“美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)再次强调了他打算培养比特币和加密货币行业的意图,但比特币价格表现出下降趋势。”

U.S. President Donald Trump has once again highlighted his aim to nurture the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry, but Bitcoin prices are showing a downward trend. Analysts suggest that Trump’s remarks fell short of investors’ expectations.
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)再次强调了他旨在培养比特币和加密货币行业的目标,但比特币的价格显示出下降的趋势。分析人士认为,特朗普的讲话没有投资者的期望。
Industry sources said on the 23rd that President Trump, in a virtual speech at the ‘Blockworks Digital Asset Summit’ held in New York, U.S.A., on the 20th, stated, “I will make the U.S. a superpower and hub for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency,” and added, “Cryptocurrency is a key driver for explosive growth in the U.S. economy.” He further stated, “The strategic reserve of Bitcoin will play an important role in maximizing the value of national assets,” and “Dollar-based stablecoins can be a means to further expand the global dominance of the U.S. dollar.”
行业消息人士在第23届中表示,特朗普在20日在美国纽约举行的“ Blockworks Digital Asset Summit”的虚拟演讲中说:“我将使美国成为比特币和加密货币的超级大国和枢纽,并补充说:“加密货币是美国经济爆炸性增长的关键驱动力。”他进一步指出:“比特币的战略储备将在最大化国家资产的价值方面发挥重要作用,”“基于美元的稳定者可以成为进一步扩大美元全球统治地位的一种手段。”
However, the market reaction was lukewarm. Just before Trump’s speech, Bitcoin surged about 6% to surpass the $86,000 mark, but immediately after the speech, it fell about 4% to below $84,000. As of the 21st, on the global cryptocurrency exchange Binance, Bitcoin was trading at $84,660, down 1.3% from the previous day.
Market evaluations suggest that expectations were dampened as President Trump failed to present new cryptocurrency-related policies. U.S. cryptocurrency media outlet CoinDesk evaluated, “Investors expected President Trump to propose clearer Bitcoin promotion measures, but he only repeated previous remarks.”
Some point out that Trump’s influence on the Bitcoin market has diminished compared to before. It is analyzed that as macroeconomic uncertainties grow, the cryptocurrency market is reacting more sensitively. Cryptocurrency exchange Paybis explained, “The structural economic instability in the U.S. is increasing uncertainty in the cryptocurrency market,” and “The daily price volatility of Bitcoin has recently soared to 3.6%, the highest level since last August.”