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成交额(24h): $57.1655B -59.720%
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Coinbase 发起闪电革命,改变比特币交易

2024/04/30 22:01

美国领先的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 推出了对闪电网络的支持,为用户提供一种高效且经济实惠的比特币发送、接收和支付方式。此前,Coinbase 转账发生在链上,导致网络活动高峰期间出现交易延迟和高额费用。闪电网络于 2017 年推出,是建立在比特币区块链上的第 2 层协议,可促进高速、低成本的链下交易。通过与 Lightspark 合作,Coinbase 旨在彻底改变其闪电网络集成,使用户能够轻松且经济高效地在全球范围内转移比特币,与其他支付方式相比,费用显着降低。

Coinbase 发起闪电革命,改变比特币交易

Coinbase Unveils Lightning Network Integration, Revolutionizing Bitcoin Transactions

Coinbase 推出闪电网络集成,彻底改变比特币交易

San Francisco, California - [Date] - Coinbase, the United States' preeminent cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume, heralds a transformative era for its users with the official launch of Lightning Network support. This groundbreaking protocol will empower individuals to conduct bitcoin transactions directly from their Coinbase accounts with unparalleled speed and efficiency.

加利福尼亚州旧金山 - [日期] - 美国交易量卓越的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 正式推出闪电网络支持,为其用户预示着一个变革时代的到来。这一突破性的协议将使个人能够以无与伦比的速度和效率直接从他们的 Coinbase 账户进行比特币交易。

Historically, bitcoin transfers on Coinbase were processed via the primary blockchain, resulting in transaction durations ranging from 10 minutes to two hours. Moreover, during periods of network congestion, exorbitant fees were incurred.

从历史上看,Coinbase 上的比特币转账是通过主区块链处理的,导致交易持续时间从 10 分钟到两个小时不等。此外,在网络拥塞期间,还会产生高昂的费用。

Introduced in 2017, the Lightning Network emerges as a Layer 2 protocol built upon the Bitcoin blockchain. Its primary objective is to mitigate scalability challenges by establishing bidirectional payment channels. These channels facilitate near-instantaneous, low-cost transactions off-chain without immediate settlement on the base layer.

闪电网络于 2017 年推出,作为建立在比特币区块链之上的第 2 层协议而出现。其主要目标是通过建立双向支付渠道来缓解可扩展性挑战。这些渠道促进了近乎即时、低成本的链下交易,无需立即在基础层进行结算。

"As Bitcoin adoption gains momentum, economic freedom expands globally," remarked Viktor Bunin, Coinbase's protocol specialist and Lightning integration lead, in an exclusive interview with The Block. "Our Lightning integration is now live, rendering Bitcoin more accessible and practical worldwide. By partnering with Lightspark, we are offering expedited and cost-effective BTC payments, marking a pivotal milestone for the ecosystem."

Coinbase 协议专家兼闪电网络集成负责人 Viktor Bunin 在接受 The Block 独家采访时表示:“随着比特币采用势头强劲,经济自由度在全球范围内扩大。” “我们的闪电网络集成现已上线,使比特币在全球范围内更容易访问和实用。通过与 Lightspark 合作,我们提供快速且经济高效的 BTC 支付,这标志着生态系统的一个关键里程碑。”

Fees on the Lightning Network comprise a nominal flat rate base fee as low as one satoshi (the smallest unit of bitcoin, equivalent to less than $0.01) and a liquidity provider fee or fee rate calculated as a percentage of the transaction value. Node operators on the network possess the authority to set their fees at varying levels to compensate for safeguarding liquidity.

闪电网络的费用包括低至一聪(比特币的最小单位,相当于不到 0.01 美元)的名义统一费率基本费用和按交易价值百分比计算的流动性提供者费用或费率。网络上的节点运营商有权将费用设定在不同水平,以补偿保障流动性。

Bunin disclosed to The Block a 0.1% processing fee associated with Lightning transactions on Coinbase, applicable exclusively to sends. These transactions should be processed within a few seconds. At launch, Coinbase users will encounter a maximum withdrawal limit of $2,000, translating to a maximum withdrawal fee of $2. While this limit exceeds the average Ethereum Layer 2 transaction fees, it remains below those of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Bunin 向 The Block 透露,与 Coinbase 上的闪电交易相关的 0.1% 的处理费仅适用于发送。这些交易应在几秒钟内处理完毕。推出时,Coinbase 用户将面临 2,000 美元的最高提款限额,即最高提款费用为 2 美元。虽然这个限制超过了以太坊第 2 层的平均交易费用,但它仍然低于比特币区块链的交易费用。

"We selected a conservative limit because, although Lightning supports arbitrarily large BTC sends, the average success rate of payments diminishes as the payment size increases," explained Bunin. "Imposing a lower limit at launch will enhance our users' experience and can be adjusted based on user feedback and as liquidity on the network expands."

“我们选择了一个保守的限制,因为尽管闪电网络支持任意大的 BTC 发送,但随着支付规模的增加,支付的平均成功率会降低,”Bunin 解释道。 “在发布时施加较低的限制将增强我们的用户体验,并且可以根据用户反馈和网络流动性的扩大进行调整。”

In a statement shared with The Block, Coinbase asserted that its Lightning Network integration has slashed the cost of sending bitcoin globally for its users by a factor of 20 in comparison to the average 2% charged on credit card transactions and a fraction of the $30 incurred in wire transfers.

在与 The Block 分享的一份声明中,Coinbase 声称,其闪电网络集成已将用户在全球范围内发送比特币的成本削减了 20 倍,而信用卡交易的平均费用为 2%,仅占 30 美元的一小部分。在电汇中。

While the integration will empower users in supported regions to select between Lightning or the Bitcoin base layer for withdrawals and payments, Coinbase has refrained from specifying the specific regions that will enjoy this support at launch. "The Lightning Network Integration is not yet available in all regions. We are rolling out support on a case-by-case basis," stated Bunin.

虽然集成将使受支持地区的用户能够在闪电网络或比特币基础层之间进行选择以进行提款和支付,但 Coinbase 并未指定在发布时将享受此支持的特定地区。 “闪电网络集成尚未在所有地区提供。我们正在根据具体情况提供支持,”Bunin 表示。

Collaboration with Lightspark


Coinbase has forged a strategic partnership with Lightspark, a Lightning Network infrastructure firm, to facilitate this integration. Lightspark, led by CEO and co-founder David Marcus, boasts a distinguished legacy in the financial technology industry, including leadership roles at PayPal and Meta, where Marcus spearheaded the Diem stablecoin project.

Coinbase 已与闪电网络基础设施公司 Lightspark 建立了战略合作伙伴关系,以促进这一整合。 Lightspark 由首席执行官兼联合创始人 David Marcus 领导,在金融科技行业拥有杰出的遗产,包括在 PayPal 和 Meta 担任领导职务,Marcus 在这两家公司领导了 Diem 稳定币项目。

The selection of Lightspark as Coinbase's integration partner was formally announced on April 3, with Marcus hailing it as another "significant milestone" for Lightning's trajectory.

4 月 3 日正式宣布选择 Lightspark 作为 Coinbase 的集成合作伙伴,Marcus 称赞这是闪电网络发展轨迹的另一个“重要里程碑”。

"Our decision to engage a non-custodial integration partner stems from Lightning's design, which incorporates an optimization component with regard to channel liquidity management and route success rates," Bunin explained to The Block. "It made strategic sense to leverage the expertise of a partner singularly focused on resolving these issues, while Coinbase could prioritize securing our users' assets and enhancing their user experience while employing Lightning."

“我们决定聘请非托管集成合作伙伴源于闪电网络的设计,其中包含了有关渠道流动性管理和路线成功率的优化组件,”Bunin 向 The Block 解释道。 “利用专注于解决这些问题的合作伙伴的专业知识具有战略意义,而 Coinbase 可以在使用闪电网络的同时优先考虑保护用户的资产并增强他们的用户体验。”

Commenting on today's rollout, Marcus expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration with Coinbase: "Partnering with Coinbase to introduce Lightning payments to their customers is a pivotal milestone in our shared objective of delivering practical solutions for Internet payments. Collaborating closely with the Coinbase team has been an exceptional experience, and we are thrilled that hundreds of millions of individuals in hundreds of countries can now execute swift, economical Bitcoin transactions."

在评论今天的推出时,Marcus 表达了他对与 Coinbase 合作的热情:“与 Coinbase 合作向客户推出闪电支付是我们为互联网支付提供实用解决方案的共同目标的一个关键里程碑。与 Coinbase 团队的密切合作这是一次非凡的体验,我们很高兴数百个国家的数亿人现在可以执行快速、经济的比特币交易。”

No Plans for Coinbase Wallet Integration

没有整合 Coinbase 钱包的计划

Bunin confirmed that there are currently no plans to integrate Lightning into Coinbase Wallet (its non-custodial web3 wallet) or any other Coinbase products or services at this juncture. However, the team will diligently monitor the Lightning Network's growth and its adoption among Coinbase customers to inform potential expansion into products such as Coinbase Wallet or its crypto payments service Coinbase Commerce.

Bunin 证实,目前尚无计划将闪电网络集成到 Coinbase 钱包(其非托管 web3 钱包)或任何其他 Coinbase 产品或服务中。然而,该团队将努力监控闪电网络的增长及其在 Coinbase 客户中的采用,以告知 Coinbase 钱包或其加密支付服务 Coinbase Commerce 等产品的潜在扩展。

"While we cannot predict the number of users who will utilize Lightning to transmit BTC, we are encouraged by the traction we have observed for Layer 2s in other ecosystems," continued Bunin. Citing Ethereum, he noted that approximately 35% of ETH sends were conducted via Layer 2 protocols such as Coinbase-incubated Base network. "Usage, adoption, and traction of Layer 2s on Bitcoin and Ethereum are fundamentally different, but we generally anticipate Layer 2 usage to increase over time as users seek cheaper and faster transactions."

Bunin 继续说道:“虽然我们无法预测将使用闪电网络传输 BTC 的用户数量,但我们对其他生态系统中第 2 层的吸引力感到鼓舞。”他引用以太坊为例,指出大约 35% 的 ETH 发送是通过 Coinbase 孵化的 Base 网络等第 2 层协议进行的。 “比特币和以太坊上第 2 层的使用、采用和吸引力有着本质上的不同,但我们普遍预计,随着用户寻求更便宜、更快的交易,第 2 层的使用量会随着时间的推移而增加。”

Genesis of the Integration


In April 2023, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong initially hinted at Coinbase's forthcoming support for the Lightning Network. Subsequently, in September 2023, Coinbase affirmed its intention to integrate the Bitcoin Layer 2, with Armstrong emphasizing that bitcoin is "the most critical asset in crypto" and that the exchange was "delighted to contribute our efforts to facilitating faster/cheaper Bitcoin transactions."

2023 年 4 月,Coinbase 首席执行官布莱恩·阿姆斯特朗 (Brian Armstrong) 最初暗示 Coinbase 即将支持闪电网络。随后,在 2023 年 9 月,Coinbase 确认了整合比特币第 2 层的意图,阿姆斯特朗强调比特币是“加密货币中最重要的资产”,并且该交易所“很高兴为促进更快/更便宜的比特币交易做出贡献”。 ”

Armstrong's remarks culminated a consultation process initiated a month earlier, soliciting feedback on the optimal implementation of Lightning. This process commenced after Armstrong responded to a post from Block CEO Jack Dorsey inquiring, "Why do you perpetually disregard Bitcoin and Lightning? What 'crypto' constitutes a superior money transmission protocol, and why?"

阿姆斯特朗的言论使一个月前启动的咨询流程达到了高潮,征求有关闪电网络最佳实施的反馈意见。这一过程是在阿姆斯特朗回复 Block 首席执行官杰克·多尔西 (Jack Dorsey) 的帖子后开始的,他询问道:“为什么你永远忽视比特币和闪电网络?什么‘加密货币’构成了一种优越的货币传输协议,为什么?”

"We are exploring the best approach to incorporate Lightning. It's not trivial, but I believe it's worth pursuing. I am fully supportive of payments taking off in Bitcoin," Armstrong stated at the time. "I'm not sure why you believe we are disregarding Bitcoin — we have onboarded more people to Bitcoin than probably any other company globally. Let's collaborate to build it."

“我们正在探索整合闪电网络的最佳方法。这并不简单,但我相信它值得追求。我完全支持比特币支付的起飞,”阿姆斯特朗当时表示。 “我不知道为什么你会认为我们忽视了比特币——我们接纳比特币的人数可能比全球任何其他公司都多。让我们合作构建它。”

Coinbase Joins the Lightning Network Vanguard

Coinbase 加入闪电网络先锋

Coinbase joins a growing roster of major crypto exchanges offering Lightning support, including Bitfinex, OKX, Kraken, and Binance. Bitfinex emerged as the first major crypto exchange to embrace Lightning Network support in 2019. OKX followed suit in 2021, while Kraken and Binance completed their integrations in 2022 and July 2023, respectively.

Coinbase 加入了越来越多提供闪电网络支持的主要加密货币交易所行列,其中包括 Bitfinex、OKX、Kraken 和 Binance。 Bitfinex 于 2019 年成为第一个支持闪电网络的主要加密货币交易所。OKX 在 2021 年紧随其后,而 Kraken 和 Binance 分别于 2022 年和 2023 年 7 月完成了整合。

When questioned about Coinbase's extended timeline for integrating the Lightning Network compared to its rivals, Bunin attributed it to a methodical approach involving evaluation of the Layer 2's growth and adoption before implementing support.

当被问及 Coinbase 与竞争对手相比集成闪电网络的时间较长时,布宁将其归因于一种系统方法,包括在实施支持之前评估第 2 层的增长和采用。

"Coinbase's mission is to expand economic freedom globally, and supporting Bitcoin is integral to that endeavor. We examined Lightning support for several years before resolving to add it last year," Bunin explained to The Block. "The primary factors driving our decision were the sustained growth and adoption of Lightning, the increasing maturity of the underlying technology, and our objective to reduce onchain payments to 1 second and 1 cent."

“Coinbase 的使命是在全球范围内扩大经济自由,支持比特币是这一努力不可或缺的一部分。我们对闪电网络的支持进行了几年的研究,然后决定在去年添加它,”Bunin 向 The Block 解释道。 “推动我们做出决定的主要因素是闪电网络的持续增长和采用、基础技术的日益成熟以及我们将链上支付时间缩短至 1 秒 1 美分的目标。”

Beyond integrating Lightning support, Coinbase has invested in multiple projects within the Bitcoin ecosystem through its venture arm, including Casa (a self-custodial storage

除了集成闪电网络支持之外,Coinbase 还通过其风险投资部门投资了比特币生态系统内的多个项目,包括 Casa(一种自我托管存储)




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