這款新的 meme 代幣在周末又從投資者那裡籌集了 10 萬美元,很快就抹去了 10 月 4 日達到的 40 萬美元的里程碑。

Investors are flocking to Flockerz’s presale for a vastly different reason. While decentralization is often linked to blockchain, no token has yet empowered its community to be the key decision-makers of the project – until now.
投資人湧向 Flockerz 預售的原因卻截然不同。雖然去中心化通常與區塊鏈聯繫在一起,但到目前為止,還沒有任何代幣能夠賦予其社群成為該專案的關鍵決策者的能力。
With its industry-first vote-to-earn mechanism, Flockerz gives its community the wheel to stir its direction, allowing members to be compensated for their input. This welcome addition to the meme coin sphere attracts investors growing tired of projects with a single decision-maker, earning Flockerz the title of “The People’s Meme Coin.”
憑藉其業界首創的投票賺取機制,Flockerz 為其社群提供了推動方向的輪子,讓成員能夠因其投入而獲得補償。 Meme 幣領域的這一受歡迎的補充吸引了厭倦了單一決策者項目的投資者,為 Flockerz 贏得了「人民的 Meme 幣」的稱號。
However, the chance to control your own meme coin at its discounted rate of $0.005724 per $FLOCK will disappear in less than three days, as the price will jump to $0.0057469 with the start of the new funding round.
然而,以每 $FLOCK 0.005724 美元的折扣率控制自己的 Meme 代幣的機會將在不到三天的時間內消失,因為隨著新一輪融資的開始,價格將躍升至 0.0057469 美元。
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