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米国現地時間の1月2日、Terraの元創設者でTerraform Labsの共同創設者であるDo Kwon氏が正式に米国法廷に出廷した。
Terra co-founder Do Kwon has officially appeared in a US court following his extradition from Montenegro. At a hearing in the Manhattan Federal Court on Monday, Kwon pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, setting the stage for the upcoming trial.
As reported by Odaily, Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajic announced on Tuesday that the country has completed the extradition process of Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon to the United States.
Odailyが報じたように、モンテネグロのミロイコ・スパジッチ首相は火曜日、同国がTerraform Labsの共同創設者ド・クォン氏の米国への引き渡し手続きを完了したと発表した。
"This extradition demonstrates our unwavering commitment to international justice and the rule of law," Spajic wrote in a post on the X platform.
Kwon is facing prosecution in both New York and Seoul for the 2022 collapse of the TerraUSD stablecoin, which was valued at $40 billion at the time. He was arrested in Montenegro last year for traveling on a fake passport.
In April, Terraform and its founder Do Kwon were found guilty of fraud following a civil trial over charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Terraform has agreed to pay $4.5 billion to settle with the SEC.
4月、Terraformとその創設者ド・クォン氏は、米国証券取引委員会(SEC)による告訴をめぐる民事裁判の結果、詐欺罪で有罪判決を受けた。 TerraformはSECとの和解に45億ドルを支払うことに同意した。
Background: Terra collapse, Do Kwon extradition and trial preview
背景: テラ崩壊、ドグォン引き渡しと裁判内覧会
Terra's Collapse
The Terra ecosystem experienced an unprecedented collapse in May 2022, with the value of its two core cryptocurrencies, TerraUSD (UST) and LUNA, nearly dropping to zero, resulting in a loss of approximately $40 billion.
Terra エコシステムは 2022 年 5 月に前例のない崩壊を経験し、その 2 つのコア仮想通貨である TerraUSD (UST) と LUNA の価値がほぼゼロまで下がり、約 400 億ドルの損失をもたらしました。
At the time, UST was the leading representative of algorithmic stablecoins, maintaining a 1:1 peg to the US dollar through algorithms and market incentives. Meanwhile, LUNA was the governance token that supported UST's stability.
当時、UST はアルゴリズム ステーブルコインの主要な代表者であり、アルゴリズムと市場インセンティブを通じて米ドルと 1:1 のペッグを維持していました。一方、LUNAはUSTの安定性を支えたガバナンストークンでした。
However, early in May, with Terra's protocol upgrade and capital flight, UST lost its peg to the US dollar, and its price fell rapidly, causing market panic. In response to this crisis, Terraform Labs attempted to support the price of UST through reserves, but failed.
しかし、5月初旬、Terraのプロトコルアップグレードと資本逃避により、USTは米ドルとのペッグを失い、価格が急速に下落し、市場パニックを引き起こした。この危機に対応して、Terraform Labs は準備金を通じて UST の価格を支えようとしましたが、失敗しました。
Concurrently, the dual-currency mechanism of the Terra protocol led to the minting of a large number of new LUNA, further driving down the price of LUNA and creating a vicious cycle.
同時に、Terra プロトコルの二重通貨メカニズムにより、大量の新しい LUNA が鋳造され、LUNA の価格がさらに下落し、悪循環が生まれました。
Ultimately, the price of LUNA plummeted from a high of about $119 to almost zero, and the entire ecosystem collapsed. The failure of Terra also triggered a chain reaction in the market, affecting other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and causing the funds of millions of investors to vanish completely.
最終的に、LUNA の価格は約 119 ドルの高値からほぼゼロまで急落し、エコシステム全体が崩壊しました。 Terraの失敗は市場で連鎖反応を引き起こし、ビットコインなどの他の仮想通貨にも影響を与え、何百万もの投資家の資金が完全に消滅しました。
Since then, algorithmic stablecoins have nearly disappeared from the market, which has also directly led to subsequent primary market crashes such as 3AC.
Extradition to the United States or South Korea?
Do Kwon became the subject of a tug-of-war in the first half of this year, as both the United States and South Korea sought to extradite him for trial in their respective countries.
In March, it was reported that Do Kwon would ultimately be extradited to South Korea, but the decision was postponed by the Supreme Court of Montenegro and finally confirmed in December that he would be extradited to the United States.
Earlier, there were rumors circulating in the market that when Do Kwon was arrested by Montenegrin police, a Trezor hardware cold wallet was found in his rectum, which allegedly contained more than 10,000 Bitcoins. Today, these Bitcoins are worth over $1 billion.
以前、ド・クォンがモンテネグロ警察に逮捕された際、直腸からTrezorハードウェアコールドウォレットが発見され、そこには1万ビットコイン以上が入っていたという噂が市場で流れていた。現在、これらのビットコインの価値は 10 億ドルを超えています。
A look ahead to the trial process
In court, Do Kwon pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. So, what happens next?
A plea of not guilty is a formal statement made by the defendant in a criminal case within the US judicial system, indicating that they deny committing the crime in question.
This does not directly result in the defendant being found not guilty but instead requires the prosecution to present sufficient evidence to prove the charges. The case will then proceed to the trial stage, where the court will determine the defendant's guilt after the trial.
The next hearing in the case is scheduled for January 8.
In essence, we will witness a court drama similar to the one that unfolded earlier this year with SBF. Many insider details of Terra's collapse will be revealed, from the appearance of witnesses to the final verdict. Odaily will continue to follow up and report on the case for you.
本質的に、私たちは今年初めにSBFで展開されたものと同様の法廷劇を目撃することになる。証人の登場から最終判決まで、テラ崩壊の多くの内部関係者の詳細が明らかになります。 Odaily では引き続きこの事件を追跡調査し、報告していきます。
He could be sentenced to 130 years, but he smiled
Do Kwon has been charged with multiple offenses. According to a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Public Affairs, the main charges against Do Kwon are as follows:
False Statements Made by Do Kwon:
Stablecoin Misrepresentation: Kwon falsely advertised the effectiveness of the “Terra Protocol” system, which purportedly used a computer algorithm to maintain the value of Terraform’s so-called “stablecoin” TerraUSD (UST) at $1-1 UST. But Kwon knew that after the Terra Protocol failed to restore UST’s $1 peg in May 2021
ステーブルコインの虚偽表示: クォン氏は、コンピューターアルゴリズムを使用して、Terraform のいわゆる「ステーブルコイン」TerraUSD (UST) の価値を 1 ~ 1 USD に維持すると称する「Terra プロトコル」システムの有効性を虚偽宣伝しました。しかし、クォン氏は、テラプロトコルが2021年5月にUSTの1ドルペッグを回復できなかったことを知っていた。
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- 女性はビットコイン革命の重要な選手です。
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- 今週の時点で、私たちはビットコインによって少なくとも部分的に引き受けられている新しい経済に参加しています。