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Lumia and Polygon Labs have joined forces to create the world’s first crypto real-estate project—Lumia Towers. Following the announcement, crypto.news had the opportunity to conduct a Q&A with Head of Enterprise and Financial Services for Polygon Labs, Boris Spremo and Lumia CEO Kal Ali.
LumiaとPolygon Labsが力を合わせて、世界初の暗号不動産プロジェクトであるLumia Towersを作成しました。発表に続いて、crypto.newsは、ポリゴンラボ、ボリススプモ、ルミアCEOのカルアリの企業および金融サービスの責任者とQ&Aを実施する機会がありました。
Spanning over 50,000 square meters and located in the largest city in Turkey, Istanbul, the massive $220 million infrastructure is set to house 300 residential and commercial units and is poised to become a global crypto hub. According to Lumia CEO Kal Ali, the twin skyscrapers will be completed and fully tokenized by the second quarter of 2026.
イスタンブールのトルコ最大の都市にある50,000平方メートルを超え、2億2,000万ドルの大規模なインフラストラクチャが300の住宅および商業ユニットを収容するために設定されており、グローバルな暗号ハブになる態勢が整っています。 Lumia CEOのKal Aliによると、Twinの高層ビルは2026年の第2四半期までに完成し、完全にトークン化されます。
Ali said Lumia Towers will be the first large-scale project in the crypto space, adding that the project aims to revolutionize how people approach real-estate ownership. By using the tokenization model, they hope to make the real estate market more accessible, open and seamless for retail investors.
アリは、Lumia TowersがCrypto Spaceで最初の大規模なプロジェクトになると述べ、このプロジェクトが人々が不動産の所有権にどのようにアプローチするかに革命をもたらすことを目的としていると付け加えました。トークン化モデルを使用することにより、彼らは小売投資家にとって不動産市場をよりアクセスしやすく、オープンでシームレスにすることを望んでいます。
According to data from Landshares, the current market value for tokenized real-world assets is around $187 billion. However, it is estimated to rise between $3.5 trillion in the bear-case scenario and $10 trillion in the bull case by 2030, reflecting a potential 50-fold growth. This explosive expansion is largely driven by ventures that attempt to fractionalize high-value assets through blockchain technology, making it possible for investors to own commercial and residential properties by buying tokens.
However, despite the promise of democratizing real estate investment, challenges such as regulatory complexities, market liquidity issues, and the technological integration of physical assets with digital tokens still plague this fairly new model and could lead to potential risks down the line.
For instance, the actual liquidity of tokenized real estate would still depend on the development of active secondary markets. Without sufficient trading volume, investors may find it difficult to buy or sell real-estate ownership tokens, limiting the anticipated liquidity benefits. At the moment, the Lumia team has not provided an explanation on how this issue can be solved.
In the past, other tokenization projects focused on existing buildings. In the U.S., Tokeninvest purchased a $740,000 in Longmont, Colorado and tokenized it, allowing third-party investors to directly supply 97% of the purchase capital.
Unlike previous prokects, Lumia Towers will become the first large-scale RWA real-estate project built by a web3 company.
以前の成績とは異なり、Lumia TowersはWeb3会社によって構築された最初の大規模なRWA不動産プロジェクトになります。
Head of Enterprise and Financial Services for Polygon (MATIC) Labs, Boris Spremo stated that real estate has always been one of the markets where the barriers to entry are “sky-high.”
Polygon(Matic)Labsのエンタープライズおよび金融サービスの責任者であるBoris Spremoは、不動産は常に入国の障壁が「Sky-High」である市場の1つであると述べました。
In the case of Turkey, where the Lumia Towers will be built, real estate prices have continued to rise. Analysts have predicted property prices in Turkey will increase by 10% to 15%. However, there is also a high appetite for real estate investors in the region. In January 2025, house sales in Turkey increased by 39.7% year-on-year, reaching 112,173 units—the second-highest January figure on record. Mortgage-backed sales also saw a rise of 182.8% compared to a year prior.
ルミアタワーが建設されるトルコの場合、不動産価格は上昇し続けています。アナリストは、トルコの不動産価格が10%から15%上昇すると予測しています。ただし、この地域の不動産投資家にとっても高い食欲があります。 2025年1月、トルコの住宅販売は前年比で39.7%増加し、112,173ユニットに達しました。住宅ローンが支援する売上も、1年前と比較して182.8%の増加を示しました。
According to Spremo, the project will be able to make real-estate ownership more affordable as RWA tokenization is able to take physical assets and “break them down to potentially $1 entry points through fractional ownership.” Though, how much each unit will cost will still depend on the property prices in the region, which has shown no signs of decreasing as of late.
How will ownership rights be distributed through the blockchain?
Ali explained that ownership rights for the tokenized twin skyscrapers will be structured through Special Purpose Vehicles or SPVs, which will acquire the tokenized property. Shares of the SPVs will be minted on-chain in the form of ERC-20 tokens.
アリは、トークン化されたツイン高層ビルの所有権は、トークン化されたプロパティを取得する特別な目的の車両またはSPVを通じて構成されると説明しました。 SPVの株式は、ERC-20トークンの形でオンチェーンで造られます。
“Token holders will have governance rights, allowing them to vote on decisions regarding the use of the property, such as whether to rent or sell,” said Ali.
According to Ali, Lumia Towers tokens will be deployed on the Lumia Chain, granting easier access for retail investors. The tokens will also have access to DeFi protocols through the Lumia Stream and the Lumia Ecosystem.
アリによると、Lumia TowersトークンはLumiaチェーンに展開され、小売投資家のアクセスが容易になります。トークンは、LumiaストリームとLumiaエコシステムを介してDefiプロトコルにもアクセスできます。
Throughout the tokenization process, Polygon’s role is making sure that developers like Lumia can customize their blockchain for this specific-use case. Boris Spremo explained that Polygon is able to lower the cost of tokenizing ownership of a $220 million infrastructure without compromising security.
トークン化プロセス全体を通して、Polygonの役割は、Lumiaのような開発者がこの特定の使用ケースのブロックチェーンをカスタマイズできるようにすることです。 Boris Spremoは、Polygonはセキュリティを損なうことなく、2億2,000万ドルのインフラストラクチャの所有権をトークン化するコストを削減できると説明しました。
“Polygon infrastructure specifically handles high-value applications where Ethereum alone is too expensive or too slow. When you are fractionalizing ownership of $220 million in real estate, you cannot have $50 transaction fees or wait 15 minutes for confirmation,” said Spremo.
The hopefuls and pitfalls of real estate tokenization
Moving forward, Lumia CEO
前進、Lumia CEO
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