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World Liberty Financial, jointly launched by the Trump family and top figures in the crypto industry, is gradually influencing the direction of the industry, and its recent purchase of selected coins has also driven the growth of the secondary market.
After Trump's victory, potential short-term crypto-friendly policies include: the establishment of a strategic Bitcoin reserve in the United States, the normalization and legalization of cryptocurrencies, and the issuance of debt plans in conjunction with ETFs.
The new interest rate cut cycle will attract more capital injection to DeFi, similar to the macro environment during the DeFi Summer from 2020 to 2021.
Many lending protocols such as AAVE and Hyperliquiqui have attracted widespread attention from the market, showing strong potential for recovery and explosion.
The recent listing trends of Binance and Coinbase are more inclined towards DeFi-related tokens.
Binance と Coinbase の最近の上場傾向は、DeFi 関連のトークンに傾いています。
1. Impact of off-chain situations on the overall trend:
1. 全体的な傾向に対するオフチェーン状況の影響:
1.1 World Libertyfi and the Trump Administration
1.1 World Libertyfiとトランプ政権
World Liberty Financial is positioned as a decentralized financial platform that provides fair, transparent and compliant financial tools, attracting a large number of users and symbolizing the beginning of a banking revolution. It was jointly initiated by the Trump family and top figures in the crypto industry. , aims to challenge the traditional banking system by providing innovative financial solutions. Expresses Trump's ambition to make the United States a global cryptocurrency leader, aiming to challenge the traditional banking system by providing innovative financial solutions.
World Liberty Financial は、公正、透明、コンプライアンスに準拠した金融ツールを提供する分散型金融プラットフォームとして位置付けられており、多くのユーザーを魅了し、銀行革命の始まりを象徴しています。これはトランプ家と暗号通貨業界のトップ人物が共同で始めたものです。は、革新的な金融ソリューションを提供することで、従来の銀行システムに挑戦することを目指しています。革新的な金融ソリューションを提供することで従来の銀行システムに挑戦することを目指し、米国を仮想通貨の世界的リーダーにしたいというトランプ大統領の野心を表現している。
At the same time, affected by World Liberty Financial's purchase in December, the prices of related DeFi tokens have also rebounded, including ETH, cbBTC, LINK, AAVE, ENA, and ONDO.
同時に、12月のWorld Liberty Financialによる買収の影響を受け、ETH、cbBTC、LINK、AAVE、ENA、ONDOなどの関連するDeFiトークンの価格も反発しました。
1.2 Crypto-friendly policies to be finalized
1.2 暗号通貨に優しい政策が最終決定される
The 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump, will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025. There are three main favorable policies for cryptocurrencies to be implemented:
第 47 代米国大統領ドナルド・トランプは、2025 年 1 月 20 日に就任します。暗号通貨に対して実施される主な有利な政策は 3 つあります。
Trump reiterates plan to establish US strategic Bitcoin reserve
Strategic reserves are reserves of key resources that are released in times of crisis or supply disruptions. The most famous example is the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Trump recently said that the U.S. plans to make a major move in the crypto space and may establish a cryptocurrency reserve similar to the oil reserve. According to data from Coingecko in July this year, governments hold a total of 2.2% of the global bitcoin supply, of which the United States owns 200,000 bitcoins, worth more than $20 billion.
The normalization of encryption
The Trump administration is likely to legalize cryptocurrencies once again, and may adopt a more open policy in this area in the future. Trump made a speech at the Blockchain Association’s annual party: affirming that the Blockchain Association is the United States. Efforts to legislate cryptocurrency; said real use cases like DePIN legitimize cryptocurrency and are on the priority list for legislation; pledged to ensure Bitcoin and cryptocurrency thrive in the United States.
トランプ政権は再び仮想通貨を合法化する可能性が高く、将来的にはこの分野でよりオープンな政策を採用する可能性がある。トランプ大統領はブロックチェーン協会の年次パーティーでスピーチを行い、ブロックチェーン協会は米国であると断言した。暗号通貨を法制化する取り組み。 DePINのような実際のユースケースは仮想通貨を合法化しており、法律の優先リストに載っていると述べた。米国でビットコインと暗号通貨が確実に繁栄することを約束した。
Crypto Combo: Stabilizing the U.S. dollar hegemony + Bitcoin strategic reserve + Crypto legalization + ETF = Bonds
仮想通貨コンボ: 米ドル覇権の安定 + ビットコイン戦略準備金 + 仮想通貨合法化 + ETF = 債券
Trump's public and strong support for crypto assets has brought him many benefits: 1. Better consolidation of the dollar's position and the dollar's pricing power in the crypto industry during his term; 2. Early layout of the crypto market to allow more funds to enter; 3. Force The Federal Reserve moves closer to itself; 4. Forces once hostile capital to move closer to itself.
トランプ氏の暗号資産に対する公的かつ強力な支持は、彼に多くの利益をもたらした: 1. 任期中の暗号資産業界におけるドルの地位とドルの価格決定力の強化。 2. より多くの資金が参入できるようにするための仮想通貨市場の早期レイアウト。 3. 力 連邦準備制度は自らに近づく。 4. かつて敵対的だった資本を自国に近づけるように強制する。
As shown in the following figure, in 2014, the US dollar index was around 80 and the US debt was only about 20 trillion. Now the US debt has increased to about 36 trillion US dollars, an increase of 80% month-on-month, but the US dollar has continued to appreciate contrary to its norm. If it strengthens, combined with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's approval of the spot Bitcoin ETF, the new incremental portion is entirely likely to cover future bond issuance costs.
次の図に示すように、2014 年には米ドル指数は約 80 で、米国の債務はわずか約 20 兆でした。現在、米国の債務は前月比80%増の約36兆ドルに増加しているが、通常とは逆にドル高が続いている。もしそれが強化されれば、米国証券取引委員会によるスポットビットコインETFの承認と合わせて、新たな増分部分が将来の社債発行コストをカバーする可能性は十分にあります。
1.3 The new interest rate cut cycle makes DeFi more attractive
1.3 新しい利下げサイクルによりDeFiはより魅力的になる
Data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that core inflation rose 0.3% in November for the fourth consecutive quarter and rose 3.3% year-on-year. Housing costs fell, but commodity prices excluding food and energy rose 0.3%, the highest since May 2023. Biggest increase.
The market reacted quickly, raising the probability of the Fed cutting interest rates next week from 80% to 90%. Investment manager James Assi believes that a rate cut in December is almost a foregone conclusion. Short-term U.S. Treasury bonds rose first and then fell due to mixed employment data. Market expectations for the Fed to cut interest rates this year have increased. At the same time, JPMorgan Chase expects the Fed to cut interest rates quarterly after
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- ドナルドトランプ大統領の関税確認
- 2025-03-04 12:55:38
- 日曜日の集会は、ドナルド・トランプ大統領の関税の確認が月曜日にトップの暗号通貨を下げたため、短命でした。