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该事件是由Cronos Chain在3月初根据Crypto.com提出的提案引起的。该提议是重新磨合700亿个CRO(相当于CRO令牌当前循环的3.3333倍)。
Crypto behemoth Crypto.com faced backlash for its proposal to re-mint 70 billion CRO tokens, an act that would effectively negate the 2021 burn event. The proposal, discussed at length on Cronos chain, drew criticism from both community members and prominent KOLs.
Crypto Behemoth Crypto.com因其对重新染上700亿CRO令牌的提议而面临反弹,该法案将有效地否定了2021年的烧伤活动。该提案详细讨论了Cronos连锁店,引起了社区成员和著名KOL的批评。
Despite the widespread dissent and doubts, Crypto.com remained firm in its stance. In several AMAs and media interviews, executives from Crypto.com repeatedly stated “trust us or sell.”
The “No” votes against the proposal far outweighed the "Yes" votes in the first few days of the vote and were far from reaching the quorum (the threshold for voting to take effect). However, just before the end of the vote (14:00 UTC on March 16), 3.35 billion CRO were suddenly poured into the voting pool, all voting in favor.
反对该提案的“否”投票远远超过了投票的头几天的“是”投票,而远未达到法定人数(投票的阈值生效的门槛)。但是,就在投票结束之前(3月16日UTC 14:00),突然将33.5亿个CRO倒入投票池中,全部投票支持。
These tokens are said to belong to the nodes controlled by Crypto.com, and these nodes control nearly 70%-80% of the voting rights.
After the so-called “decentralized” vote was passed, the CRO community was thrown into chaos, and Kris from Crypto.com became the target of public criticism.
But for the OGs in the cryptocurrency circle, the CRO operation is not reasonable, but at least it is expected. Looking back at the history of Crypto.com’s rise and development, it is not difficult to find that this is not the first community rebellion (and it is estimated that it will not be the last).
CRO’s predecessor is MONACO ($MCO), an old project that launched its ICO in 2017 and is a payment gateway that uses crypto cards as its entry point. It became very popular as soon as it was listed in 2017/2018, and almost all major exchanges rushed to list it, including Binance, Okex, Coinbase, Bithumb, Upbit, etc.
CRO的前身是摩纳哥($ MCO),这是一个旧项目,该项目于2017年推出了ICO,是使用加密卡作为入口点的支付网关。它在2017/2018年列出后就变得非常受欢迎,几乎所有的主要交易所都急于列出它,包括Binance,Okex,Coinbase,Coinbase,Bithumb,Upbit等。
In the second half of 2018, they announced a brand upgrade from Monaco to Crypto.com. At the end of 2018, they also issued a token called $CRO based on the Crypto.com ecosystem. It was very popular when it was first listed, and quickly appeared on major Chinese and Korean exchanges. Note that Crypto.com had not yet announced its entry into the exchange business.
在2018年下半年,他们宣布了从摩纳哥到crypto.com的品牌升级。在2018年底,他们还根据Crypto.com生态系统发布了名为$ CRO的令牌。当它首次列出时,它非常受欢迎,并很快出现在中国和韩国少校的交流中。请注意,Crypto.com尚未宣布其进入交换业务。
One thing that impressed me most was that CRO was listed on two major Korean exchanges around October 2019. Less than a month later, Crypto.com announced its entry into the exchange. The person in charge of listing CRO at the time was so angry that he almost flipped the table - it was really a good move to sneak into Chencang.
我给我留下深刻印象的一件事是,CRO在2019年10月左右在两次主要的朝鲜交流中列出。不到一个月后,Crypto.com宣布进入交易所。当时列出CRO的负责人非常生气,以至于他几乎翻了桌子 - 偷偷溜进智慧确实是一个很好的举动。
Fast forward to August 2020, Crypto.com announced that the MCO token would be incorporated into the new $CRO system. I have forgotten the specific ratio, but Monaco holders only accounted for a fraction of the total CRO market, which also caused an uproar (the community was in an uproar).
快进到2020年8月,Crypto.com宣布将将MCO代币纳入新的$ CRO系统中。我忘记了特定比率,但是摩纳哥持有者仅占CRO总市场的一小部分,这也引起了轩然大波(社区正在骚动)。
Rumor has it that the purpose of this move may be to "backdoor" CRO to be listed on Binance. After all, CRO was in its heyday at the time (market value TOP20), and its daily average trading volume was among the best. Successfully listing CRO is equivalent to having an additional money printing machine, but who would have thought that Binance would not buy it at all. After the coin swap in 2021, MCO was delisted, and the listing of CRO also came to a halt.
有传言说,此举的目的可能是“后门” CRO列为二手股。毕竟,CRO当时正处于鼎盛时期(Top20市场价值),其日常平均交易量是最好的。成功列出CRO等同于拥有一台额外的金钱印刷机,但谁会认为Binance根本不会购买它。在2021年的硬币互换之后,MCO被划定了,CRO的上市也停了下来。
There was another episode. In February 2021, Crypto.com officially announced that in order to embrace decentralized governance and the establishment of Cronos chain, it decided to burn 70% of the tokens (you can imagine the number of tokens held by the project).
还有另一集。 2021年2月,Crypto.com正式宣布,为了接受分散的治理和建立Cronos链,它决定燃烧70%的代币(您可以想象该项目持有的代币数量)。
However, four years later, Crypto.com announced that it had decided to re-mint the tokens that were burned that year in order to support the ETF.
Finally, there is one more interesting thing. On March 16, the day after the proposal to re-mint 70 billion CRO was passed, the Cronos team proposed another proposal to burn 50 million $CRO. Is this to calm the anger of the community? Or is it a mockery? I don’t understand.
最后,还有一件有趣的事情。 3月16日,即通过重新染上700亿克罗的提议后的第二天,克罗诺斯小组提出了另一项燃烧5000万美元的提议。这是为了平息社区的愤怒吗?还是嘲笑?我不明白。
If all burned tokens can be reborn, then what is the point of blockchain?
Author link: https://x.com/agintender
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