Fathom Holdings 通过比特币 (BTC) 的重大举措,在重新定义房地产创新方面迈出了重要一步。
Real estate service platform Fathom Holdings has announced plans to include Bitcoin (BTC) in its treasury strategy, with the aim of eventually accepting BTC payments.
房地产服务平台 Fathom Holdings 宣布计划将比特币 (BTC) 纳入其财务策略,目标是最终接受 BTC 支付。
The company, which integrates residential brokerage, mortgage, title, and SaaS offerings for brokerages and agents, filed with the US SEC on January 23, stating that it will allocate up to 50% of its excess cash to purchasing Bitcoin. The allocation is calculated based on estimated six-month operating expenses and may be adjusted based on the company’s operational requirements and prevailing market conditions.
该公司为经纪和代理商提供住宅经纪、抵押贷款、产权和 SaaS 产品,于 1 月 23 日向美国 SEC 提交文件,表示将分配高达 50% 的多余现金用于购买比特币。该分配是根据预计的六个月运营费用计算的,并可能根据公司的运营要求和当前市场状况进行调整。
With this allocation, Fathom Holdings is looking to spend up to half a million dollars on Bitcoin within the next two weeks. The company may also purchase Bitcoin ETF to diversify its financial portfolio. Currently, Fathom Holdings’ treasury consists of only US dollars.
通过这一分配,Fathom Holdings 计划在未来两周内在比特币上花费高达 50 万美元。该公司还可能购买比特币 ETF 以实现金融投资组合多元化。目前,Fathom Holdings 的金库仅包含美元。
“The integration of Bitcoin into commercial and financial strategies has accelerated across financial markets, positioning the coin as both a hedge against inflation and a safeguard against economic and currency risks in the global economy,” said Fathom CFO Joanne Zach.
Fathom 首席财务官乔安妮·扎克 (Joanne Zach) 表示:“比特币在整个金融市场上的商业和金融战略的整合加速,将比特币定位为对冲通胀的工具,以及防范全球经济和货币风险的工具。”
“Our Bitcoin strategy diversifies our treasury holdings, and we believe positions Fathom at the forefront of digital currency transactions in the real estate industry.”
“我们的比特币策略使我们的资金持有多元化,我们相信 Fathom 处于房地产行业数字货币交易的前沿。”