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6 歳で捨てられたシーラム・サンディープ・クマールの子供時代は、逆境と立ち直る力によって特徴づけられました。親の放棄、経済的制約、言葉の壁など、数多くの挫折にもかかわらず、サンディープさんは揺るぎない決意と機知に富み、より良い未来を目指して努力し続けました。拒絶と無視に直面した後、彼は生計を立てるために雑務や物乞い、さらにはダンス講師に転向し、最終的には金融業界で成功を収めた。現在、結婚し 2 人の子供を持つサンディープは、課題を克服する旅と、「ナバジーバンの果実」イニシアチブを通じて孤児を支援する取り組みを振り返ります。
From Abandoned Orphan to Successful Banker: The Triumphant Journey of Seelam Sandeep Kumar
捨てられた孤児から成功した銀行家まで: シーラム・サンディープ・クマールの凱旋の旅
Amidst the bustling streets of Vijayawada, India, an extraordinary tale unfolds, recounting the unwavering resilience and unwavering determination of Seelam Sandeep Kumar. Abandoned by his parents at the tender age of six, Sandeep embarked on a solitary quest that would lead him from the depths of despair to the pinnacle of success.
インド、ヴィジャヤワダのにぎやかな通りの中で、シーラム・サンディープ・クマールの揺るぎない回復力と揺るぎない決意を語る、並外れた物語が展開します。 6 歳のときに両親に捨てられたサンディープは、絶望のどん底から成功の頂点へと彼を導く孤独な探求に乗り出しました。
Growing up amidst the harsh realities of poverty, Sandeep's unwavering dream of working in a bank sustained his spirit as he scavenged for food from a dustbin outside a local restaurant. Driven by a hunger for knowledge and a yearning for a better life, he resolved to take matters into his own hands.
Despite facing insurmountable odds, Sandeep's unwavering resolve propelled him forward. He boarded a train to Tirupati, where he tirelessly ascended the sacred Alipiri steps, seeking solace in the prasadam offered by devout pilgrims. Amidst the challenges of language barriers, Sandeep found solace in the kindness of strangers, who provided him with sustenance and shelter.
Undeterred by setbacks, Sandeep embarked on a series of odd jobs, selling coconuts at Tirumala's Dwajasthambam and later as a laborer near the Eluru canal. Faced with poverty and hardship at every turn, Sandeep's unwavering spirit remained unbroken. He found refuge in the Navajeevan Bala Bhavan in Vijayawada, an orphanage that offered shelter to abandoned children.
While his earnings were stolen and life seemed to conspire against him, Sandeep never lost hope. He sought solace in the arts, mastering dance and using his newfound talent to earn a meager living. His journey took an unexpected turn when a film director encouraged him to pursue dance in the film industry.
Despite three years of tireless effort, success in the film industry eluded Sandeep. He returned to Vijayawada, where he met Rajeswari, the woman who would become his life partner. Faced with opposition from Rajeswari's parents, Sandeep embarked on a nationwide search for his long-lost mother, an endeavor that ultimately led him to Salem, Tamil Nadu.
3 年間のたゆまぬ努力にもかかわらず、サンディープは映画業界での成功を得ることができませんでした。彼はヴィジャヤワーダに戻り、そこで人生のパートナーとなる女性ラジェスワリに会いました。ラジェスワリさんの両親の反対に直面して、サンディープさんは長らく行方不明だった母親の全国捜索に乗り出し、最終的にタミル・ナードゥ州セイラムにたどり着いた。
With his mother's approval, Sandeep married Rajeswari, and together they welcomed two children into the world. Determined to break the cycle of poverty and hardship, Sandeep pursued an MBA through distance education while working part-time. His dedication and hard work paid off when he secured a coveted job at Kotak Bank (Securities wing) in Vijayawada.
母親の承認を得て、サンディープさんはラジェスワリさんと結婚し、二人の子供をこの世に迎えました。貧困と困難の連鎖を断ち切ることを決意したサンディープさんは、パートタイムで働きながら通信教育で MBA の取得を目指しました。彼の献身と勤勉は報われ、ヴィジャヤワダのコタック銀行(証券部門)で念願の仕事を獲得しました。
Reflecting on his arduous journey, the now 37-year-old Sandeep remarks, "As I gaze through the bank's windows, I can see the spot near Sweet Magic where I once scavenged for discarded cakes."
Driven by a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to make a difference, Sandeep co-founded the WhatsApp group "Fruits from Navajeevan" with like-minded friends. This platform serves as a beacon of hope for orphaned children, providing support and resources to help them overcome the challenges they face.
サンディープ氏は、深い感謝の気持ちと変化をもたらしたいという願望に駆られ、志を同じくする友人たちと WhatsApp グループ「Fruits from Navajeevan」を共同設立しました。このプラットフォームは孤児たちにとって希望の光となり、彼らが直面する課題を克服するためのサポートとリソースを提供します。
Sandeep's story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human will. From the depths of poverty and abandonment, he rose above adversity to achieve his dreams and become a beacon of hope for others. His unwavering determination, resilience, and unwavering belief in himself serve as an inspiration to all who dare to dream big.
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