smashes: Building an Unbreakable Core
アブスマッシュ: 壊れない体幹を構築する
A rock-solid core is essential for withstanding the relentless punches that boxers endure. Usyk has been captured on video undergoing grueling ab exercises, involving his trainer relentlessly pummeling a medicine ball onto his torso. While the exercise has been criticized by some, Usyk and Fury have embraced it as a means of strengthening their midsections.
Cold Water Submersion: Accelerating Recovery
冷水浸漬: 回復の加速
To alleviate the physical and psychological stress of training, Usyk has adopted the practice of cold water submersion. Instead of seeking treatment in sophisticated facilities, Usyk plunges into icy lakes, typically below 15°C, to reduce inflammation, regulate heart rate, and minimize muscle damage.
Hammer Throwing: Embracing CrossFit
ハンマー投げ: クロスフィットの採用
Usyk believes in pushing himself to the limit, and CrossFit training has become a cornerstone of his regimen. This high-intensity regimen involves a combination of strength, agility, flexibility, and fitness exercises that challenge Usyk's entire body in a single session.
ウシクは自分を限界まで追い込むことが大切だと信じており、クロスフィット トレーニングは彼の計画の基礎となっています。この高強度の療法には、筋力、敏捷性、柔軟性、フィットネス運動の組み合わせが含まれており、1 回のセッションでウシクの全身に負荷がかかります。
Juggling: Improving Hand-Eye Coordination
ジャグリング: 手と目の調整を改善する
Despite his intimidating presence in the ring, Usyk has a playful side. He incorporates juggling into his training to enhance his hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and spatial awareness. Juggling also provides a fun and engaging warm-up exercise that prepares his mind for the challenges ahead.
Mind and Cognitive Testing: Sharpening the Mind
心と認知のテスト: 心を研ぎ澄ます
Boxing requires not only physical prowess but also mental agility. Usyk and his coach recognize the importance of training the mind. They engage in cognitive exercises, such as Schulte table tests, to develop speed-reading, peripheral vision, attention, and visual perception.
ボクシングには身体的な強さだけでなく、精神的な敏捷性も必要です。ウシクと彼のコーチは、心を訓練することの重要性を認識しています。彼らは、速読力、周辺視野、注意力、視覚認識を開発するために、シュルテ テーブル テストなどの認知訓練に取り組んでいます。
Dancing: Bringing Joy to Training
ダンス: トレーニングに喜びをもたらす
While not strictly a form of training, Usyk's love for dancing has become a regular feature in his workouts. He has shared videos of himself busting out hip-moving moves during sessions, providing an amusing spectacle and a dose of positivity to the otherwise demanding routine.
Coin Catching: Sharpening Hand-Eye Coordination
Usyk has employed the classic boxing drill of coin catching for years. He tosses three coins into the air and effortlessly catches them one by one, a simple yet effective technique to improve his hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and reflexes.
ウシクは長年、コインキャッチという古典的なボクシングの練習を採用してきた。彼は 3 枚のコインを空中に投げ、難なく 1 枚ずつキャッチします。これは、手と目の調整、反応時間、反射神経を向上させるためのシンプルですが効果的なテクニックです。
Running: Building Endurance and Stamina
ランニング: 持久力とスタミナを強化する
Although running may not be Usyk's favorite activity, he acknowledges its importance. He engages in long runs to enhance his anaerobic system and incorporates interval sessions to improve his aerobic capacity, ensuring he possesses the fitness and stamina to perform optimally over 12 rounds of boxing.
ランニングはウシクさんの好きな活動ではないかもしれないが、彼はその重要性を認めている。彼は、無酸素システムを強化するためにロングランに取り組み、有酸素能力を向上させるためにインターバルセッションを組み込んで、ボクシングの 12 ラウンドにわたって最適なパフォーマンスを発揮できるフィットネスとスタミナを確実に備えています。
Olympic Weightlifting: Building Strength and Power
オリンピックのウェイトリフティング: 筋力とパワーの構築
Strength is paramount for a boxer, and Usyk incorporates Olympic Weightlifting into his training. This includes complex movements using a barbell loaded with weight plates, such as deadlifts, squats, power cleans, snatches, and jerks.
Basketball and Other Sports: Promoting Coordination and Versatility
バスケットボールおよびその他のスポーツ: 調整能力と多用途性の促進
Beyond his core training regimen, Usyk participates in various sports to enhance his coordination and fitness. He engages in basketball games, volleyball drills, fishing, and kayaking. His ventures into other sports demonstrate his unwavering commitment to developing a well-rounded set of abilities.
Oleksandr Usyk's unorthodox training methods are a testament to his dedication, innovation, and unwavering determination to succeed. By embracing diverse techniques that challenge both his physical and mental capacities, Usyk has transformed himself into a formidable force in the heavyweight division. As he prepares for his highly anticipated showdown with Tyson Fury, these unique training practices have played a pivotal role in preparing him for the ultimate test.
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