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银河集团子公司银河娱乐出版公司的成立预示着视频游戏行业的变革时代的到来。该公司由 AAA Web3 游戏发行商 Loren Roosendaal 领导,旨在通过引入 play-to-own 模式来重新定义游戏,让玩家能够完全拥有游戏内资产。在行业资深人士和专门社区的支持下,银河集团的旗舰项目 Planet Quest 体现了这种创新方法,展示了吸引了超过 300,000 个链接钱包的协作共创过程。
Galactic Group Pioneers the Advent of Web3 Gaming with the Establishment of Galactic Entertainment Publishing
银河集团通过成立银河娱乐出版公司,开创了 Web3 游戏的出现
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Galactic Group, a visionary enterprise headquartered in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, has declared the formation of Galactic Entertainment Publishing, marking a historic milestone in the video game industry. This strategic move signals a bold step towards transforming the gaming landscape, ushering in an era of unparalleled player engagement, ownership, and immersion.
阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜 - 总部位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的一家富有远见的企业银河集团宣布成立银河娱乐出版公司,这标志着视频游戏行业的历史性里程碑。这一战略举措标志着游戏格局的转变迈出了大胆的一步,迎来了一个无与伦比的玩家参与度、所有权和沉浸感的时代。
A Spearhead Led by Industry Luminaries
At the helm of this audacious endeavor stands Loren Roosendaal, the mastermind behind this AAA Web3 game publishing house. A visionary rooted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Roosendaal harbors an unwavering ambition to reshape the gaming industry, elevating Web3 gaming to its zenith.
这一大胆尝试的掌舵人是 Loren Roosendaal,他是这家 AAA Web3 游戏出版社的幕后策划者。 Roosendaal 是一位扎根于阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 的远见卓识者,他怀有重塑游戏行业、将 Web3 游戏提升到顶峰的坚定雄心。
To materialize this vision, Roosendaal has assembled a formidable team of renowned professionals from the gaming and film industries. Among them, Mark Meyers, a pillar of the enterprise, brings an abundance of knowledge and expertise, having previously held the esteemed position of Head of Disney's AAA Studios. Meyers' profound insights will serve as an invaluable asset in guiding Galactic Entertainment Publishing towards its ambitious goals.
为了实现这一愿景,罗森达尔组建了一支由来自游戏和电影行业的知名专业人士组成的强大团队。其中,企业支柱马克·迈耶斯(Mark Meyers)拥有丰富的知识和专业知识,此前曾担任迪士尼 AAA 工作室负责人。迈耶斯深刻的见解将成为引导银河娱乐出版公司实现其宏伟目标的宝贵财富。
Planet Quest: A Game-Changing Web3 Gaming Experience
Planet Quest:改变游戏规则的 Web3 游戏体验
Planet Quest, an immersive project in development since 2022, stands as the inaugural manifestation of Galactic Group's grand vision. This groundbreaking title has already garnered a substantial and dedicated following, with over 300,000 interconnected wallets registered to Planet Quest passport holders, of which over 200,000 boast ownership of one or more Planet Quest NFTs.
Planet Quest 是自 2022 年以来开发的沉浸式项目,是银河集团宏伟愿景的首次体现。这一开创性的游戏已经吸引了大量忠实的追随者,Planet Quest 护照持有人注册了超过 300,000 个互连钱包,其中超过 200,000 个拥有一个或多个 Planet Quest NFT。
The Planet Quest team boasts an impressive pedigree, drawing from the collective expertise of former luminaries from industry giants such as Activision-Blizzard, Epic, Disney, and Warner Bros. Their combined talents have graced countless blockbuster titles, including The Batman, Avengers, and Blade Runner, as well as AAA gaming masterpieces like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Star Wars: Jedi Survivor.
《星球探索》团队拥有令人印象深刻的血统,汲取了动视暴雪、Epic、迪士尼和华纳兄弟等行业巨头前杰出人物的集体专业知识。他们的综合才华为无数大片带来了光彩,包括《蝙蝠侠》、《复仇者联盟》和《复仇者联盟》。 《银翼杀手》,以及《堡垒之夜》、《使命召唤》和《星球大战:绝地幸存者》等 AAA 游戏杰作。
Community-Driven Co-Creation: A Paradigm Shift
Planet Quest differentiates itself through its unparalleled approach to community involvement. In an unprecedented move, over 250,000 enthusiastic fans have actively participated in co-creating the captivating storyline and lore of this Star Wars-inspired franchise. This collaborative process has culminated in a compelling trilogy encompassing books, comics, and an additional game title yet to be unveiled, as reported by VentureBeat.
Planet Quest 以其无与伦比的社区参与方式而脱颖而出。超过 250,000 名热情的粉丝以史无前例的方式积极参与,共同创作了这部受《星球大战》启发的系列电影的迷人故事情节和传说。据 VentureBeat 报道,这一合作过程最终形成了一个引人入胜的三部曲,其中包括书籍、漫画和尚未公布的其他游戏。
Through this novel approach, Planet Quest has fostered an authentic and dedicated community, rewarding its members with exclusive in-game assets in recognition of their contributions and unwavering passion. Chief Creative Officer Jon McCoy reflects on this transformative experience, stating, "While it's true that no initial attempt at something truly innovative is ever perfect, it has been an extraordinary adventure to craft a sci-fi universe alongside our fans in a manner that has never been attempted before."
通过这种新颖的方法,Planet Quest 培育了一个真实而专注的社区,用独家游戏内资产奖励其成员,以表彰他们的贡献和坚定不移的热情。首席创意官乔恩·麦考伊 (Jon McCoy) 回顾了这一变革性的经历,他表示:“虽然真正创新的最初尝试并不完美,但与我们的粉丝一起打造一个科幻宇宙是一次非凡的冒险,以前从未尝试过。”
The Play-to-Own Revolution
At the heart of Galactic Group's vision lies the revolutionary play-to-own model, a concept that harnesses the power of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to empower users with full ownership of their in-game assets, including characters, items, and virtual land. Co-founder Mark Meyers attributes the model's success to the vibrant community that rallies around such projects, remarking, "Involving the community from the outset and rewarding their active participation with valuable in-game assets not only benefits the publishers and developers but also the players themselves, as it reduces marketing expenses, provides developers with invaluable feedback, and ultimately results in superior gaming experiences."
银河集团愿景的核心是革命性的“玩到拥有”模式,这一概念利用区块链技术和不可替代代币(NFT)的力量,使用户能够完全拥有其游戏内资产,包括角色、物品和虚拟土地。联合创始人 Mark Meyers 将这一模式的成功归功于围绕此类项目聚集起来的充满活力的社区,他表示:“从一开始就让社区参与进来,并用有价值的游戏内资产奖励他们的积极参与,这不仅有利于发行商和开发商,也有利于玩家本身,因为它减少了营销费用,为开发者提供了宝贵的反馈,并最终带来卓越的游戏体验。”
Challenging the Conventions of the Free-to-Play Model
Roosendaal recognizes the growing fissures in the dominant free-to-play model prevalent in the gaming industry. Publishers are compelled to invest astronomical sums in advertising campaigns to acquire new players, a financial burden that ultimately trickles down to players in the form of increasingly exorbitant in-game purchases.
"It is astounding to consider that players are collectively investing over $100 billion and countless hours of their leisure time annually to amass in-game items that, ironically, they do not truly own," observes Roosendaal, underscoring the need for a more equitable and consumer-centric approach.
Roosendaal 表示:“令人震惊的是,玩家每年总共投入超过 1000 亿美元和无数个小时的休闲时间来积累游戏内物品,但讽刺的是,这些物品并不是他们真正拥有的。”以消费者为中心的方法。
A Transactional Paradigm Shift
In stark contrast to the often one-sided dynamics of free-to-play games, the play-to-own model fosters a balanced relationship between publishers and players. Galactic Group firmly believes that players should retain ownership of their in-game assets, empowering them to influence the trajectory of the game and ensuring that their investments are duly recognized and respected.
Conclusion: A New Dawn for Web3 Gaming
结论:Web3 游戏的新曙光
With the introduction of Planet Quest and the establishment of Galactic Entertainment Publishing, Galactic Group is poised to usher in a new era of Web3 gaming. This audacious initiative aims to transform the gaming landscape, elevating player participation, ownership, and immersion to unprecedented heights through the innovative application of blockchain technology, the engagement of exceptional talent, and a resolute focus on community engagement.
随着《星球大战》的推出和银河娱乐出版公司的成立,银河集团即将迎来 Web3 游戏的新时代。这项大胆的举措旨在通过区块链技术的创新应用、杰出人才的参与以及对社区参与的坚定关注,改变游戏格局,将玩家的参与度、所有权和沉浸感提升到前所未有的高度。
As the play-to-own model gains traction, the gaming community stands on the cusp of a significant transformation, one that promises to shift the power dynamics in favor of a more fulfilling and equitable experience for all stakeholders.
About Amanda Shinoy
Amanda Shinoy is a highly respected figure in the cryptocurrency space, renowned for her exceptional technical analysis and astute price predictions. Her deep understanding of financial markets, coupled with an MBA in finance, has positioned her as a leading voice in the industry. Shinoy has dedicated herself to promoting financial literacy and empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial world.
阿曼达·希诺伊 (Amanda Shinoy) 是加密货币领域备受尊敬的人物,以其卓越的技术分析和敏锐的价格预测而闻名。她对金融市场的深刻理解,再加上金融MBA学位,使她成为该行业的领军人物。 Shinoy 致力于提高金融知识水平,并赋予个人应对复杂金融世界所需的知识和技能。
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