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デジタル資産の回復: 理想と法の支配が衝突するとき

2024/04/16 19:00

デジタル資産の分野では、紛失または盗難された資産の回復が依然として議論の余地のある問題です。分散化と不変性という伝統的な原則は、過去に資産回収の妨げになることがよくありました。しかし、英国の裁判所はデジタル資産を財産として扱う前例を確立し、デジタル資産を取り戻すための法的手段への道を開きました。チューリップ取引などの現在進行中の訴訟では、ブロックチェーン開発者に盗難または紛失した資産を返還する受託者義務があるかどうかが決定される可能性があり、分散化と不変性の定説に疑問を投げかける可能性がある。それにもかかわらず、BSV のようなブロックチェーン プラットフォームは資産回復ツールの必要性を受け入れ、これらの課題に直面している投資家に実行可能なソリューションを提供しています。

デジタル資産の回復: 理想と法の支配が衝突するとき

Recovering one’s property when lost through theft, fraud, or simply misplacing it should not be a controversial topic. Yet, in the digital asset space, certain foundational principles and the ideologues that cling to them often prove a barrier to asset recovery. However, in the United Kingdom, courts have laid down a marker for treating digital assets as property, and an ongoing asset recovery case could force blockchain miners and developers to choose between their commitment to ideals—real or imagined—and the rule of law.


Crypto-anarchists, and before them, the Cypherpunk movement of the 80s and 90s, advocated for the use of cryptography and decentralized technologies to protect privacy, promote individual freedoms, and counteract third-party surveillance. Two of the fundamental principles that came out of these movements and were applied to the blockchain were ‘decentralization and ‘immutability, the mantras of many blockchain philosophers.

暗号アナキストとその前の 80 年代と 90 年代のサイファーパンク運動は、プライバシーを保護し、個人の自由を促進し、第三者の監視に対抗するために暗号化と分散テクノロジーの使用を提唱しました。これらの運動から生まれ、ブロックチェーンに適用された 2 つの基本原則は、多くのブロックチェーン哲学者の信条である「分散化」と「不変性」でした。

Decentralization refers to the distribution of power and control among a network of participants rather than relying on a central authority—in theory—preventing single points of failure and reducing the risk of censorship or manipulation by any one entity. Immutability refers to the inability to change or alter data once it has been recorded on the blockchain, which is intended to ensure that transactions and data recorded are tamper-proof and resistant to revision after the fact, thus fostering trust in the integrity of the blockchain and its historical record.


Unfortunately for proponents of these ‘foundational principles,’ there’s a growing recognition that decentralization in the blockchain space might be a myth, and as for immutability, opinion is split on whether it is necessary to always maintain it or if there are some situations that may also warrant a rethink of this seemingly non-negotiable characteristic.


One such situation, which, to some extent, challenges both of these core principles, is the contentious topic of digital asset recovery.

これらの中心原則の両方にある程度挑戦する状況の 1 つは、デジタル資産の回復という議論の多いテーマです。

Before getting into the meat and potatoes of the debate, it’s necessary to clarify that there are two distinct types of recovery to speak of: that involving assets lost through frauds, such as Ponzi schemes (FTX being a recent high-profile example) and those stolen through hacks or otherwise made inaccessible (e.g., lost keys).

本題の議論に入る前に、回復には 2 つの異なるタイプがあることを明確にする必要があります。1 つは、ポンジ スキーム(FTX が最近の注目を集めた例です)などの詐欺によって失われた資産に関係するものです。ハッキングによって盗まれたか、その他の方法でアクセスできなくなった(鍵の紛失など)。

The two present very different challenges, with recovery of the former being relatively
commonplace and uncontroversial, the latter decidedly not.

この 2 つは非常に異なる課題を提示しており、前者の回復は比較的ありふれたもので議論の余地はありませんが、後者は明らかにそうではありません。

Recovering assets lost to fraud often involves legal recourse, investigation, and potential restitution efforts. Investors losing money due to fraud is not exclusive to the digital asset space, and when a fraud is uncovered and those behind it put to trial, the courts generally make every effort to reimburse or compensate victims where possible.


In the case of FTX, for example, victims of Sam Bankman-Fried’s fraud look likely to get a large amount, if not all, of their investment returned, with the caveat that this is partly due to FTX having a large portion of its remaining assets in tokens, the price of which has skyrocketed since the FTX fraud was uncovered.

たとえばFTXの場合、サム・バンクマン・フリードの詐欺の被害者は、全額ではないにしても多額の投資が返還される可能性が高いと思われますが、これはFTXが残金の大部分を持っていることによる部分があることに注意してください。 FTX詐欺が発覚して以来、トークンの価格が高騰している。

On the other hand, recovering assets stolen through hacks or lost due to inaccessible keys is a more complex and technical challenge. In many cases, once funds are stolen or keys are lost, they become irretrievable without specific technical solutions. Progress is being made in this regard, but it remains limited to certain blockchains, BSV Blockchain (BSV) being a prominent example.

一方で、ハッキングによって盗まれた資産、またはアクセスできないキーによって失われた資産を回復することは、より複雑で技術的な課題です。多くの場合、資金が盗まれたり鍵が紛失したりすると、特定の技術的解決策がなければ取り戻すことができなくなります。この点では進歩が見られますが、依然として特定のブロックチェーンに限定されており、BSV ブロックチェーン (BSV) がその顕著な例です。

Such progress, on top of returning assets to their rightful owners, serves to dispel the common misconception that digital asset investors must sign a Faustian pact when getting into the space: to enjoy the benefits of the technology, one must accept that lost or stolen assets often cannot be recovered.


UK courts setting the standard


“The point is that we can recover it, and there have been successful recoveries,” says Charlotte Hill, Partner at international law firm Penningtons Manches Cooper, which is a board member of the Crypto Fraud and Asset Recovery Network (CFAAR).


Launched in August 2021, CFAAR brought together lawyers, barristers, forensic accountants, corporate intelligence, and asset recovery professionals with the purpose of developing “best practices” in digital asset recovery.

2021 年 8 月に設立された CFAAR は、デジタル資産回復の「ベスト プラクティス」を開発することを目的として、弁護士、法廷弁護士、法医学会計士、企業情報、資産回復の専門家を結集しました。

Speaking with CoinGeek, Hill points out that when it comes to digital asset recovery, the U.K. courts have been meeting the challenges head-on.


“The English courts were very quick to deal with the problems that were arising, which predominantly stemmed out of fraudulent actions or theft or some sort of scam,” says Hill.


One such problem was whether digital assets could be classified as property within the traditional legal framework. If something can be considered property, then the theft of loss of it does not change who the rightful owner is, and any service or network that is responsible for overseeing such assets may owe a duty of care to the owner, and thus could be compelled to do anything within its power to return said assets to their rightful owner.

そのような問題の 1 つは、デジタル資産を従来の法的枠組み内で財産として分類できるかどうかでした。何かが財産とみなされる場合、その盗難や紛失によって正当な所有者が変わることはなく、そのような資産を監督する責任を負うサービスやネットワークは所有者に対して注意義務を負う可能性があるため、強制される可能性があります。当該資産を正当な所有者に返還するために権限の範囲内であらゆることを行うこと。

Some blockchain advocates and developers argue that digital assets such as Bitcoin exist outside of the laws that apply to other assets, such as property law. As a novel asset type, its status should be decided by fresh legislation, not the courts applying old ones.


This is certainly the case being made by the likes of Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN) and Ripple
in the United States, both of whom face court cases against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They have persistently argued the financial sector regulator is overstepping its jurisdiction by attempting to apply existing securities laws to their ‘unique’ asset type and demands to be left alone until Congress comes up with digital asset-specific legislation.

これは確かに、米国のコインベース(NASDAQ: COIN)やリップルなどによって提起されているケースであり、どちらも証券取引委員会(SEC)に対して訴訟を起こしています。彼らは、金融セクター規制当局が既存の証券法を「独自の」資産タイプに適用しようとすることで管轄権を逸脱していると主張し、議会がデジタル資産固有の法案を提出するまで放っておくことを要求している。

Whether digital assets are securities is another debate—spoiler, they almost all are—however, on the question of whether they can be considered property, several cases in the U.K. have set a precedent for recognizing that the industry is not so different in nature to other sectors, clearing a potential hurdle to recovery.


“The English Courts grappled with it and very quickly decided on an interim basis that crypto can be treated as property, we really refined our concepts to this new asset class,” explains Hill.


The implication of this, says Hill, is that “in short, we can take steps to recover this new asset class.”


The key cases in question include AA v Persons Unknown & Ors Re Bitcoin (2019), in which the court was willing to grant proprietary injunctions against all defendants, freezing fraudulently obtained Bitcoin. In granting the injunctions, Judge Bryan ruled that “crypto assets such as Bitcoin are property.”

問題となっている主な訴訟には、AA 対 不明者およびビットコイン関連訴訟 (2019 年) が含まれます。この訴訟では、裁判所は、不正に入手したビットコインを凍結するという、すべての被告に対する固有の差止命令を認める意向でした。ブライアン判事は差し止め命令を認めるに当たり、「ビットコインなどの暗号資産は財産である」との判決を下した。

Incidentally, the case also demonstrates another innovation of the U.K. courts, being able to sue ‘persons unknown.’ This is a useful tool when dealing with the frequently anonymous and pseudo-anonymous digital asset space.


The property question was later affirmed in the case of Tulip Trading Limited v Bitcoin Association for BSV & Others (2023), in which the Court of Appeal was asked to consider whether Bitcoin developers owe fiduciary duties to the user, specifically whether the developers should be required to return the claimant’s lost property (Bitcoin) to them if they can prove ownership. The Court unanimously held that there was a serious issue to be tried on this point and remitted the case for trial before the High Court.


The U.K. Law Commission referenced this judgment in its June 2023 report on digital assets, stating that the case had “brought a high degree of certainty to the law of England and Wales: it recognizes that crypto-tokens can be things to which personal property rights can relate.”


This cleared one barrier to recovery (in the U.K. at least) but several other significant obstacles remain.

これにより(少なくとも英国では)回復への障壁が 1 つクリアされましたが、他にもいくつかの重大な障害が残っています。

“The challenges lie around enforcement and around jurisdiction, because by virtue of this asset class, they are borderless and many of the entities, to the extent that they are centralized in some way, are typically offshore,” says Hill.


Another issue she notes is simply the costs involved.

彼女が指摘するもう 1 つの問題は、単純にコストがかかることです。

“You have individual investors that have lost money or had however many thousands of crypto stolen, but unfortunately, because of the cost of the litigation—if it’s quite a legally challenging case that takes time and effort, it will cost. It quite often means, unfortunately, individuals can’t afford to take the action required in order to recover the assets.”


This means bad luck for smaller investors, where the cost of the process, barring getting involved in a large class action, simply outweighs the benefit and chance of recovery.


Despite these challenges, Hill is optimistic about digital asset recovery from fraud, pointing out that the odds are improving.


“In terms of actually seeking to recover the asset, if it’s in, for example, a centralized wallet, it is more often than not possible, as long as that exchange or whoever is holding the wallet is willing to play ball with you.”


Whether a prominent exchange, such as Binance or Coinbase, is willing to play ball may be a big if, but this rosier take on digital asset recovery clashes with a common conception, or perhaps misconception, of the process being prohibitively difficult.

Binance や Coinbase などの著名な取引所が積極的に参加するかどうかは大きな問題かもしれませんが、デジタル資産の回復に対するこの楽観的な姿勢は、プロセスが法外に難しいという一般的な概念、あるいはおそらく誤解と衝突します。

Easier than it looks?


The idea that recovering digital assets once ‘lost’ is a fool’s errand likely stems from conflating assets lost through fraud and Ponzi schemes with those stolen through hacking or literally lost, i.e., misplaced keys.


In the case of the former, it could be argued that it’s actually an easier process than with certain other asset classes.


“At the moment, I’ve got a cryptocurrency tracing case on, I’ve got a couple of traditional payment fraud cases where you’re tracing fiat currency through bank accounts, and I’ve also got a third case where a guy was defrauded into buying gold bars. Having those three sets of cases is a real stark reminder of just how traceable crypto is,” explains Dan Wyatt, partner at RPC, one of the founding law firms of CFAAR.

「現時点では、私は仮想通貨追跡事件を抱えています。銀行口座を通じて法定通貨を追跡する従来の支払い詐欺事件もいくつか抱えています。また、男が詐欺行為を働いた3件目の事件も抱えています。金の延べ棒を騙し取られた。これら 3 つの訴訟が起きたことは、仮想通貨がいかに追跡可能であるかをはっきりと思い出させてくれます」と、CFAAR 設立法律事務所の 1 つである RPC のパートナー、ダン ワイアットは説明します。

“If it’s gone through a mixer and been spread right around the world it’s more difficult, but it’s completely possible.”


So, in contrast to ‘traditional’ assets, blockchain-based assets are actually easier to trace, thanks to the clear and public transaction records. Barring the assets going through a mixer or mixing service—platforms that can obfuscate the origin of digital assets funds by mixing coins with others and sending them to different wallet addresses to make transactions anonymous and difficult to trace—it’s relatively straightforward to follow the paper trail.

したがって、「従来の」資産とは対照的に、ブロックチェーンベースの資産は、明確で公開された取引記録のおかげで、実際に追跡が簡単です。資産がミキサーやミキシングサービス(コインを他のコインと混合し、異なるウォレットアドレスに送信することで取引を匿名化して追跡を困難にすることでデジタル資産資金の出所を不明瞭にするプラットフォーム)を経由しない限り、紙の証跡をたどるのは比較的簡単です。 。

These controversial mixer services are also becoming increasingly difficult to access as they often find themselves on the sanctions list, particularly in the U.S., due to their utility for money laundering and terrorist financing— Tornado Cash, Sinbad.io, and ChipMixer are prominent examples.

また、物議を醸しているこれらのミキサー サービスは、マネーロンダリングやテロ資金供与に有用であるため、特に米国で制裁リストに掲載されることが多く、アクセスがますます困難になってきています。Tornado Cash、Sinbad.io、ChipMixer がその顕著な例です。

Comparatively, Wyatt states that in a standard payment fraud case, “there’s nothing you can do at all; all you know is that your client has instructed a payment to a bank account. You have to go to that bank; you have to ask it for disclosure, you have to probably get an order, then you’ll get account payment to another ten bank accounts, you’ll have to go to those banks, that’s ten more orders for ten more disclosures. It’s actually really clunky and time-consuming.”

これと比較して、ワイアット氏は、標準的な支払い詐欺事件では「できることはまったくありません。あなたが知っているのは、顧客が銀行口座への支払いを指示したということだけです。あなたはその銀行に行かなければなりません。開示を求める必要があり、おそらく注文を取得する必要があります。その後、さらに 10 の銀行口座に支払いが行われ、それらの銀行に行かなければなりません。つまり、さらに 10 件の開示に対してさらに 10 件の注文が必要になります。実際にはとても面倒で時間がかかります。」

Rather than this awkward process, digital assets can often be traced to or via exchanges, at which point the next stage is to freeze and repossess them. Hill suggests this can also be a straightforward affair, with embattled digital asset exchanges increasingly wanting to be perceived as legitimate and law-abiding businesses.


“More known exchanges will usually want to uphold their reputation, with the right court order or documentation to prove ownership, they will return it. Whereas if it was in an offshore bank or something like that, that’s a very different challenge and actually takes a lot longer and requires a lot more cooperation.”


This positive take on digital asset recovery will come as music to the ears of the legion of victims of crypto-fraud and Ponzi schemes, such as FTX, whereas Hill points out, “ironically, it appears that not only are the victims going to be paid in full but there’s going to be a profit.”

デジタル資産の回復に対するこの前向きな見方は、FTX などの仮想通貨詐欺やポンジスキームの被害者の大勢の耳に音楽として届くだろうが、ヒル氏は次のように指摘している。全額支払われますが、利益は得られます。」

However, the outlook remains decidedly less optimistic for the many digital asset investors who have lost access to their property, thanks to misplaced keys or hacks.


Recovering stolen or lost assets


In 2017, digital asset research firm Chainalysis estimated that between 2.78 and 3.79 million, or between 17% and 23% of all BTC, at the time, had been lost. In March last year, economist Timothy Peterson went further, suggesting that “six million of the 19.3 million bitcoin mined have been irretrievably lost.”


The reason such a huge cache of assets is considered ‘irretrievable’ is due to the complexity of the process, throwing up roadblocks at several different stages of recovery.


First, the person or entity that suffered the loss or theft would need to prove ownership. This is arguably the easiest and least controversial part of the process, especially now that digital assets are established as property in law (in the U.K., at least).


Second, it would need to be established who, if anyone, is responsible for a certain blockchain; in the case of BTC, for example, this would be the ‘BTC Core Developers,’ a somewhat anomalous and distributed group of people who contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of the BTC protocol and its implementation. Lastly, a court order would need to be issued compelling the group of developers, miners, or custodial organizations to implement the reassignment of coins, either by getting enough hash power to undo approved transactions or adding new code.

第二に、特定のブロックチェーンに責任がある場合、誰が責任を負うのかを確立する必要があります。たとえば、BTC の場合、これは「BTC コア開発者」になります。これは、BTC プロトコルとその実装の継続的な開発と保守に貢献する、やや異常で分散した人々のグループです。最後に、承認されたトランザクションを元に戻すのに十分なハッシュパワーを取得するか、新しいコードを追加することによって、開発者、採掘者、保管組織のグループにコインの再割り当てを実施するよう強制する裁判所命令を発行する必要がある。

But even with a court order, implementing changes to a pseudo-decentralized network like BTC would be extremely challenging. If the significant hash power required to implement changes was attained or new code added to the protocol, there’s still no guarantee that all network participants would accept these changes, potentially leading to a contentious hard fork or individuals refusing to comply with the court order.

しかし、裁判所命令があっても、BTC のような擬似分散型ネットワークに変更を加えるのは非常に困難です。変更を実装するために必要な大きなハッシュパワーが達成された場合、またはプロトコルに新しいコードが追加された場合でも、すべてのネットワーク参加者がこれらの変更を受け入れるという保証はなく、潜在的に物議を醸すハードフォークや、個人が裁判所命令に従うことを拒否する事態につながる可能性があります。

Robin Smith, founder of ToHonesty, a startup company aiming to carve out a niche as an intermediary in the digital asset recovery field, suggests that part of the problem is a matter of mindset rather than technical barriers.

デジタル資産回復分野の仲介業者としてニッチな市場を開拓することを目指すスタートアップ企業、ToHonesty の創設者であるロビン・スミス氏は、問題の一部は技術的な障壁ではなく考え方の問題であると示唆しています。

“If people thought stealing digital assets and recovering or resigning coins—getting the hash power to do it—was just the same as a bailiff going to a thief’s house and getting the property back, people wouldn’t dispute it at all,” Smith tells CoinGeek.


He goes on to suggest that the process itself is not the problem.


“Technically, the mechanics of it are really well understood. You wouldn’t even need to get the developers to change the code. You could get an injunction, theoretically, that would compel the miners to patch the code themselves. If they say ‘we can’t do this,’ then it’s possibly contempt of court.”


Compelling enough of a disparate network of miners to comply with an injunction or court order might seem even more fanciful than compelling a developer group, but industrial-sized mining operations are big business. Depending on jurisdiction, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that a large digital asset mining company might feel it needs to comply with court orders for the purposes of legitimacy, or even PR.

異種採掘者のネットワークに差し止め命令や裁判所命令に従うよう強制することは、開発者グループに強制するよりもさらに空想的なように思えるかもしれませんが、産業規模の採掘事業は大規模なビジネスです。管轄区域によっては、大規模なデジタル資産マイニング会社が、正当性や PR の目的で裁判所命令に従う必要があると感じる可能性の領域を超えることはありません。

By way of example, U.S.-based mining company Marathon Digital (NASDAQ: MARA) has cooperated with two different SEC subpoenas related to its operations; while they were not asking the firm to do something as seemingly drastic as partake in a reassigning of coins or changing of code, it does at least show a willingness to cooperate with authorities when compelled to do so.

一例として、米国に本拠を置く鉱山会社マラソン デジタル (NASDAQ: MARA) は、その運営に関連した 2 つの異なる SEC 召喚状に協力しました。彼らは同社に対し、コインの再割り当てやコードの変更に参加するような一見大胆なことをするよう求めているわけではないが、少なくとも、やむを得ず当局に協力する姿勢を示している。

However, even if this was a possibility, without total consensus, controversial decisions made on a blockchain have a habit of resulting in forks. One of the most notable instances occurred on the Ethereum blockchain.

ただし、たとえこれが可能だったとしても、完全なコンセンサスがなければ、ブロックチェーン上で物議を醸す決定はフォークにつながる傾向があります。最も注目すべき事例の 1 つはイーサリアム ブロックチェーン上で発生しました。

The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) was a smart contract platform built on Ethereum, essentially a venture capital fund in the form of a smart contract. In 2016, a vulnerability in the DAO’s code was exploited, resulting in the theft of approximately $50 million worth of ETH.

DAO(分散型自律組織)は、イーサリアム上に構築されたスマートコントラクトプラットフォームであり、本質的にはスマートコントラクトの形式のベンチャーキャピタルファンドです。 2016 年に DAO のコードの脆弱性が悪用され、約 5,000 万ドル相当の ETH が盗難されました。

In response to the hack, the Ethereum community faced a difficult decision, some arguing for a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain to effectively reverse the unauthorized transactions and restore the stolen funds to their rightful owners, while others argued that such an action would violate the principles of ‘immutability’ and ‘decentralization.’

このハッキングを受けて、イーサリアムコミュニティは難しい決断に直面し、不正な取引を効果的に取り消し、盗まれた資金を正当な所有者に戻すためにイーサリアムブロックチェーンのハードフォークを主張する人もいれば、そのような行為は規約に違反すると主張する人もいた。 「不変性」と「分散化」の原則。

Ultimately, the community chose to proceed with a hard fork to reverse the transactions associated with the hack, which led to the creation of two separate blockchains: Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). Ethereum continued with the hard fork, undoing the hack and returning the stolen funds, while Ethereum Classic remained on the original blockchain.

最終的に、コミュニティはハッキングに関連するトランザクションを取り消すためにハード フォークを続行することを選択し、これによりイーサリアム (ETH) とイーサリアム クラシック (ETC) という 2 つの別個のブロックチェーンが作成されました。イーサリアムはハードフォークを継続し、ハッキングを元に戻して盗まれた資金を返却しましたが、イーサリアムクラシックは元のブロックチェーンに残りました。

In this case, the controversial decision was taken due to the huge number of people affected by the hack, and the value of the assets involved. But even then, the decision was taken reluctantly and with consequences for the blockchain’s future.


Imagine, then, how difficult it would be for a single individual to retrieve lost assets. As Hill points out, “if you’ve lost your private key, there’s nothing at the moment you can do.” However, she does add the caveat, “unless, of course, the Tulip Trading case changes a lot.”


This is the same Tulip Trading case which, as we’ve seen, more or less settled the ‘are digital assets property?’ question in the U.K., and, depending on how the case pans out, it may have an even more landmark precedent up its sleeve.


Tulip Trading


In December 2023, the U.K. High Court ruled that if Tulip Trading Limited can prove it owns 110,000 BTC at a preliminary issue trial in 2025, there is a case to be heard that the defendants owe fiduciary duties to return those BTC to their rightful owner.

2023年12月、英国高等裁判所は、2025年の予備発行裁判でTulip Trading Limitedが110,000 BTCを所有していることを証明できれば、被告はそれらのBTCを正当な所有者に返還する受託者義務を負っているとの訴訟が審理されるとの判決を下した。

Bitcoin Association for BSV (now called BSV Association) has already settled the case with Tulip, and the remaining ‘others’ are essentially a list of BTC Core Developers.

Bitcoin Association for BSV(現在はBSV Associationと呼ばれています)はすでにTulipとの訴訟で和解しており、残りの「その他」は基本的にBTCコア開発者のリストです。

Tulip Trading, which is owned by Dr. Craig Wright—who claims to have lost access to the coins following a hack on his home in 2020—is arguing that developers of blockchains owe fiduciary and common law duties to owners of digital assets, in large part due to the centralized nature of blockchain development.


“The key points in Tulip Trading is whether the developers of the Bitcoin network, who support and run the Bitcoin network, owe duties to the victims of fraud, effectively to amend the blockchain and all the code to help them recover assets where they’ve had keys stolen,” explains Wyatt.


“It’s a fundamentally important case because if the claimant wins, well, all hell would break loose, most likely.”


The seismic significance revolves around developers of blockchains having largely managed to avoid any legal liability arising from their control of vast networks that govern trillions of dollars in assets. If blockchain developers were found to owe fiduciary duties—the legal responsibility to act solely in the best interest of another party—to the owners of assets on the blockchain they oversee, then certain blockchains would have to radically change their philosophy and way of operating – or else potentially find themselves in contempt of numerous court orders and injunctions.


For this reason, even in the instance of a Tulip Trading win, Wyatt suggests the fight wouldn’t end there:


“I imagine people wouldn’t comply with it for a start, but if they were to comply with it, I imagine it would result in a new version of Bitcoin because it would be fundamental to how the whole ecosystem operates.”


It appears then, like so many who have lost digital assets, Tulip Trading is running up against that dogmatic brick wall of ‘decentralization’ and ‘immutability,’ which comes part and parcel with many blockchain ecosystems.


However, this is not universally the case when it comes to blockchain technology and digital assets. BSV Association, the Switzerland-based steward organization of the BSV blockchain (and former defendant in the Tulip Trading case), has taken a more proactive approach to digital asset recovery.




Connor Murray, Stewardship Director at BSV Association, described the organization’s role as “ensuring network integrity and compliance with legal standards,” with the intention of making BSV “a reliable and trustworthy platform for digital innovation.”

BSV Association のスチュワードシップ ディレクターである Connor Murray 氏は、BSV を「デジタル イノベーションのための信頼できるプラットフォーム」にすることを目的として、この組織の役割を「ネットワークの完全性と法的基準の遵守を確保すること」であると説明しました。

Putting its money where its mouth is, in October 2022, the BSV Association launched the
Blacklist Manager software tool to permit miners to freeze digital assets on the BSV blockchain—provided that a court order or equivalent documentation has been secured. Blacklist Manager was a key first step towards digital asset recovery on the BSV blockchain.

口を閉ざして、BSV協会は2022年10月、裁判所命令または同等の文書が確保されている場合に、マイナーがBSVブロックチェーン上のデジタル資産を凍結できるようにするブラックリストマネージャーソフトウェアツールを立ち上げた。 Blacklist Manager は、BSV ブロックチェーンでのデジタル資産の回復に向けた重要な第一歩でした。

This year, the Association took the next step by introducing the Digital Asset Recovery (DAR) tool, which “enables the recovery or freezing of digital assets in cases of loss, theft, or if they require ownership or transfer” and delivers “a protocol that aligns blockchain technology with existing legal frameworks for asset protection.”


When announcing the package of security enhancements in which DAR was introduced, the BSV Association said it was “essential in establishing a regulatory-compliant network and framework for digital assets, as well as for enforcement and compliance with existing property laws.”

DAR が導入されたセキュリティ強化パッケージを発表した際、BSV Association は、DAR が「デジタル資産のための規制に準拠したネットワークとフレームワークを確立する上で、また既存の財産法の施行と遵守にとって不可欠である」と述べました。

Of course, the BSV Association is a centralized organization and, as such, has drawn criticism from the crypto-anarchist purists that cling to decentralization as a fundamental pillar of the technology. But the key difference between the BSV Association and those groups in charge of other blockchains is that the former does not have any power to change the underlying BSV protocol—it is, as the BSV Association says, a steward of a set in stone protocol. Other blockchains—as shown by the Ethereum DAO fiasco—are very much in the business of exercising centralized power to make drastic changes to the underlying technology.

もちろん、BSV Association は中央集権的な組織であるため、技術の基本的な柱として分散化に固執する暗号アナキスト純粋主義者からの批判を集めています。しかし、BSV協会と他のブロックチェーンを担当するグループとの主な違いは、BSV協会には基礎となるBSVプロトコルを変更する権限がないことだ。BSV協会が言うように、BSV協会は完全なプロトコルの管理者である。他のブロックチェーンは、イーサリアム DAO の大失敗に見られるように、基盤となるテクノロジーに大幅な変更を加えるために集中力を行使することに熱心に取り組んでいます。

Where we are and where we’re going with asset recovery


When it comes to asset recovery from fraud or Ponzi schemes, the outlook appears a little more positive if situational.


“The right case is where you can trace the crypto, or some of it, to an exchange; where enough has been lost to be worth the effort; where you have a party who is willing and able to fund the recovery work; and it’s the right jurisdiction,” says Wyatt. With these “four key things” in place, recovery is possible and frequently happens.

「適切なケースは、暗号通貨またはその一部を取引所まで追跡できる場合です。努力する価値があるほど十分なものが失われている場合。復旧作業に資金を提供する意欲と能力のある当事者がいる場合。そしてそれは正しい管轄権です」とワイアットは言います。これらの「4 つの重要なこと」を適切に実施すれば、回復は可能であり、頻繁に起こります。

In terms of the law, as Wyatt points out, “there’s nothing particular new there. It’s all just applying existing principles to a new asset class.”


In terms of recovery from theft, hack, or misplaced keys, while proponents of many blockchains may not like the idea and developers may not want to do it, similar asset recovery tools to DAR could be implemented on the likes of BTC, BCH, ETH, or any other blockchain. It’s worth noting that on the BSV blockchain, transactions do not get reversed since there is a full record of everything in the system just like an accounting system. Instead the transaction is appended and all of the relevant transaction information that caused the transaction to be appended is available to view creating an audit trail of why things changed, when and by what authority.

盗難、ハッキング、鍵の置き忘れからの回復という点では、多くのブロックチェーンの支持者はこのアイデアを好まないかもしれないし、開発者はそうしたくないかもしれないが、DAR と同様の資産回復ツールが BTC、BCH、ETH などに実装される可能性がある。 、または他のブロックチェーン。 BSV ブロックチェーンでは、会計システムと同じようにシステム内にすべての完全な記録があるため、トランザクションが取り消されないことは注目に値します。代わりに、トランザクションが追加され、トランザクションが追加される原因となったすべての関連トランザクション情報を参照して、変更がいつ、どの権限によって行われたのかを示す監査証跡を作成するために利用できます。

As things stand, until Tulip Trading or another case sets down a marker for the recovery of lost or stolen assets and the resulting court orders are actually enforced and complied with, this kind of recovery is going to be restricted to the BSV blockchain.

現状では、Tulip Trading または別の訴訟で紛失または盗難された資産の回復の基準が設定され、その結果としての裁判所命令が実際に執行され遵守されるまで、この種の回復は BSV ブロックチェーンに制限されることになります。

“Even if you can’t get BTC to comply with fiduciary duties, to recover assets from BTC – which, after all, is where a lot of the value really is in the digital asset space – why not just let the BTC network carry on without asset recovery. The BSV network is running,” says Smith.

「たとえBTCに受託者責任を遵守させ、BTCから資産を回収することができなかったとしても、結局のところ、デジタル資産の分野で多くの価値が実際に存在するのはそこであるため、なぜBTCネットワークを継続させてはいけないのでしょうか」資産回復なし。 BSV ネットワークは稼働しています」とスミス氏は言います。

“If BSV can be adopted by app developers or institutionally adopted by people, then if you did get something lost or stolen from the BSV network, the recovery tools are all there, ready to go.”

「BSV をアプリ開発者が採用したり、組織的に人々に採用したりできれば、BSV ネットワークで何かを紛失したり盗まれたりした場合でも、回復ツールがすべて揃っており、すぐに使用できるようになります。」

It appears then that digital asset investors and businesses have a clear choice to make, as things stand: use the blockchain that recognizes the need for asset recovery capabilities and respects property rights or the one that doesn’t. Ideology vs. security, dogma or duty.


Watch: Digital Asset Recovery on Bitcoin

見る: ビットコインでのデジタル資産の回復

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

ブロックチェーンは初めてですか? CoinGeekの「初心者向けブロックチェーン」セクションをチェックしてください。これは、ブロックチェーンテクノロジーについて詳しく学ぶための究極のリソースガイドです。


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