这款新的 meme 代币在周末又从投资者那里筹集了 10 万美元,很快就抹去了 10 月 4 日达到的 40 万美元的里程碑。

Investors are flocking to Flockerz’s presale for a vastly different reason. While decentralization is often linked to blockchain, no token has yet empowered its community to be the key decision-makers of the project – until now.
投资者涌向 Flockerz 预售的原因却截然不同。虽然去中心化通常与区块链联系在一起,但到目前为止,还没有任何代币能够赋予其社区成为该项目的关键决策者的能力。
With its industry-first vote-to-earn mechanism, Flockerz gives its community the wheel to stir its direction, allowing members to be compensated for their input. This welcome addition to the meme coin sphere attracts investors growing tired of projects with a single decision-maker, earning Flockerz the title of “The People’s Meme Coin.”
凭借其业界首创的投票赚取机制,Flockerz 为其社区提供了推动方向的轮子,让成员能够因其投入而获得补偿。 Meme 币领域的这一受欢迎的补充吸引了厌倦了单一决策者项目的投资者,为 Flockerz 赢得了“人民的 Meme 币”的称号。
However, the chance to control your own meme coin at its discounted rate of $0.005724 per $FLOCK will disappear in less than three days, as the price will jump to $0.0057469 with the start of the new funding round.
然而,以每 $FLOCK 0.005724 美元的折扣率控制自己的 Meme 代币的机会将在不到三天的时间内消失,因为随着新一轮融资的开始,价格将跃升至 0.0057469 美元。