The Korea Securities Depository emphasized that it will launch a token securities test platform in June and strengthen digital capabilities such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud.

Korea Securities Depository will launch a token securities test platform in June and strengthen digital capabilities such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud.
Lee Soon-ho, president of Korea Securities Depository, said at the CEO press conference for the first half of the year held in Yeouido on the 6th, "We will review countermeasures in new markets such as token securities in preparation for the emergence of various forms of electronic registration services based on digital technologies such as blockchain."
"The Korean financial market will continue to be highly uncertain this year," President Lee said. "A major change is expected in the central deposit and settlement agency (CSD) industry due to radical changes in the financial market, such as the emergence of the token securities market and the incorporation of virtual assets into the institutional sphere."
On this day, President Lee set this year's management goal of "Creating Customer Value by Strengthening Competitiveness of Core Financial Infrastructure" and presented eight key business tasks, including △ KSD Innovative Financial Platform, △ Token Securities Platform, and △ Electronic Shareholders' Meeting Platform.
Korea Securities Depository is building a test bed platform for token securities and plans to launch it in June after two tests. Token securities are securities issued using blockchain technology, and are expected to enter a full-fledged institutionalization stage when amendments such as the Electronic Securities Act, which is currently pending in the National Assembly, are passed by the National Assembly.
"The amendment to the commercial law is an important part of capital market value-up (enhancing corporate value). Only when it is passed as soon as possible can the depository tasks be carried out with momentum," he said.
President Lee said, "We will actively promote related laws and systems to revitalize the integrated account of government bonds launched last year, and create a stable government bond investment environment by smoothly carrying out intermediate redemption of government bonds for personal investment."
"We will carry out this year's core business tasks, such as revigoration of the use of the electronic securities system, reorganization of the securities settlement system, and upgrading of the securities information management system. In addition, we will successfully promote the establishment of a 'KSD innovative financial platform' by focusing our company-wide capabilities," he said.
Regarding the achievements he wants to achieve during his term, he said, "I want to implement 'digital transformation' (business innovation based on digital technology) using data from the depository, and further support digital and AI transformation in the Korean capital market."