DeFiPy 是一款用于 DeFi 分析的综合 Python 套件,无缝集成了主要协议以进行稳健的分析。通过模块化设计,研究人员和分析师可以使用专用软件包按协议隔离分析。 DeFiPy 作为一种定量审计协议而开发,解决了向代币化经济和 DeFi 主导地位过渡时对标准化测试框架的需求。该套件支持基于模拟的测试,使 Web3 设计人员能够对数以万计的模拟交易进行严格的基准测试。基本用法包括通过通用接口创建协议,以 Uniswap、Balancer 和 Stableswap 示例进行演示。 DeFiPy 还提供实时纸质交易工具(DeFiPy-0x Quant Terminal),可根据 0x Price API 的实时矿池数据可视化相关活动和参数。该套件正在不断发展,即将发布的版本包括 Uniswap V3 重构、历史价格数据集成和流动性树分析。
Introducing DeFiPy: A Comprehensive Python Suite for DeFi Analytics
DeFiPy 简介:用于 DeFi 分析的综合 Python 套件
The Dawn of a Tokenized Economy
The financial landscape is undergoing a pivotal transformation towards a tokenized economy, as eloquently articulated by Bettina Warburg in her TED talk. DeFi, the decentralized finance ecosystem, is poised to revolutionize the finance industry, mirroring the digital transformation that the internet brought to information dissemination.
正如 Bettina Warburg 在 TED 演讲中雄辩地阐述的那样,金融格局正在经历向代币化经济的关键转型。去中心化金融生态系统 DeFi 有望彻底改变金融业,反映出互联网给信息传播带来的数字化转型。
The Imperative for DeFi Analytics
DeFi 分析势在必行
As DeFi protocols become increasingly complex, the need for robust and standardized quantitative auditing grows ever more pressing. Traditional finance relies on well-established protocols for assessing risk and ensuring the integrity of financial systems. The DeFi ecosystem, however, lacks such standardized frameworks.
随着 DeFi 协议变得越来越复杂,对稳健且标准化的定量审计的需求变得越来越迫切。传统金融依赖于完善的协议来评估风险并确保金融系统的完整性。然而,DeFi 生态系统缺乏这样的标准化框架。
To address this critical gap, DeFiPy emerges as the open-source standard for building tooling to rigorously test and analyze DeFi protocols. By providing a comprehensive suite of tools for simulating and modeling DeFi systems, DeFiPy empowers researchers and practitioners to perform thorough quantitative audits, ensuring the safety and reliability of these protocols.
为了解决这一关键差距,DeFiPy 作为开源标准应运而生,用于构建严格测试和分析 DeFi 协议的工具。通过提供一整套用于模拟和建模 DeFi 系统的工具,DeFiPy 使研究人员和从业者能够进行彻底的定量审计,确保这些协议的安全性和可靠性。
Basic Usage
DeFiPy offers a unified interface across all supported protocols:
DeFiPy 为所有支持的协议提供统一的接口:
- ERC20: Represents mock ERC20 tokens used in all protocol simulations.
- ExchangeData: Data class for initializing the parameters of mock exchanges.
- IExchange: An abstract base class for all DeFiPy protocol exchanges, providing common functionality such as liquidity management and trading.
- IExchangeFactory: A factory class for creating and deploying IExchange instances.
A Hands-On Example: Uniswap Simulation
ERC20:代表所有协议模拟中使用的模拟ERC20代币。ExchangeData:用于初始化模拟交易所参数的数据类。IExchange:所有 DeFiPy 协议交易所的抽象基类,提供流动性管理和交易等通用功能。IExchangeFactory:工厂用于创建和部署 IExchange 实例的类。动手示例:Uniswap 模拟
Uniswap, a prominent Automated Market Maker (AMM), employs a constant product trading mechanism. To simulate a Uniswap liquidity pool (LP), follow these steps:
Uniswap 是一家著名的自动做市商 (AMM),采用恒定的产品交易机制。要模拟 Uniswap 流动性池 (LP),请按照以下步骤操作:
from defipy import *来自 defipy 导入 *
user_nm = 'user_intro'user_nm = '用户简介'
eth_amount = 1000以太币数量 = 1000
dai_amount = 1000000dai_金额 = 1000000
dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01")dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01")
eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x02")eth = ERC20("ETH", "0x02")
factory = UniswapFactory("ETH pool factory", "0x")factory = UniswapFactory("ETH池工厂", "0x")
exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = dai, symbol="LP", address="0x11")exchg_data = UniswapExchangeData(tkn0 = eth, tkn1 = dai, 符号=“LP”, 地址=“0x11”)
lp = factory.deploy(exchg_data)lp = 工厂.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.add_liquidity("user0", eth_amount, dai_amount, eth_amount, dai_amount)lp.add_liquidity("user0", eth_amount, dai_amount, eth_amount, dai_amount)
Example Output:
Exchange ETH-DAI (LP)兑换 ETH-DAI (LP)
Reserves: ETH = 1000, DAI = 1000000储备金:ETH = 1000,DAI = 1000000
Liquidity: 31622.776601683792
Advanced Protocol Simulations: Balancer and Stableswap
流动性:31622.776601683792高级协议模拟:Balancer 和 Stableswap
Balancer extends Uniswap's constant product mechanism to handle multi-asset pools, introducing the concept of weighted pools. Stableswap specializes in implementing Composable Stable Pools, ideal for stablecoin liquidity management.
Balancer 扩展了 Uniswap 的恒定乘积机制来处理多资产池,引入了加权池的概念。 Stableswap 专注于实施可组合稳定池,是稳定币流动性管理的理想选择。
from defipy import *来自 defipy 导入 *
USER = 'user_test'USER = '用户测试'
amt_dai = 10000000amt_dai = 10000000
denorm_wt_dai = 10denorm_wt_day = 10
amt_eth = 67738.6361731024amt_eth = 67738.6361731024
denorm_wt_eth = 40denorm_wt_eth = 40
init_pool_shares = 100init_pool_shares = 100
dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01")dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01")
dai.deposit(None, amt_dai)dai.deposit(无, amt_dai)
weth = ERC20("WETH", "0x02")韦斯 = ERC20("WETH", "0x02")
weth.deposit(None, amt_eth)weth.deposit(无,amt_eth)
bgrp = BalancerVault()bgrp = BalancerVault()
bgrp.add_token(dai, denorm_wt_dai)bgrp.add_token(dai, denorm_wt_dai)
bgrp.add_token(weth, denorm_wt_eth)bgrp.add_token(weth, denorm_wt_eth)
bfactory = BalancerFactory("WETH pool factory", "0x")bfactory = BalancerFactory("WETH 矿池工厂", "0x")
exchg_data = BalancerExchangeData(vault = bgrp, symbol="LP", address="0x1")exchg_data = BalancerExchangeData(vault = bgrp,符号=“LP”,地址=“0x1”)
lp = bfactory.deploy(exchg_data)lp = bfactory.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.join_pool(bgrp, init_pool_shares, USER)lp.join_pool(bgrp, init_pool_shares, USER)
Example Output:
Balancer Exchange: DAI|WETH (LP)平衡器交易所:DAI|WETH (LP)
Reserves: DAI = 10000000, WETH = 67738.6361731024储备金:DAI = 10000000,WETH = 67738.6361731024
Weights: DAI = 0.2, WETH = 0.8权重:DAI = 0.2,WETH = 0.8
Pool Shares: 100
from defipy import *来自 defipy 导入 *
USER = 'user_test'USER = '用户测试'
amt_dai = 79566307.559825807715868071amt_dai = 79566307.559825807715868071
decimal_dai = 18小数代 = 18
amt_usdc = 81345068.187939amt_usdc = 81345068.187939
decimal_usdc = 6小数_美元 = 6
amt_usdt = 55663250.772939amt_usdt = 55663250.772939
decimal_usdt = 6小数_usdt = 6
dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01", decimal_dai)dai = ERC20("DAI", "0x01", decimal_dai)
dai.deposit(None, amt_dai)dai.deposit(无, amt_dai)
usdc = ERC20("USDC", "0x02", decimal_usdc)usdc = ERC20(“USDC”,“0x02”,decimal_usdc)
usdc.deposit(None, amt_usdc)usdc.deposit(无,amt_usdc)
usdt = ERC20("USDT", "0x03", decimal_usdt)usdt = ERC20(“USDT”,“0x03”,decimal_usdt)
usdt.deposit(None, amt_usdt)usdt.deposit(无, amt_usdt)
sgrp = StableswapVault()sgrp = StableswapVault()
sfactory = StableswapFactory("Pool factory", "0x")sfactory = StableswapFactory("矿池工厂", "0x")
exchg_data = StableswapExchangeData(vault = sgrp, symbol="LP", address="0x11")exchg_data = StableswapExchangeData(vault = sgrp,符号=“LP”,地址=“0x11”)
lp = sfactory.deploy(exchg_data)lp = sfactory.deploy(exchg_data)
lp.join_pool(sgrp, AMPL_COEFF, USER)lp.join_pool(sgrp, AMPL_COEFF, USER)
Example Output:
Stableswap Exchange: DAI-USDC-USDT (LP)稳定互换交易所:DAI-USDC-USDT (LP)
Reserves: DAI = 79566307.55982581, USDC = 81345068.187939, USDT = 55663250.772939储备金:DAI = 79566307.55982581,USDC = 81345068.187939,USDT = 55663250.772939
Liquidity: 216573027.91811988
DeFiPy-0x Quant Terminal
流动性:216573027.91811988DeFiPy-0x 量化终端
Integrating DeFiPy with the 0x real-time price API, we developed a live paper trading tool, the DeFiPy-0x Quant Terminal. This application allows users to:
将 DeFiPy 与 0x 实时价格 API 相结合,我们开发了一款实时模拟交易工具 DeFiPy-0x 量化终端。该应用程序允许用户:
- Select from various blockchains, tokens, and stablecoins provided by the 0x API.
- Choose modeling parameters, including maximum swap size, trading bias, and profitability.
- Visualize relevant activity and parameters through an interactive dashboard.
The Quant Terminal empowers users to simulate liquidity pools based on real-time data, mitigating the risks often encountered by DeFi participants.
从 0x API 提供的各种区块链、代币和稳定币中进行选择。选择建模参数,包括最大掉期规模、交易偏差和盈利能力。通过交互式仪表板可视化相关活动和参数。量化终端使用户能够模拟基于流动性池的流动性池。实时数据,减轻 DeFi 参与者经常遇到的风险。
Upcoming Releases
Our ongoing development roadmap includes:
- Uniswap V3 refactor for seamless and user-friendly integration.
- Support for GWEI and decimal token representations.
- Implementation of impermanent loss calculations.
- Integration with token contract address archives for seamless 0x API usage.
- Exploration of historical on-chain price data.
- Inclusion of Liquidity Trees, a revolutionary SYS Labs innovation that inspired DeFiPy's creation.
Uniswap V3 重构,实现无缝且用户友好的集成。支持 GWEI 和十进制代币表示形式。实现无常损失计算。与代币合约地址档案集成,实现无缝 0x API 使用。探索历史链上价格数据。纳入流动性树,一项革命性的 SYS Labs 创新,激发了 DeFiPy 的创作灵感。 结论
DeFiPy represents a significant advancement in the realm of DeFi analytics. As the DeFi ecosystem matures, robust and standardized tooling becomes indispensable. DeFiPy fulfills this critical need, empowering researchers, practitioners, and investors with the instruments to rigorously evaluate and safeguard DeFi protocols. By fostering innovation and ensuring the integrity of DeFi systems, DeFiPy contributes to the broader adoption and sustainability of the tokenized economy.
DeFiPy 代表了 DeFi 分析领域的重大进步。随着 DeFi 生态系统的成熟,强大且标准化的工具变得不可或缺。 DeFiPy 满足了这一关键需求,为研究人员、从业者和投资者提供了严格评估和保护 DeFi 协议的工具。通过促进创新并确保 DeFi 系统的完整性,DeFiPy 为代币化经济的更广泛采用和可持续性做出了贡献。
The information provided is not trading advice. kdj.com does not assume any responsibility for any investments made based on the information provided in this article. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and it is highly recommended that you invest with caution after thorough research!
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