Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated Mahaveer Jayanti, marking the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Mahaveer, a revered Jain figure. At the inauguration of the 2550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav in Delhi, PM Modi unveiled a commemorative stamp and coin to commemorate the occasion and honor the teachings of Mahaveer.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Unveils Commemorative Stamp and Coin to Mark Mahaveer Jayanti
New Delhi, April 21, 2024: In a solemn ceremony held at the Bharat Mandapam in Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the occasion of Mahaveer Jayanti by unveiling a commemorative stamp and coin. This auspicious event marked the commencement of the 2550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav, a grand celebration honoring the teachings and legacy of Bhagwan Mahaveer, a revered figure in Jainism.
Prime Minister Modi, in his address, extolled the virtues espoused by Bhagwan Mahaveer and highlighted their relevance in contemporary times. He emphasized the importance of non-violence, compassion, and self-discipline, values that form the cornerstone of Jain philosophy.
"Bhagwan Mahaveer's teachings transcend religion and time," Prime Minister Modi said. "His message of ahimsa and compassion is a beacon of hope in a world often marred by violence and strife."
The Prime Minister further noted that the commemorative stamp and coin serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of Bhagwan Mahaveer. These artifacts, he said, will inspire future generations to embrace the ideals that guided his life.
The unveiling ceremony was attended by a distinguished gathering of dignitaries, including Jain religious leaders, government officials, and members of the public. The event marked the official launch of the 2550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav, which will span the next year and encompass a series of religious, cultural, and educational programs.
During the ceremony, Prime Minister Modi also paid homage to the Jain community for their enduring contributions to Indian society. He acknowledged their commitment to education, healthcare, and social welfare, and expressed his appreciation for their role in promoting communal harmony and national unity.
The Prime Minister's presence at the event underscored the government's unwavering support for the Jain community and its efforts to preserve and propagate the teachings of Bhagwan Mahaveer. The commemorative stamp and coin, issued by the Department of Posts and the Ministry of Finance respectively, will serve as tangible reminders of the deep respect and admiration that the nation holds for this great spiritual leader.