Bitget 最近参加了 MEMECON,这是 NFC 2024 的一项重要活动。该活动于 5 月 28 日至 30 日在里斯本 Pavilhão Carlos Lopes 举行。

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitget participated in MEMECON, a meme coin and NFT event held during NFC 2024 in Lisbon. The event, which took place from May 28 to 30 at Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, featured a conference, expo, stage presentations, and a hackathon. It attracted over 5,000 participants and offered keynotes, panel discussions, interactive exhibits, and a hackathon dedicated to meme coins and NFTs.
加密货币交易所 Bitget 参加了 MEMECON,这是 NFC 2024 期间在里斯本举办的模因币和 NFT 活动。该活动于 5 月 28 日至 30 日在 Pavilhão Carlos Lopes 举行,包括会议、博览会、舞台演讲和黑客马拉松。它吸引了 5,000 多名参与者,并提供了主题演讲、小组讨论、互动展览以及专门针对模因币和 NFT 的黑客马拉松。
Bitget’s Chief Operating Officer, Vugar Usi Zade, spoke at the event about the future of cryptocurrency exchanges and strategies for identifying the next big meme coin. He also highlighted Bitget’s support for the community by listing promising tokens quickly and safely on their platform.
Bitget 首席运营官 Vugar Usi Zade 在活动中谈到了加密货币交易所的未来以及识别下一个大模因币的策略。他还强调了 Bitget 对社区的支持,在其平台上快速、安全地列出有前景的代币。
Bitget also sponsored the event’s hackathon, which challenged developers to create innovative solutions in the meme coin space. Participants competed for prizes and the opportunity to have their projects listed on the Bitget exchange. Additionally, Bitget hosted a trading competition, offering winners a trip to Lisbon and a chance to advance their meme coin projects.
Bitget 还赞助了该活动的黑客马拉松,该活动要求开发人员在模因币领域创建创新解决方案。参与者争夺奖品和将其项目在 Bitget 交易所上市的机会。此外,Bitget 还举办了一场交易竞赛,为获胜者提供里斯本之旅以及推进他们的模因币项目的机会。
To celebrate the spirit of MEMECON, Bitget co-hosted an afterparty on May 29 with FOMO Bull Club, BGW, b0rder1ess, and Memecon Degens. The cocktail event provided an opportunity for attendees to network and celebrate the success of MEMECON Lisbon.
为了庆祝 MEMECON 精神,Bitget 于 5 月 29 日与 FOMO Bull Club、BGW、b0rder1ess 和 Memecon Degens 联合举办了一场余兴派对。鸡尾酒会为与会者提供了一个交流和庆祝里斯本 MEMECON 成功的机会。