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市场数据和值得注意的样本 与大多数超现代问题一样,2009-D 美洲原住民美元的价值太低,无法证明其合理性
By 2002, the Treasury Department realized that, despite a promising launch and a pleasing modern appearance, the Sacagawea Dollar had failed to deliver on its hopes of widespread adoption by the American public. Instead, more than 200 million coins of the cursed denomination sat unused in massive bags in government vaults. While the Sac Dollar suffered the same fate as the Susan B. Anthony and Eisenhower Dollar series that preceded it, different factors contributed to its failure.
到 2002 年,财政部意识到,尽管萨卡加维亚币的推出充满希望且具有令人愉悦的现代外观,但它未能实现美国公众广泛采用的希望。相反,超过 2 亿枚被诅咒的面值的硬币被闲置在政府金库的大袋子里。虽然萨克美元与之前的苏珊·B·安东尼和艾森豪威尔美元系列遭遇了同样的命运,但不同的因素导致了它的失败。
The Ike Dollar suffered, in part, due to the coin’s large size. Although the copper-nickel-clad version was the only one released into circulation, the coin’s size was based on the silver dollar. Resurrecting the dormant dollar coin but not addressing the coin’s cumbersome size and weight proved limiting. Some accounts suggest that the coin saw some usage in the sparsely-populated western states and casinos, but wear patterns on Philadelphia Mint issues suggest to us that the coin saw heavier circulation than most realize, especially the 1971 and 1972 issues and the 1975-1976 Bicentennial coins. Even if the coin was seen as little more than a novelty, its large size made it ideal for the manufacturing novelty belt buckles.
艾克美元遭受损失的部分原因是硬币尺寸过大。虽然铜镍包金版本是唯一发行流通的版本,但硬币的尺寸是根据银元设计的。复活休眠的一美元硬币,但没有解决硬币笨重的尺寸和重量的问题,事实证明是有限的。一些报道表明,该硬币在人口稀少的西部各州和赌场中得到了一些使用,但费城造币厂发行的磨损图案表明,该硬币的流通量比大多数人想象的要大,尤其是 1971 年和 1972 年发行以及 1975-1976 年发行的硬币二百周年纪念币。即使硬币被认为只不过是一种新奇的东西,但它的大尺寸使其成为制造新奇皮带扣的理想选择。
By the time the Bicentennial Dollars came around, Congress and the Treasury were already contemplating the introduction of a new dollar coin, this one smaller and easier to handle in quantity. The goal of the proponents of the small dollar coin was to see daily use in vending machines; in fact, the vending industry strongly advocated for the coin in Congressional hearings in 1978. When the Susan B. Anthony Dollar was released in 1979, it was the subject of almost immediate scorn and ridicule. The promised refitting of vending machines did not happen on a large scale, and the coin was killed off at the end of the first year of the Reagan Administration.
当二百周年纪念币问世时,国会和财政部已经在考虑推出一种新的美元硬币,这种硬币更小,数量更容易处理。小美元硬币的支持者的目标是看到自动售货机的日常使用;事实上,自动售货行业在 1978 年的国会听证会上大力提倡使用这种硬币。当苏珊·B·安东尼一美元于 1979 年发行时,它几乎立即成为蔑视和嘲笑的对象。所承诺的自动售货机改装并没有大规模发生,该硬币在里根政府第一年年底就被扼杀了。
More so than size or public scorn, the true reason behind the failure of these late 20th-century attempts to reintroduce the dollar coin was the fact that such a piece would always be overshadowed by the one-dollar Federal Reserve Note. If in the age of silver and gold coins, people still frequently used banknotes and currency, it only stands to reason that the same would hold true in an era of fiat coinage.
Congress and dollar coin proponents ignored this truth and instead blamed the SBA Dollar’s failure on its conception and design. The Susan B. Anthony, while slightly larger and thicker than a quarter, is more similar to that denomination than any other coin is to any other denomination. For the Sacagawea Dollar, Congress hoped that changing the composition and other design characteristics would make the coin more easily distinguishable. The United States Mint even promoted the new coin with a $67 million marketing campaign. This effort led to $968 million in seignorage for the Mint, but the coin did not see widespread use after its launch.
国会和美元硬币的支持者忽视了这一事实,而是将 SBA 美元的失败归咎于其概念和设计。苏珊·安东尼 (Susan B. Anthony) 虽然比 25 美分硬币稍大、稍厚,但与该面额的硬币比任何其他硬币与任何其他面额的硬币都更相似。对于萨卡加维亚美元,国会希望改变成分和其他设计特征以使硬币更容易区分。美国造币厂甚至斥资 6700 万美元进行营销活动来推广新硬币。这一努力为造币厂带来了 9.68 亿美元的铸币税,但该硬币在发行后并未得到广泛使用。
Rebooting the Sacagawea Dollar
Dollar coin proponents were not done. Knowing that $1 in 2000 had the same purchasing power as 40¢ in 1979, the dollar coin was seen by some as less wasteful than the dollar bill. In 2007, Congress once again enacted legislation to reintroduce the coin, this time with a circulating commemorative program to honor America’s Presidents. This terrible idea played out year after year, with the Mint honoring America’s most incompetent Chief Executives alongside household names. What school kid wouldn’t be wowed by the opportunity of holding the history of Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, or Warren G. Harding in their hands?
美元硬币的支持者还没有完成。由于知道 2000 年 1 美元的购买力与 1979 年 40 美分的购买力相同,因此一些人认为一美元硬币比一美元纸币更不浪费。 2007年,国会再次颁布立法重新引入硬币,这次是为了纪念美国总统而发行的纪念活动。这个可怕的想法年复一年地上演,造币厂将美国最无能的首席执行官与家喻户晓的名字一起授予荣誉。哪个学生不会因为有机会掌握安德鲁·约翰逊、詹姆斯·布坎南或沃伦·G·哈丁的历史而惊叹不已?
The Presidential $1 Coin Act did not end the production of the Sacagawea Dollar, however. Instead, it carved out 20% of annual dollar-coin production for that design. On September 20, 2007, President George W. Bush enacted Public Law 110–82 (PDF link), the Native American $1 Coin Act, which updated the Sacagawea Dollar by authorizing a new annual refresh of the reverse to honor the many contributions of Native Americans to American life. On the Native American Dollar, sculptor Glenna Goodacre’s obverse design remained but the date and mintmark were moved to the rim. From this point on, the Sacagawea Dollar is officially known as the “Native American Dollar”.
然而,总统 1 美元硬币法案并没有结束萨卡加维亚美元的生产。相反,它把每年 1 美元硬币产量的 20% 用于这种设计。 2007 年 9 月 20 日,乔治·W·布什总统颁布了第 110-82 号公法(PDF 链接),即《美国原住民 1 美元硬币法案》,该法案更新了萨卡加维亚美元,授权每年更新背面,以纪念原住民的众多贡献美国人过美国人的生活。在美洲原住民美元上,雕刻家格伦娜·古达克的正面设计仍然保留,但日期和铸币标记移至边缘。从此,萨卡加维亚元正式被称为“美洲原住民元”。
The first reverse design in the program honors the Three Sisters of Native American agriculture: the planting of maize (corn), beans, and squash in close proximity for mutual benefit. The cornstalks provide a structure for the bean tendrils to climb, and the broad leaves of the squash plants trap moisture at the base and help prevent weeds from crowding out the crops. The beans also fix nitrogen in the soil, providing nutrients for all. This method of planting increases crop yields by about 30% and probably dates to the domestication of
该计划中的第一个逆向设计是为了纪念美国原住民农业的三姐妹:为了互惠互利而紧密种植玉米、豆类和南瓜。玉米秆为豆类卷须提供了攀爬的结构,而南瓜植物的宽大叶子可以在基部留住水分,有助于防止杂草挤占农作物。豆类还能固定土壤中的氮,为所有人提供营养。这种种植方法可使农作物产量提高约 30%,可能可以追溯到驯化
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