
Investors are flocking to Flockerz’s presale for a vastly different reason. While decentralization is often linked to blockchain, no token has yet empowered its community to be the key decision-makers of the project – until now.
With its industry-first vote-to-earn mechanism, Flockerz gives its community the wheel to stir its direction, allowing members to be compensated for their input. This welcome addition to the meme coin sphere attracts investors growing tired of projects with a single decision-maker, earning Flockerz the title of “The People’s Meme Coin.”
業界初の投票獲得メカニズムを備えた Flockerz は、コミュニティに方向性を変えるための車輪を与え、メンバーがその意見に対して報酬を得ることができるようにします。ミームコイン領域へのこの歓迎すべき追加は、単一の意思決定者によるプロジェクトに飽き始めている投資家を惹きつけ、フロッカーズに「人民のミームコイン」の称号を与えた。
However, the chance to control your own meme coin at its discounted rate of $0.005724 per $FLOCK will disappear in less than three days, as the price will jump to $0.0057469 with the start of the new funding round.
ただし、新しい資金調達ラウンドの開始により価格が $0.0057469 に跳ね上がるため、$FLOCK あたり $0.005724 の割引率で自分のミーム コインをコントロールするチャンスは 3 日以内に消滅します。
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