Solana (SOL) 是一个集成的开源区块链,其目标是以光速同步全球信息。 Solana 针对延迟和吞吐量进行了优化,但牺牲了一些可验证性。

++, and ChainLink Labs is developing a Rust client called Stardust. These clients will introduce new features, improve performance, and increase the resilience of the Solana network. Both clients are expected to launch in 2025.
++,ChainLink Labs 正在开发一个名为 Stardust 的 Rust 客户端。这些客户将引入新功能、提高性能并增强 Solana 网络的弹性。这两个客户端预计将于 2025 年推出。
Solana Labs also announced a new client initiative at Breakpoint, aiming to create a unified, open-source client that combines the best features from Firedancer and Stardust. This new client will be developed and maintained by the Solana Foundation.
Solana Labs 还在 Breakpoint 上宣布了一项新的客户端计划,旨在创建一个统一的开源客户端,结合 Firedancer 和 Stardust 的最佳功能。这个新客户端将由 Solana 基金会开发和维护。
Solana Performance
Solana’s average block time remained at 0.5 seconds throughout Q3’24, and its average block size increased by 11% QoQ to 1,019 transactions. Solana’s average TPS increased by 11% QoQ to 2,041. At the quarter's end, Solana processed 1.3 billion transactions, a 10% increase QoQ and a 133% increase YoY. At the end of the quarter, Solana’s TPS reached a new all-time high of 2,866.output
Solana 的平均区块时间在 2024 年第三季度保持在 0.5 秒,平均区块大小环比增长 11% 至 1,019 笔交易。 Solana 的平均 TPS 环比增长 11% 至 2,041。截至本季度末,Solana 处理了 13 亿笔交易,环比增长 10%,同比增长 133%。本季度末,Solana 的 TPS 达到 2,866 的历史新高。