Real estate service platform Fathom Holdings has announced plans to include Bitcoin (BTC) in its treasury strategy, with the aim of eventually accepting BTC payments.
The company, which integrates residential brokerage, mortgage, title, and SaaS offerings for brokerages and agents, filed with the US SEC on January 23, stating that it will allocate up to 50% of its excess cash to purchasing Bitcoin. The allocation is calculated based on estimated six-month operating expenses and may be adjusted based on the company’s operational requirements and prevailing market conditions.
住宅仲介、住宅ローン、権利、仲介業者や代理店向けのSaaSサービスを統合する同社は、1月23日に米国SECに申請書を提出し、余剰現金の最大50%をビットコインの購入に割り当てると述べた。この配分は、推定 6 か月間の営業費用に基づいて計算され、会社の運営要件と一般的な市場状況に基づいて調整される場合があります。
With this allocation, Fathom Holdings is looking to spend up to half a million dollars on Bitcoin within the next two weeks. The company may also purchase Bitcoin ETF to diversify its financial portfolio. Currently, Fathom Holdings’ treasury consists of only US dollars.
“The integration of Bitcoin into commercial and financial strategies has accelerated across financial markets, positioning the coin as both a hedge against inflation and a safeguard against economic and currency risks in the global economy,” said Fathom CFO Joanne Zach.
“Our Bitcoin strategy diversifies our treasury holdings, and we believe positions Fathom at the forefront of digital currency transactions in the real estate industry.”