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链抽象对于利用链上数据至关重要:Chainbase 联合创始人 Chris Feng

2024/10/27 01:05

区块链行业受到碎片化和缺乏互操作性的困扰。许多领导者和创始人都强调,这些是大规模采用和创新的最大障碍之一。克里斯·冯(Chris Feng)就是其中之一。

链抽象对于利用链上数据至关重要:Chainbase 联合创始人 Chris Feng

Chris Feng, the Co-founder of Chainbase, an omnichain data network provider, says that the value of on-chain data is largely untapped. He estimates that the number of developers exploiting on-chain data is lesser than the number of developers working at major internet companies.

全链数据网络提供商Chainbase的联合创始人Chris Feng表示,链上数据的价值很大程度上尚未开发。他估计,利用链上数据的开发人员数量少于在主要互联网公司工作的开发人员数量。

Chainbase provides a data interoperability layer for blockchains. It is positioned in the market as an ‘infrastructure provider’. Interoperability and fragmentation are the hottest topics in blockchain right now. Does Chainbase have a solution for these issues?

Chainbase 为区块链提供了数据互操作层。它在市场上的定位是“基础设施提供商”。互操作性和碎片化是目前区块链最热门的话题。 Chainbase 有针对这些问题的解决方案吗?

In an insightful conversation with The Coin Republic’s Editor-in-Chief, Varuni Trivedi, Feng highlighted the need for chain abstraction. The former consultant discussed the nuances of data decentralization and explained why AI-crypto integration will be normal in the future.

在与《Coin Republic》主编 Varuni Trivedi 的一次富有洞察力的对话中,Feng 强调了链抽象的必要性。这位前顾问讨论了数据去中心化的细微差别,并解释了为什么人工智能与加密货币的集成将在未来成为常态。

Chain Abstraction is Vital for Exploiting On-chain Data


The blockchain industry is plagued with fragmentation and a lack of interoperability. Numerous leaders and founders have emphasized that these are among the biggest barriers to mass adoption and innovation. Chris Feng is one of those voices.

区块链行业受到碎片化和缺乏互操作性的困扰。许多领导者和创始人都强调,这些是大规模采用和创新的最大障碍之一。克里斯·冯(Chris Feng)就是其中之一。

“The blockchain world has created many silos, too many chains and data islands, fragmented information and complex cross-chain operations hinder the ability to fully realize the value of interconnected information. Therefore, Chain Abstraction is a vital topic,” Feng noted.


Chain abstraction means achieving a high level of interoperability between blockchains. Wallets and decentralized applications (dApps) will work seamlessly (or become accessible) across chains if chain abstraction is achieved. The objective is to make the user’s interaction with the blockchain less daunting. A friendly UX will lead to an increase in adoption.


As per official documentation, Chainbase is focused on enhancing data interoperability. Data interoperability is a fundamental concept that applies to all blockchains. It is the facility that allows different blockchains to receive and transfer data without special arrangements.

根据官方文档,Chainbase 致力于增强数据互操作性。数据互操作性是适用于所有区块链的基本概念。它是允许不同区块链无需特殊安排即可接收和传输数据的设施。

“We need to lower the barrier for extracting value from on-chain data. And we also need to bring more diverse data to the chain to create new possibilities.”


Theia: a Crypto World Model


On August 15th, 2024, Chainbase launched its ‘milestone’ project, Theia. Theia is an AI-powered ‘Crypto World Model’ that interprets on-chain data. The model’s chatbot answers questions about on-chain data. Theia is fed data from Coinmarketcap (whitepapers, official blog posts, and news articles) of the top 2000 projects by market capitalization and credible research reports on these projects.

2024 年 8 月 15 日,Chainbase 启动了其“里程碑”项目 Theia。 Theia 是一个由人工智能驱动的“加密世界模型”,可以解释链上数据。该模型的聊天机器人回答有关链上数据的问题。 Theia 从 Coinmarketcap(白皮书、官方博客文章和新闻文章)获取市值排名前 2000 个项目的数据以及这些项目的可信研究报告。

World Models are alternatives to Large Language Models (LLMs). Feng pointed out that LLMs are useful for human-like interaction but fall short against mathematical questions and transaction queries. This is where World Models shine. World Models are designed to capture knowledge from a world or an environment to simulate that environment. 

世界模型是大型语言模型 (LLM) 的替代方案。冯指出,法学硕士对于类人交互很有用,但在解决数学问题和交易查询方面却有所不足。这就是世界模特的闪光点。世界模型旨在从世界或环境中捕获知识来模拟该环境。

“…world models aim to simulate and understand the external world to perform tasks and make decisions in complex settings,” Feng explained. He added that while world models will act like the user’s digital twin, LLMs are limited to being assistants.


“The key here is to simulate the environment before executing the task. So in a specialized field like crypto, where there is a wealth of domain-specific knowledge not commonly found in social media and where data is not just plain text or images, LLMs can be significantly hindered. LLMs are often limited to task planning without the capability to extend further or make close loop decisions.”


Theia is a one-of-a-kind dedicated blockchain Chatbot. It gathers data on transactions, smart contracts, and NFTs, among other on-chain data assets. Theia is equipped with multiple data analysis tools to help identify patterns. The AI model records and learns from user queries and user feedback.

Theia 是一款独一无二的专用区块链聊天机器人。它收集交易、智能合约和 NFT 以及其他链上数据资产的数据。 Theia 配备了多种数据分析工具来帮助识别模式。人工智能模型记录用户查询和用户反馈并从中学习。

The official full name of the first version is Theia-Llama-3.1-8B; as per Chainbase, Theia-Llama-3.1-8B is fine-tuned from the base model Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct. It was open-sourced on October 11th and developed especially for the crypto sector. 

第一个版本的官方全称是Theia-Llama-3.1-8B;根据 Chainbase,Theia-Llama-3.1-8B 是在基础模型 Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct 的基础上进行微调的。它于 10 月 11 日开源,专为加密货币领域开发。

Notably, Theia-Llama-3.1-8B outperformed leading LLMs such as ChatGPT-4o, Claude-3-Sonet, Gemini-1.5-Pro, and Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct, against Chainbase’s benchmark for Crypto AI models.

值得注意的是,根据 Chainbase 的加密 AI 模型基准,Theia-Llama-3.1-8B 的表现优于 ChatGPT-4o、Claude-3-Sonet、Gemini-1.5-Pro 和 Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct 等领先的 LLM。

Are LLMs Overrated?

LLM 是否被高估了?

LLMs have been among the most lucrative applications of AI in the past three years. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Gemini, Llama, and other models have dominated discussions and even the news from the AI beat. Major flaws in these models have been spotted. Chris explains where these models fall short and how World Models are different.

过去三年来,法学硕士一直是人工智能最赚钱的应用之一。 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT、Gemini、Llama 和其他模型主导了讨论,甚至是 AI 领域的新闻。这些模型的主要缺陷已经被发现。 Chris 解释了这些模型的不足之处以及世界模型的不同之处。

Feng highlights two big challenges that LLMs face. First is the lack of high-quality datasets (on-chain data). “There are a lot of projects in the on-

冯强调了法学硕士面临的两大挑战。首先是缺乏高质量的数据集(链上数据)。 “目前有很多项目




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